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In 1972 I launched my very first slimming class. Click here to read how it all began.


Our posture is a real giveaway of our age. If we have good posture, we look taller, we walk better, we have a flatter stomach - because to stand tall we have to hold our stomach in – and we look younger. But the benefits to our health far outweigh the physical appearance of a youthful stance.

As we age, we automatically begin to lean forward because everything we do is in front of us – from sitting at a desk or sitting in a chair with our iPad, cooking or cleaning, washing our car, pushing a pram or shopping trolley or mowing the lawn. Life’s activities are in front of us so it’s not surprising that over time, we begin to lean forward as we walk. The problem is that if we give in to gravity it affects our whole body - shoulders, hips, spine, feet – the lot!  In fact, our whole body gets out of kilter.

It hasn’t helped to have had a couple of years during the pandemic when we didn’t go out as much either socially, for work or for play. When we dress up for a social event, we naturally tend to stand taller because we want to look our best in our lovely dresses or whatever. Of course, during those lockdown months we dressed more casually and inevitably relaxed and that wasn’t good for our posture. Add to that the fact that we are two years older and that doesn’t help either! So, we now have some work to do to help ourselves stand taller and in a better posture, imagining that someone is pulling a string from the centre of our head toward the ceiling. (I had to smile at myself as I wrote that and found myself automatically sitting up taller!)

Adopting a good posture takes effort. No question. It takes effort to concentrate on standing taller and we have to want to do it. My hubby Mike reminds me sometimes, and I try to stand tall when I go for my early morning walk with our dog BB, but inevitably other thoughts come into my mind and without realising it my body relaxes into default mode.

Just like losing weight or getting fitter, we need motivation to encourage us to improve our posture. When a relative visited us a few weeks ago I noticed that his posture had deteriorated since I last saw him. He is in his early eighties and has always been very fit and is a highly accomplished sportsman. I am always pleased to see him but I heard myself bossily saying to him ‘Stand up tall! You’re leaning forward and that’s bad for you’ to which his wife said ‘I’m always telling him but he takes no notice of me. Hopefully he will listen to you!’ And indeed, as we walked around the garden, he did make a real effort.

This was a wake-up call for me. If I don’t make a real effort now, I can see myself leaning forward as I walk when I reach my 80s.

Mary gives us some brilliant ideas in her Fun, Facts and Fitness section to help us improve our posture so let’s make the effort together to make a difference.

In this video Neuro-physiotherapist JD Hylton explains what happens to our spine when our posture deteriorates with age – and why it is vital that we make the effort toward correcting it!

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4
Per serving 280 calories, 3.8g fat (excluding accompaniments)
Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 40 mins

1 large red onion, finely sliced
4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1⁄2 tsp cayenne pepper
6 cardamom pods, crushed with seeds removed
300ml (1⁄2 pint) chicken stock
2 tbsps plain flour
1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
2 pieces orange peel
150ml (1⁄4 pint) orange juice
freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat a non-stick frying pan. Dry-fry the onion for 2 - 3 minutes until soft. Add the chicken and garlic and cook briskly, turning the chicken regularly to seal on all sides.
  2. Add the spices with 2 - 3 tbsps of stock and sprinkle the flour over. Mix well, ‘cooking out’ the flour for 1 minute.
  3. Gradually mix in the remaining stock. Add the oregano, tomatoes, orange peel and juice. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  4. Season to taste and serve hot with couscous or rice.
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Many years ago I was invited to a Christmas drinks party held by one of our neighbours and I remember entering the room and immediately noticing an older lady, who looked most imposing and had a real presence about her. I surmised that she stood out primarily because she had such a wonderful posture - very upright and perfectly aligned!  I found out later that she was well into her eighties but she kept herself fit in a number of ways, with the result that she looked at least 20 years younger!  This only goes to prove that a good posture is well worth pursuing as it keeps us looking younger for longer.  So, this week we are going to focus on practical tips that you can easily adopt to help you make the best of your posture.

Why does our posture change as we age?

In Children...
If you look at a group of 5-year-olds you will see that they all have excellent posture. They have not yet succumbed to computer games or a sedentary lifestyle!  Yet, before even becoming teenagers, you can see signs of postural change. It happens particularly in those children who grow rapidly - much quicker than their peers - and they begin to stoop.  Add to that the fact they may be non-sporty and spend too much time 'hunched over' looking at screens, then their posture gets 'set' into a lifelong poor posture.

In Young Adults...
Our bodies are built to move and yet, as adults, we are spending an increasing amount of time being sedentary. Unless action is taken to be as active as possible through our 20s, 30s and 40s, modern sedentary lifestyles will have a lot to answer for on the posture front. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time, followed by evenings spent watching television, can have a huge impact on posture. This generation may already be suffering from a bad back and have joints that are showing signs of wear and tear from poor alignment. 

In Older Adults...
Here the ageing process kicks in at a pace, particularly with muscle and bone loss. Unless we set about our posture with real determination on a daily basis, unfortunately, we will succumb to the typical 'hunched' appearance that we associate with the older age group.

Despite these descriptions sounding very concerning for all three age groups, the good news is that something can be done at any age to arrest postural decline.

  • Keeping kids active is key, as is limiting screen time, and noticing if they are beginning to 'stoop'. 
  • For young adults in sedentary jobs, they need to sit well at a desk (see below) and find a sport or activity they enjoy and want to do regularly.
  • We older ones need to put posture high up on our list of active measures to help us stay as upright as possible for as long as possible!

Posture tips when sitting at a computer

  • Adopt a 'neutral' sitting position.  Place hands under your buttocks and you should feel the 'sit' bones. These are the most prominent bones you will feel.
  • Now sit with a slouch and these bones will feel flat under your hands.  Come back to where you feel your 'sit' bones and this is your correct postural position.
  • Sit well back in the seat with the screen directly in front of you at eye level and you will feel well held!  

 Posture tips when standing

  • When standing still always have the knees slightly bent and draw the tail bone down towards your heels and you will feel your tummy muscles work to hold you upright.
  • Open the shoulders and think of putting your shoulder blades into your back pockets!
  • Finally put 2 fingers on your chin and push back a little to release the vertebrae in the neck and bring the ears more in line with the shoulders.

Posture tips when walking

  • A good 'heel-to-toe' strike will ensure the leg muscles work as they are designed to do.
  • As you walk keep your ears, shoulders and hips aligned. This means you need to predominantly be looking forward and occasionally checking the surface below so you stay safe.
  • Be conscious of holding the tummy muscles in gently for support and to hold you upright.

A few months ago I purchased a Posture Corrector.  A simple piece of kit that for me has worked well.  I have occasionally loaned it to others who found it rather awkward to wear but I have found it invaluable when out on walks to remind me of a good postural position. If you have particular concerns about your posture, it may be worth a try. Simply search 'posture correctors' online and it might be just what you need to help keep you in check.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. On your daily 30+ minute walk this week really focus on how you are walking from your feet to the top of your head. Posture can be improved dramatically!
  2. Go to the Ballet & Pilates page on the website for a guaranteed focus on exercises that will help your posture.  A strong 'core' is the foundation of Pilates from which posture is improved and then maintained. Ballet will also help your core, balance and posture. Select the programme that suits you and repeat it 3 times this week or you could try three different videos.
  3. Follow a Stretch programme which will show you a safe routine to stretch your muscles, allowing you to maintain your range of movement in your joints and keep them in better alignment.
  4. When you are standing waiting for anything, practise standing tall, engaging your core, drawing your shoulders back and tucking in your tail bone. The more you do it, the more normal it will feel.

Did you know...

Back in the day, posture was an important part of education.

Young men were called up for National Service and standing perfectly upright to attention was an integral part of the discipline of becoming a soldier.

Meanwhile, girls were encouraged to learn the feminine graces such as elecution, deportment and etiquette. 

Young ladies with aspirations to a good marriage (or perhaps those with pushy parents) may well find themselves at a Finishing School where they would be taught the correct way to enter a room, glide gracefully around at a social gathering, and sit perfectly daintily with their legs correctly positioned. 

Deportment lessons would very likely see the potential debutante learning to walk steadily around the room whilst balancing a book on their head and this was even something that was taught in some schools 60 years ago!

It is good to try it again now and see how you get on. It is impossible to do unless you have good posture.

Perhaps we should all start practicing this habit again now!

And finally...

Let’s all make a conscious effort to improve our posture this week. Perhaps ask your spouse or friends to remind you to keep you on the case. We can all learn new habits and having good posture is something definitely well worth developing. It will benefit us greatly in so many ways and it will make us look younger too. That has to be worth it, doesn’t it?

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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