Africa Day Indaba - Social Work and Development
The African Social Work Network and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa are organising the Africa Day Indaba 2022 – Social Work and Development.
This is a free event but registration is required. Click here to register. It takes only about 2 minutes to register.
Date: Friday 27th April from 10am East African Time/9am Central African Time/8am West African Time
The event will use AU’s theme for 2022 which is Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Capital Development.
Keynote speaker
Professor Rodreck Mupedziswa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, The Quest for Relevance: Rethinking Strategies for the Practical Fieldwork Component of Social Work Education and Training in Africa.
Social work award speech
Mr. Neeleshwar Viveksingh Urjoon, Mauritius, African Social Work Award 2021 Speech.
Speakers from ASWNet and AASWA.
Further details are here: