Annual Medieval Studies day 2022
The Research School for Medieval Studies will reconvene its annual medieval studies day on Friday 4 November 2022 from 9:30 - 18:00, a day on which all members of the research school have the opportunity to meet each other in an informal setting, to exchange ideas, and to catch up with each other. This day will be organized at the University of Amsterdam, Oudemanhuispoort. The theme is Reflecties/Reflections. Read more
Valedictory lecture Frans Grijzenhout
Frans Grijzenhout, professor History of Art of the Early Modern Period (c. 1400-1800), will give the valedictory lecture ‘Aanzien doet gedenken’ on 9 November 16:30 in the Aula.
Antonia Weiss awarded EAUH 2022 student prize
Antonia Weiss has been awarded the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) 2022 student prize in the category Premodern urban history for 'Producing Mobility in the Modernizing Metropolis: Walking, Begging and Peddling in Berlin's Tiergarten, c.1740-1830'. Read more
Samuël Kruizinga awarded AHRC Research Networking Grant
Marco Wyss (Lancaster University, PI) and Samuël Kruizinga (ASH, Co-I) have been awarded the AHRC Research Networking Grant for “Into the Grey: Grey Zone Warfare in Past, Present, and Future”. Read more
Call for Papers: The Politics of Jewish Literature and the Making of the post-WWII World
The expert meeting will take place on 8 and 9 February 2023 in Amsterdam. The outcome will be an edited volume. We gladly invite contributions both for the expert meeting and the edited volume. Please send your brief proposal to and Read more
New publication: Scripting Justice in Late Medieval Europe
Scripting Justice in Late Medieval Europe: Legal Practice and Communication in the Law Courts of Utrecht, York and Paris. Frans Camphuijsen. Amsterdam University Press, 2022. 312p.
Late medieval societies witnessed the emergence of a particular form of socio-legal practice and logic, focused on the law court and its legal process. In a context of legal pluralism, courts tried to carve out their own position by influencing people’s conception of what justice was and how one was supposed to achieve it. These “scripts of justice” took shape through a range of media, including texts, speech, embodied activities and the spaces used to perform all these. Looking beyond traditional historiographical narratives of state building or the professionalization of law, this book argues that the development of law courts was grounded in changing forms of multimedial interaction between those who sought justice and those who claimed to provide it. Through a comparative study of three markedly different types of courts, it involves both local contexts and broader developments in tracing the communication strategies of these late medieval claimants to socio-legal authority. Read more
New publication: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices: Selected Papers from the Conference “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices” in Berlin, 20–22 July 2018. Edited by Dylan M. Burns and Matthew J. Goff. Brill, 2022. 427p.
The discoveries of Coptic books containing “Gnostic” scriptures in Upper Egypt in 1945 and of the Dead Sea Scrolls near Khirbet Qumran in 1946 are commonly reckoned as the most important archaeological finds of the twentieth century for the study of early Christianity and ancient Judaism. Yet, impeded by academic insularity and delays in publication, scholars never conducted a full-scale, comparative investigation of these two sensational corpora—until now. Featuring articles by an all-star, international lineup of scholars, this book offers the first sustained, interdisciplinary study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices. Read more
New publication: Kunst, kennis en kapitaal
Kunst, kennis en kapitaal: Oude meesters op de Hollandse veilingmarkt 1670-1820. Redactie door Frans van Grijzenhout. Walburg Pers, 2022. 360p.
Dit boek dat onder redactie van kunsthistoricus Frans Grijzenhout tot stand kwam, bevat bijdragen van onder anderen Marleen Puyenbroek en Trude Dijkstra. Centraal staat de achttiende-eeuwse kunstveiling waarin steeds meer 'oude meesters' op de markt verschenen. Dit boek biedt een inkijkje in een wereld vol verkopers en bemiddelaars, ‘schatsters’ en vendumeesters, kunstenaars en kunsthandelaren en kopers in allerlei soorten en maten. Een wereld waarin kunst, kennis en kapitaal steeds op een andere manier samen kwamen. Lees meer
New publication: Shakespeare's Golden Ages
Shakespeare's Golden Ages : Resisting Nostalgia in Elizabethan Drama. Kristine Johanson. Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 224 p. (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Renaissance Culture).
Shakespeare’s Golden Ages examines dramatic acts of nostalgia as rhetorical moves designed to precipitate future action. Diverging from critical paths that have focused on nostalgia as a memorializing practice or on Stuart nostalgia for Queen Elizabeth, this book argues that Shakespeare’s Elizabethan history plays stage nostalgia as a future-focused political rhetoric. In doing so, the book suggests new directions for studying nostalgia. The book provides new interpretations of Shakespeare’s contemporaries to illustrate how his use of nostalgia depends on, innovates from and influences his fellow playwrights. By reading literary, religious and political texts alongside Shakespeare's histories, this book attends additionally to the extra-dramatic valences nostalgic rhetoric obtains in Elizabethan England. Read more
Wouter van Elburg
About the purchase of a Dutch Jugendstil villa for the Hendrick de Keyser Foundation in the Algemeen Dagblad.
Lidewij van Gils
Vossius Seminar
10 October 15:30 -17:30 BG1, room 0.16
At the next Vossius Seminar Paul Michael Kurtz and Michele Calella will present their research. Paul Michael Kurtz (Ghent University) will give the talk “Putting the science back in human sciences: towards a holistic account of philology in the 19th century” and Michele Calella (University of Vienna) will present "Affects and figures: searching for symbolic patterns in early musicology". Read more
ACSEM Object Colloquium: The Table
11 October 15:30 -17:00 University Library, Doelenzaal
Invited speaker Catherine Richardson, professor of Early Modern Studies at the University of Kent and author of A Day at Home in Early Modern England, will address the question of what evidence and methods might be needed in order to offer a holistic biography of an early modern object, and what would be at stake in doing so. Read more
Creative Writing for ASH staff members
13 October, 27 October and 10 November from 10:00 - 13:30
ASH offers a Creative Writing Workshop by Marie Beauchamps on 13 October, 27 October and 10 November from 10:00 - 13:30. The number of participants is limited and the workshop is open to staff only. PhD candidates can take the Creative Writing Course in the PhD Skills program. Read more and register
De oorsprong en ideologie van het fascisme
13 October 17:00 - 18:30 Spui25
In oktober verschijnt een volledig herziene editie van het succesvolle boek van historicus Robin te Slaa over de oorsprong en de ideologie van het fascisme. Zijn historische zoektocht levert een caleidoscopisch mozaïek op van fascinerende verhalen. Duidelijk wordt dat het fascisme geen onverklaarbaar bedrijfsongeval in de Europese geschiedenis was. Het bouwde voort op oudere denkbeelden en blijkt diep in onze cultuur en historie te zijn geworteld. Onvermijdelijk is ten slotte de vraag in hoeverre het fascisme in onze tijd bezig is aan een comeback. Te Slaa gaat hierover in gesprek met historicus Daniël Knegt.
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Symposium: Erfenis en actualiteit van J.R. Thorbecke
14 October 10:00 - 17:00 KNAW Trippenhuis
Op vrijdag 14 oktober organiseert hoogleraar Nederlandse geschiedenis en Thorbecke-biograaf Remieg Aerts bij de KNAW een dagsymposium over de erfenis van Thorbecke, wiens naam anderhalve eeuw na zijn overlijden nog steeds wordt aangehaald in discussies over grondwetskwesties, openbaar bestuur, politiek én wetenschap. Sprekers zijn onder anderen Femke Halsema, Thom de Graaf, Pieter van Os en Aleid Truijens. Deelname aan het symposium, dat plaatsvindt in het Trippenhuis aan de Kloveniersburgwal 29, is kosteloos. Lees meer een aanmelden
Current Issues with Shekoufeh Behbehani
17 October 16:00-17:30 OIH, room FB 1.01
Shekoufeh Behbehani will give the lecture '(Un)screened Narratives: Trans Beats in Contemporary Iran' in the programme Current Issues in Religious Studies and Western Esotericism. Read more
Living with Water in Amsterdam
19 October 15:00-17:00 BG1 e-Lab room 0.16
In this salon, we discuss how historical knowledge about the management of urban challenges in the past is a potential source of inspiration to design sustainable solutions for the future. We do so with speakers from the Amsterdam Time Machine, Arcam (Architecture Center Amsterdam), 3D Amsterdam, and the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) of Jena. These partners have collaborated at the pilot project ‘Living with water in Amsterdam’, which aims to collect, analyse, and visualize historical data on water in the city. The project has materialised in an exhibition at Arcam showcasing interactive installations of the past, present, and future of Amsterdam’s relation with water in the Kattenburg area. The FSU Jena has made available a semi-automated pipeline and a prototype VR application to visualize historical image-based reconstructions of disappeared buildings. Read more and register
Grant news and upcoming deadlines
Call for applications | AIHR PhD Finishing Fellowships
The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for PhD Finishing Fellowships, tenable from January 1, 2023. Deadline is 15 October 2022.
Each fellow will be offered a temporary contract as a PhD for 0,5 fte and for a period of up to 12 months. They are required to deliver a completed dissertation (defined as "dissertation submitted to the examination committee") by the end of the fellowship period. In principle, we expect the fellow to reside in the Netherlands during the period of the fellowship. Read more
Vossius Fund for Research Fellows open for applications
The Vossius Center offers funding for Research Fellows. The next deadline is 30 November 2022 for fellowships between May 2023 and December 2023. Read more