Oct 4 MAHC Member Event- Policy and Funding Updates, Case Studies, Networking, Coffee, Donuts & More 9 - 10:30 am at Woodford's Church Meeting Hall, 202 Woodfords Street, Portland.
Build Development & Developer Capacity RFP
MaineHousing is seeking a consultant to assist municipalities, economic development groups, and cultural organizations interested in working with a developer to provide housing; conduct outreach and training sessions for new or inexperienced developers; and provide technical assistance to new or inexperienced developers to leverage MaineHousing-funded programs.
Research RFP for State Housing Production Goals
MaineHousing is inviting qualified individuals and entities to submit proposals to provide research and analysis services to assist it and the Department of Economic and Community Development (“DECD”) in establishing statewide and regional goals for housing production. This research will help Maine meet its obligations under the recently enacted LD 2003.
Hiring: Loan Officer / Portfolio Manager
The Genesis Fund is a mission-driven, focused, effective, caring, collaborative, and creative organization looking for a Loan Officer / Portfolio Manager to support our lending operations. This new team member will support our lending program at an exciting time of organizational growth and development for our growing $30M loan portfolio.
FHLBank Boston's forum: Innovative Land Use Policies in New England Slide Deck
HUD Funding: Multifamily Rental for Seniors with Rental Assistance & Support
$174.6 million in grant funding opportunities through a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to support the development of new affordable multifamily rental homes for low-income seniors along with ongoing project rental assistance and supportive services. The grants are offered under HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program and will be awarded to non-profit organizations across the country.
New Senate Bill to Invest in Rural Housing Preservation
Senators Tina Smith (D-MN) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced the “Strategy and Investment in Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2022” (S.4872) on September 15. The bill aims to protect access to affordable housing for people living in rural communities and, if passed, would make needed investments and improvements for low-income renters in rural housing programs. Read more.
Register Today: Housing Policy Conference - 11/17
Keynote speaker Diane Yentel, the president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition
Post-election analysis with legislators
Amanda Rector, Maine State Economist shares a deep dive on housing and the economy in Maine
Networking and Lunch
Presentation of MAHC’s “Libby” Mitchell and Rick McCarthy Awards
How the 2022 elections will likely affect state and federal housing policy
Legislator meet and greet
Overview of MAHC’s advocacy agenda
More details coming soon.
MAHC Rent Control Survey
With affordable housing on people's minds across the state, we want to hear what you think about rent control. Take our 3-question Y/N survey and we'll share the results back with you all. Take survey! Share the survey with your colleagues too: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FDGF3S3
Join MAHC Today - Membership Makes Our Advocacy Stronger
Not a member? Know an organization that cares about homes for all people in Maine? Want to make a contribution to support MAHC's advocacy and events? JOIN TODAY.
Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC
Reach out to me anytime to set up a one on one conversation about your organization, what you see as challenges, and how MAHC can support you. info@mainehousingcoalition.org