

Annual General Meeting


Dear Members and Friends of NAIN,

You are cordially invited to our upcoming AGM. It will be Sunday May 1, 2022, at: 8 Atlantic , 7 Eastern, 6 Central, 5 Mountain, and 4 Pacific times.

Membership fees for individuals and organizations have been waived for 2022.

You can join or renew by completing the attached link for EventBrite registration. If you are representing an organization please register using “organization representative”, if you are attending as an individual member of NAIN please use “Individual.” RSVP Here

Donations are always welcome!


A Treasurer's report and 2021 AGM Minutes will be sent out to registrants

Agenda; Here's a taste of what's in store:

Opening Devotion

In Memoriam (Honoring and Devotions for those that have passed.)

Report from Chair Rabbi Alan

Approval of AGM 2021 Minutes

Treasurer's Report

Election of Officers - Chair: Shelton Nalley (Shelton was confirmed as chair elect by the board).


Vice-Chair: Lewis Cardinal

Treasurer: Indra Neel

Stenographer: This position is open so anyone at the AGM can propose a nomination for this role.

Young Adult Chair: Héctor Ferrer (temporary)

Proposed by-law Amendment: According to the current by-laws the NAIN Council will elect a liaison who sits on the board and has voting power. The NAIN Council has voted to have a rotating liaison in order to foster the diffusion of power and create a more inclusive Council.

NAIN Connect 2022/2023: Let’s talk about the possibility of a hybrid connect


There are many opportunities to engage in NAIN and its programs across the continent. With an expanded vision come leadership opportunities. if you are interested in getting involved or have an interest in serving on one of our committees, please let us know.

Best regards

Rabbi Alan, NAIN Board Chair

We would like to thank you for your continued support of NAIN & NAIN’s mission.

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