April 22 marks the 52nd Earth Day celebration. It’s an opportunity for us all to consider our role in implementing creative and innovative ways to protect our planet.
For the Mobility Authority, that means environmental stewardship is at the core of everything we do. Charged with improving the transportation system in Travis and Williamson counties, the Mobility Authority believes that sustainability is an integral part of the of the community-focused and innovative mobility solutions we deliver.
Since the agency’s inception, the Mobility Authority has continued to raise the bar on what it means to be "Green" in the transportation industry.
Multimodal Mobility: With more than 70 miles of shared use paths or sidewalks in place or planned, the Mobility Authority has significantly expanded multimodal transportation across our region. We work to enhance the experience for all who use our facilities, no matter how you travel. Learn more about what all our trail system has to offer.
TreeFolks Partnership: From 2016 to 2020, the Mobility Authority partnered with TreeFolks to preserve and expand the urban tree canopy here in Central Texas and along our project corridors. Through this partnership we’ve sponsored dozens of educational classes, workshops, tree planting events and tree giveaways, and installed two irrigation systems at local elementary schools. Together we have planted 10,000 trees – to put that into perspective, a typical community forest that size will retain roughly 10 million gallons of rainwater per year. Learn more about how these planting efforts have helped our community.
Environmental Champion: The Mobility Authority was honored to be the recipient of the 18th Annual Austin Chamber of Commerce Brookfield Residential Environmental Champion Award for our investment in sustainability, innovation, and leadership in the transportation industry, most notably on the 45SW Toll Road. From conception through design and construction of the roadway, the Mobility Authority used Best Management Practices (BMPs) meant to protect the sensitive Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone by managing quantity and improving the quality of stormwater runoff. Both the 45SW Toll Road and the MoPac Express Lane were constructed using permeable friction course pavement. This paving approach incorporates a porous roadway surface that provides filtration of stormwater runoff, glare reduction, and other benefits such as noise reduction that have proven effective.
Transit Partnership: In order to achieve long-term congestion relief, we work with our regional partners to incentivize changes in commuting habits by managing traffic demand. The Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (CapMetro) buses and registered vanpools receive toll-free access to all Mobility Authority toll facilities, helping incentivize the use of transit. The Mobility Authority has also partnered with the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) on various initiatives, most recently through an interlocal agreement providing $2 million in funding for construction of the Richard A. Moya Eastside Bus Plaza.
183 Toll Road: With every project, we’re furthering our commitment to protect the environment and our commitment to working with the community to ensure that project design is reflective of community values and aesthetic preferences. The sustainable measures incorporated into the agency’s 183 South Project have resulted in less light pollution, reduced emissions, and greater aesthetics. The project also delivered major investments in east Austin, including $25M worth of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and the restoration of the nationally recognized historic Montopolis Bridge, which has been decommissioned from vehicular use and preserved for bicycle and pedestrian recreation and travel.