

School Newsletter: 9/26/2022

“Just the Facts, Ma’am”

One of the critiques of modern education is the revisionist history being taught in schools. Conservative parents want teachers to stop putting their “agendas” into the history class, and instead, “just teach the facts.”

But what must be understood is that history has never been about “just teaching the facts.” In the old days, history (which comes from the Greek word for “inquiry”) was a subset of a branch of learning called moral philosophy. As the name implies, moral philosophy was concerned with teaching right and wrong, and in the case of history, learning this discernment of vice and virtue from a study of the past.

Trying to expunge all bias from a retelling of history is as futile as trying to create sterile laboratory conditions in your home kitchen. There is always selectivity in which facts are presented (based on the teacher’s value system of what is important). There is always a manner in which facts are presented that involves moral judgment (based on the teacher’s value system of what is good and what is evil).

Instead of naively demanding that history classes be stripped down to “just the facts, ma’am,” we should instead teach students that a history book is a piece of literature that must be evaluated. Who is the historian casting as the hero? Who is the historian casting as the villain? What events is the historian including in order to shape the story into the arc he wants? What events is he leaving out?

The presuppositions of the teacher or historian will affect what shape the historical narrative takes, what details are included, and who is lauded or condemned:

  • Is history the story of the rich oppressing the poor? (a Marxist view of history)

  • Is history the story of men oppressing women? (a feminist view of history)

  • Is history the story of the white race oppressing other races? (a CRT view of history)

  • Is history the story of sin and death oppressing mankind and Christ redeeming His people from it?

The question is not whether history will be biased, but which bias the history will have. The study of history is never neutral because there actually is an overarching story which ought to be told, the story of a perfect God who intervenes in the lives of His imperfect Creation, a God who tells us which morals ought to inform our moral philosophy, and a God who governs what direction history is moving toward.


If you are interested in a case study that shows just how differently one historical figure can be represented by various historians, see this article on John Wycliffe (one of the early Reformers). I’ll be using this material later this week as part of our secondary Symposium on Thursday to illustrate for our students how bias affects history and how we need wisdom and discernment in understanding the past instead of blindly accepting whatever a history book says.

An FCA Huddle is a club based around the study of God’s Word, growth as disciples of Christ, and development of leadership skills. Boys and girls, athletes and non-athletes are welcome to attend. FCA is a worldwide para-church group whose core values are to teach God’s Word, connect kids to churches, and grow students into disciples who make disciples for Christ.

The high school FCA huddle will be open to Paideia 9th-12th graders on Wednesdays after school lets out (12:30-1:10pm) at CPFC, the secondary campus. Bring a lunch.

The middle school FCA huddle is open to 6th-8th graders from all schools on Wednesdays at New Life (2:20-3:00pm).

The first huddle will take place on Wednesday, October 5.

Needs: Jon Roberts is looking for men or women to help facilitate and assist at the FCA huddles. Email Jon at if you can assist.

School Scrapbook

Fourth grade learns about the ancient Sumerians and makes cuneiform tablets.

Third grade enjoys their Audubon field trip.

School Calendar: This Week

Wednesday, 9/28 - Fourth Grade Field Trip: Audubon Museum

Thursday, 9/29, 11:25-12:20 - Secondary Symposium on “Just the Facts, Ma’am: Can History be Unbiased?” (Rose Spears) followed by slide show of Photo Scavenger Hunt competition at secondary campus. Parents welcome to attend.

Friday, 9/30, 8:00-8:40am - Friday Assembly at NEW LIFE - Parents are invited to attend!

Friday, 9/30, 8:40-9:10am - Gala Fundraiser Planning Meeting

School Calendar: Next Week

Monday, 10/3 - Sign-up DUE for High School Choir Trip & 7th-9th Mock Trial Club

Wednesday, 10/5 - First FCA Huddles. Paideia High School Huddle at secondary campus 12:30-1:10. Middle School Huddle at New Life 2:20-3:00.

Friday, 10/7, 8:00-8:40am - Friday Assembly at NEW LIFE - Parents are invited to attend!

Friday, 10/7, 8:40-9:10am - Parent Fellowship Meeting

Friday, 10/7, 12:40-2:15 - First Mock Trial Club meeting at secondary campus