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There is a denominational delegate meeting for Mennonite Church USA scheduled for May 27-30. Mike Clymer, Zoe Clymer and Kelsey Luke will be representing our congregation as delegates. Below are links to the resolutions that will be discussed or voted on at
the meeting.  We encourage you to read through the resolutions (linked below) and share any opinions or feedback with our delegates.

Next Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 pm everyone is invited to gather at the church for an informational meeting about the MC USA Delegate Resolutions led by Mike Clymer and Jeff Landis. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the resolutions.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this process or feedback you would like to discuss. Also, please let us know if you would like hardcopies of the resolutions.

In Christ,
Joel Diener & Kelsey Luke


Clarification on Mennonite Church USA Polity and the Role of the Membership Guidelines of Mennonite Church

 A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation

MC USA For Justice Resolution

MC USA Accessibility Resolution



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