The Office is also excited to welcome our first cohort of climate action research interns this fall. These undergraduate students will help the Office move several key projects forward while gaining internship experience and professional development.
Thank you to everyone who has helped Rutgers reach this key turning point. We could not have gotten to this point without the support of the Rutgers community, from those who organized and marched for Climate Action in 2019, to those who served on the President’s Climate Task Force and working groups, to those who continue to advance climate action across the university. Recognizing that there is a rich history of sustainability at Rutgers, the Office will launch a sustainability history project this semester. Looking to the past will help us lean into Rutgers’ strengths, overcome potential barriers, and communicate the importance of sustainability and climate action.
The preliminary timeline graphic below includes a small selection of Rutgers’ sustainability history. Please click the images to view the full size versions.