
Missionary Emma Geswein

Updates from Ethiopia

September 11th was Ethiopian New Year! Fun fact in case you didn't know – Ethiopia follows a different calendar. So their New Year just passed and it became 2015! We are so blessed to have an amazing church family to celebrate with. 

I want to share with you about one of the group homes that is supported by our ministry. BHDO, one of our partners, started a group home this year and it has been amazing for these kids. They are either orphaned or come from abusive and neglecting homes. Living in the BHDO group home gives them a chance to have a stable environment, a safe place to live, and a new family with each other. Pictured, my husband Abenezer and I visited to have some fun with them. I can’t wait to see how these kids excel in life because of this chance they’ve been given! 
I want to start sharing some of the in-depth realities of living in Ethiopia. I have shared a lot about the work I do, but not as much about the day-to-day here. Pictured below, is me in a public taxi (my friend Barsenet took this picture). As you can see, it was rainy, and we jumped into a van already crammed with people, to be sat on a tiny stool on the floor. 
The other option of transport is Ethiopia’s version of Uber, which means paying a much higher price and being in a car with an Ethiopian who most likely doesn’t speak English. I have adapted to this because I know much more Amharic now, but neither option is totally comfortable. I've even had a few instances of being flirted with (which is very uncomfortable) and many instances of being overcharged because I'm a foreigner. It definitely doesn't come close to being able to get in your own car and go wherever you want. Cars are exponentially higher in price here because of the tax, which is why I have not been able to have that option of transportation yet.

Recently the other missionaries who have joined me, Kim & Kevin Ellis, have been a huge blessing. Kevin is an experienced mechanic and bought a little blue VW beetle, which is how I get to work most of the time now. It's always an adventure here in Ethiopia! 
We have some very exciting news to share this month...we are expecting!!
Baby Bekabil is coming soon!

In case you don’t understand the sign, “macchiato” is our nickname for the baby.
Abeni is coffee and I’m milk. Get it?
We are beyond excited to meet this little one.
We are so grateful that God has blessed us with a new addition to our family! 

I can't thank each of my monthly partners enough for joining me on this mission! You make all of this possible. I'm so grateful for these opportunities and I don't take it lightly that God is calling me to do this work. Please pray as I continue to work with many needy families and continue to adjust to life in Ethiopia. 
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