Dear NPC Family,

"You're not supposed to be there."

That's what I think evertime I see a picture of goats on an extraordinarily steep hillside.  I think that because I know I'm not supposed to be there.  I would slip.  I would fall.  But of course, I'm not a goat, so I could never display the serenity, the calm that a goat displays because it is in its natural habitat. It is supposed to be there.

The idea of wrestling with anger, sadness, fear, conflict, brokenness, weakness, and failure is initially unappealing.  I don't wish it on myself or anyone else.  It seems unnaturally dangerous, and steep terrain for such creatures as ourselves.  If you saw me wrestling like that, you might be tempted to say, "You're not supposed to be there."

But unless we wrestle with these things, we are only protecting ourselves from God, others, and ourselves; not engaging with them. Unless we wrestle, we are refusing to grow up. We can be Christian for decades, yet remain an emotional infant.

But this kind of wrestling, this rough terrain is our natural habitat as people of the risen Christ.  Yes, it's hard, but the more we find out who God really is, and who we really are, we say, "This is exactly where I'm supposed to be."

Join us for our first message in our new series on Growing Up.

Look forward to seeing you!

Jessica and Chris
The weekly bulletin is now online ... go to our NPC website
Hope you had a great Easter! He is risen! 
Our prayer for our church is that we will experience the peace, joy and love of the Risen Christ. One of the best ways to do this is to set aside a small amount of time to spend with the Lord each day. Studies have shown people who pray are more joyful, thankful, peaceful and resilient! 
We are looking forward to walking with you in our 40 days of prayer together and our new sermon series “Growing Up: maturing spiritually and emotionally in Christ,” which starts next week. We are doing the devotional “Day by Day together” and have given out copies (if you didn’t get one- let us know and we would be happy to get you a copy).
Here are a couple things that can help as you join us in prayer. First pick two times you have 5 minutes- and set an alarm on your phone to remind you maybe in the morning. at noon or at night. It takes awhile to form a habit so be consistent and soon you won’t even have to remember. Look forward to joining you in prayer!
Pastors Jessica and Chris 
“Trail of 100 Giants”
June 18th 2022
Meet at church at 7:00 am
Leave the church at 8:00 am
Back by 5:00 pm

Lunch will be provided
Please bring your own snacks and your own water.
New Church Office Hours are Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Copyright © 2022 Northminster Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.

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