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Monthly Members' Newsletter
For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics in relation to policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.
For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. We would be nothing without you! This April, in addition to our usual research spotlights and news, we're excited to share reflections on 'all things maritime'. This is the first time we have had a maritime theme and we hope you enjoy what we've learnt from you all.
Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, and events from our members...
Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!
This month's theme of 'all things maritime' is new for the Defence Research Network! Throughout the past 6 years of the DRN we have focused on themes that have been key areas of research for the membership and the committee. Focusing on 'All Things Maritime' is not only our way of exploring a new area of research, it is also a poignant time to reflect and better understand an important Maritime operation - the Falklands/Malvinas war.
As many of you will know 2022 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Falklands/Malvinas war. The conflict saw 649 Argentinian, and 255 British Armed forces personnel killed, in the short space of just 74 days. The Falklands/Malvinas war is commonly understood as a conventional war, deploying naval ships, ground forces and aerial attacks. A large part of the conflict played out on the numerous ships that formed the British Task Force, setting sail for the southern hemisphere.
Throughout this edition of the DRN newsletter we explore diverse ways of understanding and making sense of the Falklands/Malvinas war. From the Minefield documentary that explores both Argentinian and British perspectives of the war, to PhD research that focusses on southern hemisphere geopolitics. Alongside the Falklands/Malvinas war, this issue focuses on other Maritime research areas such as pirate groups, and first hand accounts of life in the Royal Navy!
We hope you enjoy this step into the unknown with the 'all things maritime' theme! Also be sure to check out our events and opportunities sections!! There are lots of things to get involved with!
Hannah West and Jemma Humphries
Co-Chairs of the Defence Research Network
In the News...
Edited by Tamiris Santos & Lucie Pebay
We thought we'd bring you a bit of a global flavour in this month's news to reflect our expanding international committee...
Researcher spotlight
Edited by Tamiris Santos
We are delighted to be sharing with you the profiles of three early career researchers whose work relates to this month's theme. Next month we will be focussing our researcher spotlight on anyone currently serving and studying for a Masters or PhD so do get in touch and let us know about you and your work.
Dr James W.E. Smith
Dr James W.E. Smith is a postdoctoral research candidate in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. His historically-led PhD research focused on the relationship between statecraft, the higher organisation of defence, national strategy and strategic theory. The research has developed new history of the creation of the Ministry of Defence and US Department of Defense with particular emphasis on maritime strategy. His current focus centres on publishing his PhD research and various other projects such as wargaming as he helped found the King’s Wargaming Network and strategic space theory. Throughout his work, the influence and methodology of historian and maritime strategist Sir Julian Corbett (1854-1922) is predominant.
Twitter: @james_we_smith
Web: Dr James W E Smith (
LinkedIn: James W.E. Smith | LinkedIn
Dr Matthijs Ooms
Dr Matthijs Ooms is a PhD researcher and naval officer at the Netherlands Defence Academy. According to him, the protection of maritime trade has always been a core element of maritime strategy and a fundamental task of navies worldwide, but the focus on this subject and the relationship between naval forces and merchant mariners have waxed and waned over time. In classical naval theory, trade protection was intensely debated. Opposing schools of thought held different opinions on the importance of the issue and the best method of protection. Experiences in WWI and WWII validated the significance of merchant shipping and the relevance of traditional defensive methods such as convoying.
His research explores Dutch and NATO plans for the protection of commercial shipping during the Cold War (1946-1991). While his study is historical in nature, the relevance of the subject for future conflict cannot be overstated. In the current globalised world, a maritime conflict between great powers will affect commercial shipping. As he argues in his article ‘It’s a navy’s job, only no navy can do it!’, Western navies are ill prepared for trade protection on a grand scale. Therefore, Dr Ooms believes that it’s time to relearn the lessons that in past conflicts were provided at heavy cost in lives and resources.
All things maritime
Edited by Tamiris Santos
This section highlights some recently published reports, articles and research relating to this month's theme, including some research databases and recommended websites from our Twitter hour. Thanks to everyone who has been in touch to share their work, especially research with us on this theme. It is the first time we have had a maritime theme, and it has been wonderful to hear from so many new researchers. Here is a round-up!

April marks the Falklands war anniversary. Behind every uniform, there are people, a whole universe of views and experiences, whose lives were shaped by this armed conflict. That is the purpose of Minefield, a documentary produced in 2016 that portrays Argentinian and British veterans points of view. We'd like to invite you to check the news for further info.
Royal Museums Greenwich
More than 500 years of maritime life and history just some clicks away at the Royal Museums Greenwich research and collections section. An extensive collection of art, objects and archives is available at the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre and at the Collections database. Last but not least, it is worth taking closer look at the Caird library, the world's largest maritime library.
Safe Seas Research Network
A non-profit association registered in Denmark, Safe Seas is a research network focused on maritime security and ocean governance, particularly blue crimes, maritime security governance, naval operations and capacity building. Check out more info at their website.
CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative
This initiative was performed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), gathering updated information and analysis about maritime security issues in Asia. Check out all the features, such as maps, analysis and much more at the website.
The British Commission for Maritime History
BCMH is a branch of the International Commission for Maritime History, founded in 1965. It aims to enhance maritime history, connecting anyone who shares an interest in the theme, promoting awards to undergraduates, MA and PhD students, as well as seminar series at King's College London. Further information about resources, courses, events, publications and activities at the website.
In conversation with...
Edited by Tamiris Santos & Hannah West
Dr Matt Benwell, Newcastle University

DRN: How did you got into researching the Falklands?
Dr Benwell: As a child and teenager, I can remember our family having a large map of the world on the kitchen wall and the place where I always sat was next to the continent of South America. I always found it curious that there were these islands called the Falklands that, the map told me, belonged to the UK. I think my fascination with the islands started there and was fuelled further by a module I took when studying Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London, convened by Professor Klaus Dodds. This focused on the 'Geopolitics of the Southern Cone and Antarctica' and his inspirational lectures on, among other topics, dictatorial regimes in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil, polar geopolitics and the Falklands/Malvinas War were fundamental in leading me to investigating the Falklands in my research.
DRN: How was your work on the Falklands funded?
Dr Benwell: My original PhD proposal, funded by the ESRC 1+3 scheme, was set to look at how young people learn about and engage memories of the dictatorship (1976-83) in Argentina, however, I wasn't able to devote time to learning Spanish during my MA and so had revise my project. I eventually undertook the research for my PhD in Cape Town, South Africa, on children's geographies and the legacies of apartheid. However, I realised that my regional interest in South America was still strong and a few years post-PhD I decided to leave academia and head to Buenos Aires to study Spanish intensively for a year. This self-funded trip enabled me to undertake some pilot studies and publish a couple of papers on maritime claims in the South Atlantic and young people's perspectives on the Falklands/Malvinas. A few years later I was very fortunate to receive an Early Career Fellowship, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, that enabled me to undertake a project on, 'The making of the geopolitical citizen: the case of the Falklands/Malvinas'. This facilitated research trips to different cities across Argentina and two trips to the Falkland Islands. I've subsequently published several papers looking at how young people in Argentina and the Falklands learn about the sovereignty dispute and memory of the 1982 war.
DRN: What was it like co-publishing in another language?
Dr Benwell: It has been really fun to co-publish with colleagues in Argentina and Chile. The way we've approached this is by developing ideas together, having long discussions in Spanish about concepts, theory and the contributions we'd like to make drawn from our research. Then, I tend to take the lead on papers in English that we co-publish, and my Argentine/Chilean colleagues take the lead on the Spanish papers. This is partly a strategic decision given the extended time it would take for me to write a paper in Spanish from scratch and vice versa. Occasionally, we translate some of the English papers that we've published together into Spanish using professional academic translators. This is to try and reach as wide an audience as possible throughout Latin America.
DRN: Are you involved in any work reflecting on the 40th anniversary of the Falklands?
Dr Benwell: This year is a particularly busy one with the 40th anniversary of the Falklands/Malvinas War. My primary activity in relation to the anniversary is the co-organisation of the Falklands Forty Schools Competition with Professor Catriona Pennell (University of Exeter), Dr Alasdair Pinkerton (Royal Holloway, London) and the Falkland Islands Government Office in London. The competition asks young people in the UK (aged 16-18) to creatively consider what the Falklands mean to them and will see eight entrants win an all-expenses trip to the Falkland Islands. The project came about because we wanted to discover more about what young people in the UK know and think about the Falkland Islands at this important historical juncture. Aside from that, I've been involved in a dialogue with Falkland Islanders and academics recently published in The Round Table (part of a larger special section on the Falkland Islands - 40 years on) and have a paper forthcoming in the Journal of War and Culture Studies focusing on memory of 1982 and how it is negotiated through diplomatic practices and performances. I also published a more public-facing piece for The Conversation looking at why, 40 years on, the Falklands/Malvinas continue to resonate so strongly in public and political life in Argentina. The Conversation can be a useful platform to consider if you'd like to disseminate opinion pieces on topical events beyond an exclusively academic audience.
Prof Brandon C. Prins, University of Tennessee

DRN: How did you come to studying maritime piracy?
Dr Prins: The attention given to the Maersk Alabama incident and the subsequent rescue of the ship and its crew by the USN guided missile Destroyer USS Bainbridge drew my attention to maritime piracy. Significant theoretical and empirical attention by scholars was being given to non-state groups after 9/11, such as terrorists and rebels. But few social scientists were looking at pirates. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to collect data and explore the conditions associated with pirate attacks.
DRN: What are the challenges of researching pirate groups?
Dr Prins: Studying pirate groups remains difficult and dangerous. In fact, most of the research I do doesn’t directly examine pirate groups, but rather I examine when and where pirate attacks occur to see whether obvious hotspots emerge. Then, I try to understand the regional and local conditions that influence the rate of maritime piracy in given areas and how this piracy evolves over space and time. Really interesting research has been done on Somali pirate groups and some on groups located in the Gulf of Guinea. But a lot of maritime piracy is strictly opportunistic, mostly petty theft, and doesn’t involve an organized, hierarchical group structure. There is definitely an opportunity to do work on pirate groups, perhaps similar to work on rebel and terrorist groups. Still, while terrorists and rebels need to negotiate with regime leaders, criminals generally prefer to stay covert so as to avoid triggering state action.
DRN: How have you found working on a research project with a large multinational team?
Dr Prins: Our international research team has been an absolute joy to work with. We have two partners in Indonesia, one in the Riau Islands and another in Jakarta. Both have helped collect data on efforts by the Indonesian government to combat maritime piracy as well as identify a number of maritime territorial disputes among countries in the region that affect collaborative counter-piracy operations. Our research has been more insightful, detailed, and policy relevant because of our Indonesian partners. But, there are obstacles. The research project is funded by the US Office of Naval Research through the Minerva Initiative. At times, compensating our Indonesian partners has not been easy.
For further information on Dr Prins research on maritime piracy, check out his publications on the following links:
- (2022) “Maritime Piracy and Foreign Policy.” Oxford University Handbook of Foreign Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. With Aaron Gold, Anup Phayal, and Ursula Daxecker.
- Pirate Lands: Governance and Maritime Piracy (with Ursula Daxecker). 2021. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (2021) “Fights Over Maritime Boundaries are Creating Safe Zones for Pirates.” The MonkeyCage, Washington Post, August 5, 2021. With Anup Phayal and Aaron Gold.
- (2021). “How History Predicts COVID-19’s Impact on Maritime Piracy, and What America Can do to Help.” Homeland Security Today, February 13, 2021. With Anup Phayal and Aaron Gold. Republished in Dryad Global, February 18, 2021.
- (2020) “Capacity Building must be a Focus as Sea-piracy Expands.” Maritime Executive, September 19, 2020.
- (2020) “Global Sea Piracy Ticks Upward and the Coronavirus May Make it Worse.” The Conversation, May 5, 2020.
- (2019) “Fueling Rebellion: Maritime Piracy and the Duration of Civil War.” With Anup Phayal and Ursula Daxecker. Forthcoming in International Area Studies Review.
- (2017) “Financing Rebellion: Piracy as a Rebel Group Funding Strategy.” With Ursula Daxecker. Special issue of Journal of Peace Research on forecasting. 54(2): 215-230.
- (2017) Enforcing Order: Territorial Reach and Maritime Piracy.” With Ursula Daxecker. Conflict Management and Peace Science 34(4): 359-379.
Prof Érico Duarte, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

DRN: How did you get involved with the studies of Maritime Security?
Dr Duarte: My interest in maritime security studies took place between 2010 and 2013, when Brazil attempted to revitalize the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (ZOPACAS) forum and launched new acquisition and development programs for the Brazilian Navy, such as the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB) and the Blue Amazon Management System (SisGAAz).
Since then, I conducted three research projects on the subject, one of them being inter-institutional cooperation on defense (Pro-Defesa) with funding from the Ministry of Defense and in collaboration with the Brazilian Naval War College. In parallel, I worked as a professor and researcher in institutions in Europe and Africa focusing on that theme. In 2013, I was invited to hold the Rui Barbosa Chair at Leiden University to lecture on Brazilian security issues and its interests and policies for the South Atlantic. In 2015, I was a visiting researcher at the Institute for Peace and Security Policy Studies at the University of Hamburg to conduct research on European Union and European countries' maritime security agendas for the South Atlantic. In 2016, I was a visiting researcher at the Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies at King's College London. Finally, between 2016 and 2020, I worked as a collaborating professor at the Joaquim Chissano University in Mozambique, contributing to research and publications on maritime security, with a focus on actions for the protection of the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Indian Ocean.
DRN: What was your motivation to focus on the Global South region and Falklands?
Dr Duarte: As part of my assignments in the Pro-Defense research network, I was commissioned to organize a book on maritime security in the South Atlantic with contributors from the Global South. The development of this network was so great that it produced two books, published by Palgrave Macmillan, with chapters on maritime security topics that cut across the South Atlantic, as well as more narrowly focused issues of national interest to Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, and South Africa. In these two books, the Falklands issue came up several times because of its resurgence during Cristina Kirchner's administration. This interest of mine has strengthened with the gradual access to the British and Argentine archives of the war since 2012. Finally, my interest in the Falklands War was because it was the last major war at sea and because it was a clear case of limited war, which has been one of my main research agendas today.
DRN: Considering the contemporary international scenario, which regions do you think deserve closer attention for potential conflicts involving maritime operations?
Dr Duarte: I think the various conflicts around the Straits of Malacca will reignite with the international polarization since the trade war between China and the United States during the Trump administration and now even more so with the Ukrainian-Russian war. The countries of the Southeast Asian region, in the coming years, will be pressured to take positions and alignments more clearly against or in favor of the United States and West, which will further strain the complex network of interdependencies and unresolved historical issues of the countries around the straits as well as those countries that crucially depend on them such as China, Japan, Australia, and South Korea for access to their markets. Moreover, piracy and other maritime crimes have escalated again in the region, which may denote a reduction of instances of cooperation and become additional variables of tension that may justify disputes and rivalries.
For further information on Dr Duarte research on maritime operations, check out his publications below:
- The Falklands/Malvinas War in the South Atlantic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Maritime Security Challenges in the South Atlantic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (co-edited with Manuel Correia de Barros).
- Navies and Maritime Policies in the South Atlantic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (co-edited with Manuel Correia de Barros).
Peer-reviewed articles
- The Falklands War and the Soviet Involvement: Perceptions and Implications for Argentina, United Kingdom, and the United States. Pasado Abierto, 2022 (forthcoming)
- The Ends and Naval Means in the Context of the Exclusive Economic Zone. Brazilian Journal of Defense Studies, v. 6, nº 2, p. 39-61, 2019, (co-author Gustavo Moura)
- Contesting Perspectives on South Atlantic Maritime Security Governance: Brazil and South Africa. South African Journal of International Affairs, v. 26, nº.3, p. 395-412, 2019, (co-author Kai Michael Kenkel).
- Brazil, the Blue Economy and the Maritime Security of the South Atlantic. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, v. 12, nº 1, p. 97-111, 2016.
- Drugs, Piracy and Sovereignty: Brazil, United States and European Union’s Security Perspectives for South Atlantic. S&F Sicherheit und Frieden, v. 34, p. 185-190, 2016.
- Approaches to Maritime Security in the Atlantic. Dunkwürdigkeiten: Journal der Politisch- Militärischen Gesellschaft. n°83, 9-11, 2013
Book chapters
- Maritime Security in the South Atlantic. In: Ruxandra-Laura Boşilcă, Susana Ferreira and Barry J. Ryan (ed.). Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security, 2022.
- Elementos Conceituais para Gestão da Segurança Marítima. In: Emílio Zeca. (Org.). Segurança Marítima, Governação Oceânica e Desafios Estratégicos para a Defesa e Segurança Nacional. 1ed.Maputo: TCP Editora, 2020, v. , p. 10-24. (with Gustavo Moura)
- Securing the South Atlantic: in Favour of a Revised Brazilian Maritime Strategy. In: Brooke Smith-Windsor. (ed.). Enduring NATO, Rising Brazil. Rome: NATO Defence College, 2015.
- International Cooperation for Ensuring the Safety of Brazil's Land and Maritime Boundaries. In: Felix Dane. (ed.). Multilateral Security Governance. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, 2014.
- Global Port Security and its Possible Reflections in Brazil. In: Carlos Arturi. (ed.). Políticas de Defesa, Inteligência e Segurança. Porto Alegre: Ed. UFRGS, 2014. (co-author Heitor Bonato).
Studying whilst serving
Edited by Tamiris Santos & Hannah West
The Defence Research Network has always been well supported by the veteran scholar community (not least amongst our committee over the years) and have found ourselves well positioned to connect civilian and veteran scholars and share their respective advantages in terms of helping the former negotiate access and supporting the latter to find their feet in academia. We increasingly hear from those who are serving and studying for a Masters or PhD and want to extend our support to this community. We are grateful to all those who responded to our call to share their reflections on serving and studying and here is what they had to say…
Dr Mark Barton - Marine Engineer Officer in the Royal Navy and PhD in War Studies at King's College London
Although I am a Marine Engineer Officer in the Royal Navy, it is the why something is like that rather than practical taking it to bits, that has always been my driver. My sport was fencing and naval swords are a feature of our uniform and so early in my career I sought to understand why certain myths had grown. This led to co-authoring a book on naval swords. As a warning this was of course very niche and despite selling all the hard copies it did not make much money. When preparing for my next book project various people said "that sounds like a PhD thesis". While doing my Masters on the Advanced Command and Staff Course, it was arranged for me to talk to Professor Andrew Lambert at KCL, one of Britain's leading naval historians. He equally said the project was a PhD thesis and that he would be my supervisor.
My first two years were sponsored by the RN but a year into that I was deployed to a sea appointment and had to put the PhD on hold, returning ashore I no longer had enough time in my career to do the necessary return of Service and so my final three years were funded using my ELCs. This certainly put a time pressure on to ensure I completed. The other benefit I took from the Service was the use of the short sabbatical where under the flexible service rules you can trade six weeks leave for ten weeks once in your career. I used this to complete the first draft of my full thesis.
Last summer I successfully passed my viva and gained my PhD in War Studies, the thesis was titled The Patriotic Fund at Lloyd's, a covenant between the City and the Armed Forces. The RN has certainly made use of the PhD by getting me to write various books from Fighting Instructions - Maritime Engineering to a History of the Engineering Branch and I have just completed for them a History of Dockyards and Bases of the Royal Navy, I have also been tasked to provide various articles for internal publications. It was also made use of for my final appointment in the Service where I have been Director of the Royal Naval Division at the Staff College at Shrivenham.
My advice to anyone considering doing a phd while in the Service, is make sure it is something you really want to study, you are going to spend years of weekends and leave working on it, it has to interest you. Also make sure you know where the material is that you are going to use to enable you to provide original research and work out how and where it will fit into a department and their programme of study. The subject area remained a passion for me and indeed I am now completing my career and will be largely continuing to research and study, that has been helped by my wife also studying throughout.
MsC Nick Schofield - Wing Warrant Officer in the Royal Artillery and PhD Student at Chichester University
I am WO2 Nick Schofield of 4th Regiment Royal Artillery in Topcliffe where I am employed as the Training Wing Warrant Officer. I have recently finished my MSc in Strength and Conditioning at St Marys University in Twickenham.
I really enjoy exercise science and this is the reason I have studied this area. I have developed my critical thinking, data analysis and writing skills during my postgraduate degree. My studies have also helped me to prepare for Commission process, which I plan to start this year. The most difficult things I found studying a Master’s Degree, was the level of writing required. I found this was an increase in difficulty from my Batchelor’s Degree.
I also found that studying whilst serving very difficult. I was lucky to have a supportive Chain of Command who afforded me personal time to write my thesis in my final year. My top tip to studying whilst serving is to be organised, plan your study time over your year and around commitments such as exercises and operational tours. During my time I conducted a UN peace support operational tour in Cyprus.
I have just started my PhD in April with Chichester University, investigating if fatigue alters kinematics and kinetics during a loaded sprint using increasing loads. I am looking forward to the challenges this next stage will offer.
Dr Rupert Burridge - Lieutenant Colonel and PhD in International Relations at Oxford University
I undertook a MSc in International Relations Theory at the LSE under the Higher Defence Studies Programme, 2012-13. I won the place, which I took up immediately after sub-unit command, primarily on the basis of having completed a BA in International Studies with the OU, which I managed over a five year period which included tours in Iraq, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone. On the basis of a good result on the MSc I then undertook a part-time MSt in International Relations at Cambridge, which is essentially the one-year MPhil spread over two years. I was, I think, the first British officer to undertake the MSt; notably, there were five serving US personnel on my course. The MSt coincided with the end of my Regular service, my combined education enabling me to commence a DPhil (PhD) in International Relations at Oxford during my resettlement. This, following a visiting period at Columbia University and research in Oxford, New York, Prague and Kiev, gave me the title 'Dr' in 2019.
Some reflections on all of this. Rather than 'cleverness' the primary requirement is application, the ability to work steadily and logically week after week, month after month. I never worked after 2130, but I did work some hours almost every day for a decade. Be prepared to have all of your preconceptions knocked down and to be taught to think in ways quite alien to formal military education. If you are really serious about international relations and are considering a PhD, the Theory course at the LSE is second to none. The MSt is in many ways good but the first year requires probably more time than most can give to do it justice. At my time in-service education was something of a career barrier (a 'lost' reporting year) and there was never any interest in matching my education with future posts. I hope this has changed now.
My thesis acknowledgement commences as follows: "Of the many lessons the production of a thesis offers, an abject one is humility. This pertains in two interconnected ways: a more informed understanding of how little one actually knows and the generosity of others in assisting one to address this." This applies. In-service education requires commitment, but for the dedicated the rewards are well worthwhile. There is considerable pleasure in telling the fellows 'in Hall' that you graduated from the OU!
Amy Hill - Flight Lieutenant and Master Student at Bath University
I am an RAF Physiotherapist by profession, but after supporting troops deployed on Humanitarian operations, Op TRENTON, Op GRITROCK as a Medical Support Officer, I was keen to explore another career path in the Humanitarian sector. When approaching a career turn, I decided to leave Physiotherapy and join the RAF Mountain Rescue Service as the Support Flight Commander. The RAF Mountain Rescue Service primarily supports UK Resilience rather than international humanitarian operations, but when deployed still faces similar challenges when working with emergency services on rescue operations. Alongside this change, I applied and was granted an opportunity to study a Part Time MSc at Bath University in Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development. Now in my second year with only the dissertation remaining, I am on the finishing straight for completing the MSc. I hope that my degree and experience working in Human Security will support a future career within the Defence or civil service humanitarian sector.
The past two years have been very challenging balancing both primary role and personal life with the MSc, requiring discipline and commitment to studying during any available free time. As with any highly deployable military capability requiring a readiness operational state, the RAF Mountain Rescue Service requires its personnel to be flexible, balancing personal commitments with the operational readiness of 1 hour Notice to Move, 365 days a year. Most students, even those juggling busy primary roles, do not have to contend or understand these limitations and it can be challenging to convey to those in academic support roles who have never experienced it. For me, advance planning and avoiding last minute submissions has been critical to my ability to submit good assignments on time, reducing the impact of operations. Equally though, the past two years has taught me the importance of quality rest and recovery both mentally and physically from work and study to maximise performance. On reflection, I strongly advise that neither of these should be underestimated by anyone looking to undertake Part Time study with a busy day job and wish others going through equal challenges the best of luck in their studies!
Edited by André Carvalho
ITSS Verona Summer School 2022
Deadline for registrations: June 7th, 2022
The ITSS Summer School will help you build your future as an expert in international Security. They excel on innovative thinking by providing reliable knowledge and content. Their professors are scholars from all corners of the globe, with firsthand experience that challenges and innovates the dominant discourse on Security. The summer scholl will tackle themes such as terrorism, grand strategy of the US and China, the reemergence of the Greater Middle East, the reality of modern Iran, the evolution of modern conflict and human rights, and the future of the cyber domain. All modules focus on practical examples, live interviews, and debates to make everything as interactive and stimulating as possible. More details and how to apply here.
Event: Navigating Conferences
To be held on Zoom, May 4th, Wednesday
Thinking about applying for a conference but don’t know where to start?
Come along for an informal Q&A and some handy hints and tips on navigating conferences: from finding out what conferences are on, to writing an abstract, to overcoming presentation nerves. It will also be an excellent opportunity to chat about the BISA 2022 Conference - for those who've been accepted to present in Newcastle this June, or if you are thinking of applying to doing so next year - with this year's organisers! Register here.

Events at King's College London
Falklands 40: War and Defence Studies' perspectives in the 21st century
3 May 2022, 12:30 to 17:00
King’s College London School of Security Studies marks forty years since the Falklands War in 1982. This special online event draws together King’s expertise across War and Defence Studies, welcoming veterans, academics, serving military and researchers to discuss various aspects and new research related to the war between Britain and Argentina in 1982. More details and registration here.
Corbett 100 Conference
25 May 2022, 09:30 to 26 May 2022, 17:00
The Corbett 100 Conference at King’s College London brings together international scholars, serving and retired military personnel and policy makers to mark the centenary of the death of Sir Julian Corbett. The conference explores the life of Sir Julian and his scholarship on maritime strategy and naval history. The conference will discuss his enduring relevance to contemporary strategy, strategic studies and defence policy and why he remains one of the ‘great’ strategic theorists amongst contemporaries such as Carl Von Clausewitz. Details here.
What does history teach us about the future of warfare?
11 May 2022, 18:00 - 19:30 BST
The last War Studies at 60 Seminar reflects on the vast reservoir of knowledge and experience provided by the history of war. Register here.

Last but not least, an upcoming DRN event!
Masters students,
Keep an eye out for an announcement on our Twitter page as we will provide details shortly on our upcoming online event!
This event, to be held at midday GMT on 11 May, will be the first one in a series of events that will focus on the PhD journey. We will discuss and give you advice on what you may need to consider before starting a PhD.
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!
Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by André Carvalho

KCL Intelligence & Security Group – Polly Corrigan Book Prize
Deadline: May 1st, Sunday
The Polly Corrigan Book Prize is an annual award sponsored by The King’s Intelligence and Security Group, Intelligence and National Security (INS, Taylor & Francis), and the Women in Intelligence Network (WIN). It was set up to honour the life and work of the late Polly Corrigan, former journalist, PhD candidate, and teaching assistant at King’s College London, whose research focused on the Great Terror in 1930s Soviet Union and Ukraine. The Prize aims to recognise scholarship within the realm of intelligence and security, written by female scholars and/or about women. It encourages scholars to go beyond traditional lines of inquiry and explore how women contributed to and participated in the making of the ‘Secret World’. The Polly Corrigan Book Prize committee comprises representatives of King’s Intelligence and Security Group INS, WIN, and Polly’s mother, Jane Feinmann, a freelance journalist. The Committee will accept self-nominations as well as nominations by others. It will consider books and edited volumes written/edited (or co-written/co-edited) by women as well as publications written on women in intelligence (by either men or women). The 2022 Polly Corrigan Book Prize will consider books/edited volumes published in 2020 and 2021. To self/nominate, please send a one-page electronic letter with details of your nomination: author’s name, publication title, and publishing details, to More details can be found here.

RUSI – Research Analyst for the Defence, Industries and Society Programme
Deadline: May 13th, Friday
The Defence, Industries and Society Programme (DISP) addresses the role of the supply base in the generation of capabilities enabling the implementation of governmental security and defence policy, and the role of acquisition strategies as a link between the government and the private sector. The person appointed will be expected initially to support the Director of the programme in the research and other activities associated with its work. The programme has a wide range of work covering the aerospace, shipbuilding, and land sector as well as concerns with emerging technologies and their defence exploitation. You can find more details about the position and on how to apply here.

Call for Submissions – Modern War Institute
Irregular Warfare and Competition Essay Contest
Deadline: May 2nd, Monday
The Joint Staff J7 Office of Irregular Warfare and Competition (OIWC), in cooperation with the Irregular Warfare Initiative (IWI), is pleased to announce an essay contest to foster interest in and generate new ideas about the future of irregular warfare and competition. The top three essays in each category will be announced publicly. The top essay in each category will be published by the Irregular Warfare Initiative (subject to editorial review). The author of the winning submission for each category will have the opportunity to present their ideas to Joint Staff J7 senior leaders virtually and/or potentially be featured on the Irregular Warfare Podcast. The contest is open to all contributors, regardless of nationality. More details about the process can be found here.

Call for Papers – Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society
IUS Canada 2022
Deadline: June 30th, Thursday
The 2022 IUS Canada Conference welcomes papers or organized panels that address the key themes of interest to the IUS Fellows in support of emerging scholarly research dealing with the military establishment and civil-military relations. Papers in all areas touching on defence and security in national and international contexts are eagerly solicited. To advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in scholarly and military professional discourse, IUS particularly encourages submissions that bring new academic, cultural or regional perspectives to broaden analytic frameworks and professional perspectives on defence and security. Panel submissions (3-4 papers) are very welcome, and every effort will be made to group individually submitted papers into relevant panels. Submissions from graduate students who wish to be considered for the Franklin Pinch Award for best Graduate Student Paper should be clearly identified as such. You can proceed with your submission and find more information here.

Call for Submissions – Journal for War and Culture Studies
Deadline: September 1st, Thursday
The Journal for War and Culture Studies has been at the forefront of the cultural turn in war studies from its first issue in 2008. Since then it has expanded beyond its original base in Modern Languages and twentieth-century European Studies to become truly global and to encompass research from the late eighteenth century to the present day from both the Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences. Throughout this time, it has taken great pride in being a forum in which both established and new voices are heard.
In June 2021, early career researchers from around the world presented a series of short papers exploring future directions in the field. Now, postgraduate researchers and early career scholars are invited to send their reflections on the topic “War and Culture Studies - What Next?” for a special to be published in 2023. There are no prescribed themes for this special issue, but authors can to demonstrate how their own research specialism is establishing new ways of working in, and of understanding, the field. Authors should therefore reflect on the wider ramifications of their research, as well as its specificity, and highlight its broader relevance for scholars of War and Culture Studies. Further guidelines can be found here.

Research Associate in the Department of War Studies
Deadline: May 8th, 2022
The Department of War Studies is seeking up to 3 post-doctoral research associates to work with Dr Maeve Ryan at the Centre for Grand Strategy as part of the new Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy (AJI). Applications will be considered postdoctoral researchers and from current PhD students nearing the completion of their PhD. Applicants must have completed their PhD by the time they take up the fellowship. These posts will be offered on a full-time, fixed term contract for 2 years. There are 3 positions available. For more details and how to apply, follow this link.
April Twitter Hour: all things maritime
Edited by Lucy Robinson
This month’s #TwitterHour happened on Wednesday 20th April on the theme of 'all things maritime’. Below, we share the highlights. Let us know if you have resources, articles, events, books to recommend or share around this theme. #DefResChat
Q1: We'd love to hear from you about any ways in which your research relates to the maritime from counter-piracy to naval history and from the South China Seas to UK border patrols. What is your research about?
- My multiple interests linked by a focus on architectures of cooperation and coordination in response to maritime criminality. Includes multilateral cooperation in Southeast Asia, and domestic coordination structures in both Southeast Asian countries and the UK.
- My research focuses on port politics vis-à-vis regional investment and security dynamics in the Red Sea, it engages with local communities around port cities and how port development schemes is influencing their socioeconomic norms.
- I’m a bit slow on the uptake here, but my research to date has primarily focused on changes in naval technology, and the processes through which that is adopted, adapted and institutionalised.
- Late to the party, but my research considers legal aspects of maritime security including grey zone actors, lawfare/strategic litigation and law of the sea disputes between smaller states and great powers.
Q2: What advice would you have for a PhD student researching the maritime domain? Who should they be following? Where are the best archives/libraries? What have you found to be the most useful journals? (Please tell us what sub-field they relate to)
- Have to shill for @safeseas1 ( with expansive archive on maritime security issues. I also find @AsiaMTI really useful ( Journal wise I've been reading a lot from Marine Policy and Journal of the Indian Ocean Region.
- This is not my field of expertise but perhaps a good start would be @RUSI_org. Some universities that have links to specific maritime research groups.
-… This may also be helpful for wider context of an interesting place to study?
- looks like another great place to start too.
- It's hard to offer advice for prospective PhD students beyond generalities. It's often a good idea to avoid things that seem big topics *now* (where the field will be flooded) in favor of areas where your own experience may give you unique insight (and a comparative advantage).
Q3: What are the current debates in maritime research? What are the best new papers/books we should be reading?
- For me interesting debates revolve around how novel spaces like the oceans are / should be governed. Lots of papers I've enjoyed recently, but this by @DiplomaticIfe, Nelly Kadagi,
@dyhiapadilla and Edward Allison stood out. Problems of governance/justice: Survival of the Richest, not the Fittest: How attempts to improve governance impact African small-scale marine fisheries (
- @redseanet is a great project!
- I have recent papers, for example, on the role of coast guards in the Pacific and the South China Sea (with @edwardsychan) and on the Mauritius v UK dispute over the Chagos Archipelago (site of the US Diego Garcia airbase) - Lawships or warships? Coast guards as agents of (in)stability in the Pacific and South and East China Sea - ScienceDirect
- Guilfoyle, Douglas --- "The Chagos Archipelago before International Tribunals: Strategic Litigation and the Production of Historical Knowledge" [2021] MelbJlIntLaw 18; (2021) 21(3) Melbourne Journal of International Law 749 (
- There are many many great accounts to follow and I'll likely add more later but @c_bueger, @becstrating and @JoanneEWallis are important scholars with interdisciplinary and practical insights into the field.
- Myself, @Abigail_Wood97, @DrJoBowserAnger, @BigFoss (and Leanne Gray) will imminently be publishing a report focused on parent-child communication during separation in UK Naval families, funded by @NavalChildren.
Q4: As we mark its 40th anniversary, how can the Falklands War inform contemporary maritime operations and policy?
Many thanks to all those who took part!

May's theme: Intelligence
In May we will be revisiting the theme of 'Intelligence' so if your research or interests lie in this field then do get in touch, we'd love to hear about your work.
We will be looking to showcase some early career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation' pieces with more established academics working in this area. And let us know about any relevant events from book launches to webinars.
We will be holding a Twitter hour on this theme mid month so keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
Civil-Military Cooperation in International Interventions: The Role of Soldiers
Agata Mazurkiewicz
This newly published book focuses on civil-military cooperation (CIMIC), an area that has become a significant part of the contemporary security environment. The book looks at CIMIC’s role, effectiveness and also conflict, as sometimes the relationship between the military and civilian actors can be troubled. Thus, soldiers involved in CIMIC are often subjected to conflicting expectations which puts stress on their performance and the effectiveness of CIMIC.
This book offers a new perspective by examining the social role of NATO CIMIC soldiers by analysing NATO CIMIC documents and conducting interviews with CIMIC soldiers.
You can buy a copy here.
Cyber Peace: Charting a Path Toward a Sustainable, Stable, and Secure Cyberspace
Scott J. Shackelford, Frederick Douzet and Christopher Ankersen
This edited book examines the history and evolution of cyber peace, looking at key concepts, visions and models; and it analyses international efforts aimed at promoting it. The book also identifies the long-term implications for pervasive cyber insecurity across the public and private sectors. The chapters cover interesting topics, including Artificial Intelligence, Intrastate Armed Conflicts and Criminalization of Cyberattacks under the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute.
You can get a copy here.
Who we've been talking to
Edited by Tamiris Santos & Hannah West
Since 2019 the Network has brought together historians, social scientists and others who research welfare, care and medical provisions relating to armed forces personnel and their families in and across all geographical and cultural spaces, chronologies and thematic areas, with a view to promoting their research, expanding their networks and developing new and exciting collaborations. It comprises over 100 academic researchers active in the broad and diverse area of MWH, who are based at or affiliated with nearly 100 higher education institutions and other organisations in 19 countries across the globe. To these are added nearly a dozen affiliated projects, centres and organisations. Together they are sharing their immense expertise; developing research consortia, publications and projects; and endeavouring to develop this immensely diverse and important interdisciplinary field of research, education and public policy.
The Network provides an interaction and dissemination platform for scholars who are research active in military welfare history. Something that has heretofore been lacking, despite the existence of several societies and networks that focus on the research of war or more specifically veterans and their families. Research can relate to any chronological period, ranging from antiquity to the contemporary, and can be conducted by scholars from the arts, humanities and social science research, globally. This comprises work on state and non-state welfare provisions, perceptions, organisations and policies relating to service personnel, both serving and discharged, and their families and other dependants, and even representations of military welfare.
The Network boasts its own website and directory of Members and Affiliates, plus a Twitter account (@HistoryWelfare) and Newsletter. This informs and connects members, promotes their research, notifying them of published works, conferences, papers presented, blog posts, projects, media contributions etc., and circulates inquiries to facilitate consortium and panel development through ‘calls for partners’ and ‘calls for papers’. We will also be hosting the inaugural (online) conference this year. Please get in touch with them via twitter or by emailing Paul Huddie ( for more information.
This is a newly established interdisciplinary group connecting researchers who study traumatic histories. They provide resources, support and a space to share ideas and advice. Please email or message them (see below for details) to sign up to their mailing list and check out their website for resources and reading recommendations.
The network run informal workshops/meetings where they meet up to discuss any issues they may have and have recently started a Personal Stories series where researchers share their own experiences.
Pacifism and Nonviolence Programme - Institute of Advanced Studies, Loughborough University
Even though violence is widely assumed to be effective as a "regrettable but sometimes necessary" means to achieve political objectives, there is mounting evidence that calls this assumption into question.Having a stronger army no longer guarantees military success. Whether in managing protests, in counter-terrorism, or in peacebuilding, violent and repressive approaches tend to be counter-productive and less effective than well-designed nonviolent alternatives. Similar evidence is emerging concerning bottom-up protest and resistance: violent campaigns appear less effective than nonviolent ones, including against brutal and undemocratic regimes.
Yet the serious arguments put forward by advocates of pacifism and nonviolence remain underexamined. But this is starting to change. A growing literature is giving serious attention to pacifism and nonviolence, and 2023 will see the launch of a new journal dedicated to the topic. A new mailing list has also recently been launched to coordinate research initiatives covering the remit of the journal.
This IAS Spotlight Series will explore some of the salient questions in this emerging literature with a series of hybrid seminars.Check out this link to find out more about the amazing seminar series.
Pause for thought...
Edited by Jemma Humphries
Many of those who fought in the Falklands/Malvinas war, believe their service down south has been forgotten. Although 40 years have past, for many Falklands veterans their experiences of war have been with them everyday since. In this pause for thought, we want to bring you a first hand account of the Battle of Mount Longdon.
On the 11th of June 1982, 21 year old Airborne Engineer, Paul Moore fixed bayonets and walked into the minefields on the slops of Mount Longdon. After a fierce night of fighting 2 Para had taken the Argentinian position, but at what cost. 23 Paras were killed that night, with 80 wounded.
For Paul this set off a life long journey to understand his harrowing experiences of losing friends, hand to hand combat and ultimately dealing with his own PTSD. Now a volunteer for SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity, Paul has been interviewed about his experiences during the Falklands/Malvinas war. Read his full account here.
Tell us your thoughts on knowledge production when it comes to the study of war - who does and does not have authority to create knowledge?
Thank you so much for joining our network.
Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.
For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at
The DRN team