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Celebrating One Year in Our New Headquarters!

Last April, after a year of renovations, we moved into our headquarters at 3024 W. Lake Ave. in Peoria. We want to thank all our friends, employees and customers for their support and sharing in our growth! Here’s to many more great years in this location!

This 2-Second Cybersecurity Habit Can Help Keep You Safe

It may sound simple, but pressing Ctrl+L when you step away from your computer can save your business from serious security threats.

Although phishing emails and other “virtual” scams make up the bulk of cybercrime activity, some hackers will try to physically access a computer on a company’s network to steal data. This tip is especially important if you have computers in a public area.

On a Windows PC, pressing Ctrl+L will lock your PC and take you to the sign-in page. On a Mac, Ctrl-Cmd-Q will do the trick and lock your device.

Like many things, virtually locking up your devices is part of building a vigilant security culture within your organization.

Find more tech tips and information on our blog!

Small steps can prevent big breaches and attacks!

Do your employees use sites like Dropbox, Google Drive, and other personal cloud sharing services to collaborate and work on projects and tasks? If so, you could unknowingly be exposing yourself to huge financial losses.

“Shadow IT” is the practice of using programs and websites for work activities without the knowledge or approval of the organization’s IT provider or IT department. While this is an “older” term, the practice has become increasingly common as file sharing sites grow in popularity and upload speeds quicken.

Software like Dropbox and Google Drive can help your team collaborate and work together easier, especially at a time when many companies are choosing a work-from-home or hybrid approach for their employees. However, it’s important to weigh your options and acknowledge the risks of using these tools.

If one of your employees quit without notice today, or had to be terminated unexpectedly, would you know where all their important work documents are stored? Would they be on their workstation, a cloud solution your IT team set up, or dispersed on the employee’s personal file storage accounts?

Continue reading this article on the blog!
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Facet Follies: Anniversary Edition

In honor of one year in our new location, we are posting our first ever Facet Follies, from all the way back in 2014!

Check out more Facet Follies on our blog. By cartoonist Mike Wright.

Employee Recipe: Nick's French Crepes

This month's recipe is from Facet's Customer Advocate, Nick Baker!

Nick says these crepes are "debatably my favorite food ever." His recipe for authentic French crepes can be customized with a wide variety of savory and sweet ingredients for a different flavor every time you make them.

This recipe is also available on the blog.

French Crepes

2 eggs
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 1/2 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1/8 cup water
1/2 tsp vanilla
dash of salt

  1. Whisk all the ingredients, except the flour, together. Add in the flour, a little bit at a time, whisking just until the flour has been mixed in.
  2. Let the crepe batter rest for a few minutes. Then, give the batter a quick whisk again before using.
  3. Grease a non-stick, 6"- 8” skillet with unsalted butter and heat over medium heat. Pour about 1/8 cup worth of batter into the pan and tip the pan from side to side to get the batter to spread out throughout the pan. These are a pain to make on a electric stove.
  4. Cook each side of the crepe for 30 seconds before gently loosening up the edges with a spatula. If it lifts, then the crepe is ready to be flipped. If it doesn't lift up very well, give it 10 to 15 more seconds and try again. Gently lift the crepe out of the pan, then flip over into the pan and cook the other side for another 10 to 15 seconds; remove to cool.
You can experiment with using only egg whites, only yokes, and other combinations depending on your preference. Its also fun to experiment with the flour type depending on ingredients used.
Breakfast Crepe
My favorite ingredient is simply honey.
Whip cream and strawberries
Sometimes I will crack and egg onto the crepe and cook it on the crepe adding cheese and other ingredients available. Then, folding the crepe in to quarters, making it easy to eat with your hands.
Savory Crepe
Ham and Cheddar
Mozzarella and Pepperoni
Be creative

Recipe courtesy of Nick Baker.
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