
Focus On The Moment

You know, life can be hard sometimes. I feel it too. The pressure to be a good father, business owner, personal trainer, firefighter...The list could go on. But I don't want to talk about me. We all have "stuff." If we spent all day worrying about it (which some of us do) we'd never be productive. So most of us try to ignore or minimize the stuff. But let me let you in on something. Sometimes fixing a small problem can help you deal with everything else a little better. 

Ok, so it's "Fulfillment Friday," and I want to share this with you today. It's the secret to my success as a personal trainer. I use this tool to help all my clients not only get stronger, but more powerful. Before I tell you though, you gotta understand the following to be true. It only works if you do.

The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to focus on the moment that's happening right now.

Read that again 👆🏾

Ok so how do you do "focus on the moment?"

I'd have you consider that there isn't much of anything more presence-provoking than perfecting your posture. Alliteration aside, it's truly powerful. In fact, 
I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say it's the most effective gateway to presence. It for sure is the best gateway to less pain. Less pain means you spend less time hunched over worried. Instead, you'll spend your time tapping into the power that lies within you. 

Jerry "painless, but not soreless" Washington

P.S. You probably already know that I have an online training program that you can take advantage of right now. You probably don't know that strengthening your posture is its main focus. Train just like my clients and be more present and powerful too. Start your first two weeks free today by clicking this link...Talk soon!
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