

שבת שלום ♡ ערב פסח תשפ"ב
ט'ו נִיסָן 5782 
15th of Nisan
2022 ,April 15

לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בִּירוּשָׁלָיִם
Happy Passover Blessings

Wishing you Chag Sameach, Happy Holiday Passover, and Holy Graceful Shabbat Shalom Blessings from The Galilee. This evening we welcome the Holiday Of Passover, which shimmers sweet rays of liberation and freedom. Passover gifts us with a releasing feeling of salvation and celebrates Creation's Divine Galactic beauty along with Spring's natural wonders of blooming, rebirth, and growth on Earth.

The Lunar Month of Nisan carries a beautiful spiritual message from Earth's beating heart, a rhythm that embraces the infinite, magical Circle of Life. We are invited to enter a Sacred love zone that lives in peace, harmony, and synchronization. This higher vertical alignment connects a Divine spark between the source of Oneness to our souls. Let's open our Sacred hearts to nurture pure love, belonging, and unity. 

At this time of year, there is a magical energy which radiates a frequency of hope and faith into our hearts, bodies, and souls. It invites the gift of freedom to enter our beings, generates refined liberating frequencies, and shines uplifting beams of love into our world and throughout the Infinite Universe. May Heaven open to prayers that grant us strength, brighten our lightwork, and nurture a collective Oneness consciousness we intensely long for. May we all be gifted with grace, goodness, angelic beauty, and wonders of life in all worlds, all over the Planet. 

May we all feel blessed by inviting the Sacred qualities of God: truth, love, holiness, grace, goodwill, and peace to light our spirits and shine faith, hope, and Divine eternal peace. The 5782 Holy Days of Passover call us to come back home to the Sacred union that connects us with our humankind tribalhood and Earth, to the Holy Source within that shines Oneness.
May it be so. 
God bless us all.

חַג פֶּסַח שָׂמֵחַ לְכָל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל ♥ אָמֵן
Prayers and Blessings from the Galilee's Land, Always.
Shine Brightly. Stay Golden. Be Blessed. ♡ With love,
Orit Gutmacher Levy
HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art
The Galilee, Israel

תּוֹרָה וּמַעֲשִׂים טוֹבִים & אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

חג פסח שמח וכשר
The Holy Days Of Passover 

The Hebrew Biblical holiday of Passover has elevated significance because of its special place in the first Hebrew month in the Jewish calendar as recited in the Torah, where it links to the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt. Pesach is Chag HaCherut--the Holiday of Liberation--because it retells the story of our ancestors' journey from slavery to freedom as recited in The Haggadah - The Book of Passover.

The Passover Holiday is celebrated every Jewish year, beginning at sundown when the first three stars shine in the sky on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan. The first day and the seventh day are "Yamim Tovim" and  "Mikra'ei Kodesh" Sacred  Holiness Times - Shabbat and The Torah Holidays, well known for special festivity, joyfulness, and reading of the Torah. This seven day observance commemorates two meaningful occasions. The first acknowledges our deliverance when God passed over the Hebrews' houses while killing all the Egyptians'firstborn sons. The second is the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Egypt from Pharaoh's enslavement as recorded in the Bible in the Book of Exodus.

Pesach is filled with miracles and wonders that celebrate and honor the legacy of our ancestors' faithful alignment to God, the Torah and Ten Commandments, and the Holy Land of Israel. This Sacred alignment reaffirms Oneness with all creation, filling our souls with strength, holiness, love, and continuous faith.


וַתִּתֶּן לָנוּ ה' אֱלהֵינוּ בְּאַהֲבָה מועֲדִים לְשמְחָה חַגִּים וּזְמַנִּים לְששון אֶת יום חַג הַמַּצּות הַזֶּה. זְמַן חֵרוּתֵנוּ

Passover's Biblical Origin and History

Passover is a celebration of liberty, freedom, salvation, Nature, Earth, life, growth, resilience, and hope for future generations. Pesach is an opportunity to shine these sacred qualities from within by aligning ourselves with the power of Divine Source through rituals, mitzvahs, prayers, and traditions we have inherited from the times of Exodus.


Pesach takes us back thousands of years to our ancient Biblical roots, to liberation from slavery, to wandering in the dessert, to the revelation of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, to entering the Promised Land of Israel after a journey of 40 years in the desert. During this very important time, the Twelve Tribes  forged into one nation --Am Yisrael.

It also takes us to the Hebrews' Kingdom of Judah, to the first Holy Temple in Jerusalem, to the Sanctuary, and to Earth's Spring time renewal on the Land of Eretz Yisrael. During the holiday of Passover, people from all over Israel joined together to joyfully celebrate the holiday, give thanks to Mother Earth, and worship God as our Lord. For generations, the ancient tribes of Yisrael would make a pilgrimage to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, as commanded by the Torah. Passover is the first of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals, which are three major holidays in Judaism, the Torah, and Jewish spirituality—Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Weeks or Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles). 

וְהִגַּדְתָּ לְבִנְךָ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא לֵאמֹר

Leil HaSeder's Ritual

Pesach's glorious peak comes in the Passover Seder ceremony, which is celebrated at the first evening of the Holiday. Leil HaSeder is a solemn ritual and a special festive meal that gathers families together around white tablecloths, Matzos, wine, and Seder Plates in the center. The Seder Plate  includes food items that symbolically represent what our ancestors went through -- slavery, salvation, liberation, and freedom. In the spirit of Leil HaSeder, we worship God and express our thankfulness for God's mercy and faith to release and save the Hebrew people from the misery and death in Egypt.

One of the holiday Mitzvahs is reciting the Haggadah - "Vehigadeta Levincha," which celebrates Judaism and nurtures its continuity by passing the legacy of our tribe to younger generations. During Leil HaSeder, the Passover Haggadah is read, which tells the story of our ancestors in Egypt and passes this history to our children. Reciting the Haggadah, which is inlaid with stories, songs, blessings, and prayers, is the most significant ritual practice of Passover. By sharing our heritage with the new generations, we are feeding the Eternal flame of Jewish spiritual resilience and existence. The Passover Seder is a celebration of singing, praying, blessing, drinking wine, and eating with much joy, faith, and happiness


Passover's Bliss
The Journey of Salvation and Passover

Pesach offers a profound spiritual pathway to nurture our Biblical roots, renew our connection to God and the Torah, and to the Land of Israel by rituals, traditions, and prayers. 

These observances activate our will to serve God, bond and unify our tribal alliance, facilitate our will to live a more holy life, and inspire us to connect with the Divine Source of Heaven as we all, both individually and collectively, draw closer to God and moral values.

Passover provides a God-given way for humans to come back into harmonious relation with the Divine Source, within ourselves, and with our families, friends, and communities, our world, Earth, and the Cosmic Universe. Aligning ourselves with the Divine powers of the Source forges belonging and promotes tribalhood that supports our resilience and helps humankind evolve towards more unity, spiritual growth, and healing of our collective consciousness. 



The Seder Plate


The Hagaddah

מאת יואל בן שמעון - The National Library of Israel, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Passover's Divine Holistic Symbolism

Every Jewish Holiday, Yom Tov, and Mo'ed contains an elevated idea with a central intention. Each holiday is created to insert into our Consciousness a specific, purposeful awareness by using spiritual symbols and Halacha commemorations.

Passover symbolizes our will to strengthen the covenant between the Shekinah and Earth; Am Yisrael and the Torah; the Children of Israel with the Holy Land of Israel; the people of Yisrael with each other; and to our own eternal covenant with God and the Ten Commandments. There, on Mount Sinai, the Jewish people were forged into a nation and we all became a community of faith, following the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to the Promised Land. As individuals and as a nation, we are guided by the love of God, who has given us Biblical moral and universal core values to help us heal our beings and our world. This commitment moves us toward a united mindset of love, goodness, and goodwill.

Pesach is known for its religious rituals, commandments, and prayers which access and integrate sacred energies into our bodies, beings, spirits, and souls for purifying and strengthening our faith. These observances activate our will to serve God, unify our tribal alliance, facilitate thankfulness, and inspire us to align with the Divine Source of Heaven that we all have shared since ancient times.

The Hebrew year with all the Shabbats, holidays, Moadim, and Rashi Chodashim along with Earth’s Natural Cosmic Life Cycle are meant to provide a resilient legacy for the nation of Israel. The moral, holistic, cultural, and religious values encoded in Jewish history and religion form a foundation of Sacred building blocks that align Heaven with Earth and define Am Yisrael's unique spirit that illuminates our mission to strive for Tikun Olam 
(Repairing/Transforming Our World).



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Happy Kosher Passover from HALELUYA. ♡

HALELUYA: Sacred Soul Art
is devoted to creating the finest Sacred Soul Art with Holy Ancient Symbols, Geometric Shapes, Blessings and Prayers that help people feel more peaceful, balanced and blessed by radiating frequencies of Shalom--healing, love, wholeness, and holiness into our lives, our families, our communities, and our world. Amen.

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My Deepest Hope

My deepest hope is that we will open our hearts
and share a global goodwill message of Shalom--peace, healing, love, faith, hope, goodness, wholeness, and holiness with people of all faiths, Nature, Mother Earth, all living Sacred and Divine beings, the Universe, and Humankind for all future generations. Amen.


Let's glow.

I’m proudly guided by HALELUYA's Beautiful Realities vision: to create a positive, brighter future with beautiful realities in our lives, our families, our communities, and our world, everywhere, all over our planet. My mission is to illuminate humanity with a global goodwill message of Oneness, Hope, and Peace for people of all faiths, Nature, Mother Earth, the Universe, and for all future generations. 

I want us to feel blessed. 
I want us all to celebrate life, feel loved, be blessed,
grow and glow, 
again and again and again.
Forever and ever.

May our hearts be filled with Sacred light, deep faith and pure love. 

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חַג פֶּסַח שָׂמֵחַ לְכָל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל ♥ אָמֵן


Light your faith.♡


Let the light of faith, and divine holiness nourish your soul ✡♡ 
Wishing us all Happy Passover and Shabbat Shalom from The Land of Israel. Amen
Orit Gutmacher Levy

Blessings from HALELUYA and The Galilee ♡
Thank you for being part of the tribalhood.

תּוֹרָה וּמַעֲשִׂים טוֹבִים & אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

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