
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: September is my Super Bowl.

As in, it’s the absolute best time of the year in New York.

The weather gets crisp, the sun always feels nice on your face, and apples are ripe for the picking. (We took the kids last week!)

Happy Rosh Hashanah to those of you who celebrate.

Johnny and I are in the North Fork. Last night, we hosted some family and friends-like-family for dinner, complete with brisket, kugel and my Aunt Linda’s chicken soup. The kids were running around and happily making movies with their cousins.

Often, people like to wait until the new year to try and start something new, to set lofty goals, to amp up their gears.

I think that’s BS.

In fact, I’m deeply *against* waiting for the new year, or any life event for that matter, to go after what you want.

Why should you wait to get your life started? Also, why do you put too much pressure on the decision to start a project or even try new things?

Can you just do it for the sake of trying – without the fear of failure or success attached to it?

Maybe you’ll like it or maybe you won’t.

Maybe it’ll workout or maybe it’ll lead you to something else… okay.

I’m more about the try and see what happens!

One of the biggest perks in living is that we get to keep trying, discover new things, learn more about ourselves, and GROW.

Case in point: Last winter, my back was killing me so my friend, Eve, suggested a trip to the infrared sauna in my hood.

Ever since, I’ve been so OBSESSED and can’t stop talking about it.

I came out feeling and looking like a million buck$.

I would have missed out on that experience if I didn’t just go, right? (I mean, infrared saunas?!)

I came home and ended up buying their at-home sauna blanket (not paid to say any of this, lol) and I just LOVE it.

It doesn’t just give me workout endorphins from the comfort of my own office, it helps to get me through the seasonal depression I seem to get every year, too.

So whether or not today is the start of year 5783 to you, here’s your reminder to alway try something new – and jump right in.

You never know if and when you’ll find your next favorite thing ;-)

(And if trying new things is a muscle that you need to work on, read this.)

Hit reply and share something new that you’re going to try to do!



PS. Did you see me in the WSJ? Read the article, ‘I Love Your Shoes’: At Work, Compliments Between Women Are a Minefield, and let me know what you think!

If you’re not subscribed to WSJ, I got you! Hit reply to this email and I’m happy to send you the pdf version.

PPS. I’ve also been featured in the Brooklyn Eagle this month. I’m honored to be written up among these women! Find me here.

PPPS. Did you add me to your contacts yet? I’m completely switching to Flodesk after today. Please, please add me so you’ll never miss an email! ❤️

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