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January 2012 Theme - Ready Momentum

Dear <<First Name>>,
Ready can be defined as completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use; duly  equipped, completed, adjusted, or arranged, as for an occasion or purpose. Momentum on the other hand can be described as the force or speed of movement; or impetus - the energy with which a body moves. For forty years that the Children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness and for many years after that when they had settled in Canaan, the ‘presence’ of God was within a tent. No one thought of the idea to build a temple, a habitation that is worthy for the Almighty until the reign of David. Unfortunately for David though, God refused that he should build a place of abode for Him; principally because he had shed innocent blood. However, God agreed that David’s successor – Solomon would be eligible to build Him a place.

Not only that Solomon was very blessed to be the qualified candidate; he enjoyed ready momentum in building of the temple. The architectural designs, the gold, silver, bronze, iron, precious stones, woods, and even sands to build the temple were already prepared by his father. Contracts with the suppliers and experts were also signed prior to Solomon’s rule. When he got on the throne, he just started building with ease (I Chro. 22: 1-20).

In this month of January, God will use it to make us gather momentum that will propel us through the year 2012 powerfully. We will begin to sign contracts that will elevate us in the year. All the gold, silver, precious stones, iron, woods, sands, etc. that we would require in 2012 would be duly arranged this January by the Almighty Father in Jesus name.


Prophecy 2012 - Astounding Accomplishments

Astounding is defined as bewildering or striking dumb with wonder; or so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. While accomplishments could be defined as the act of carrying out or achieving; something achieved or successfully completed; gained skills or talent; attainment of social grace, style, and poise.

After God ordered Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor; Elisha left his lucrative mechanized farming and became a servant to Elijah. He would run errands for him and take care of his master. The time came when God was prepared to take Elijah away; Elisha’s contemporaries began to make mockery of him that he would soon be like them, but Elisha was determined not to remain as an ordinary son of a prophet; but as someone spectacular. So he demanded for the double portion of the anointing of God upon his master. The bible records that Elisha was able to fulfil the condition set by Elijah and so received the double portion of his master’s anointing! The sons of prophet that thought Elisha was already stranded at the other side of Jordan bowed before him and called him ‘Master’ after he parted the Jordan River and walked through it on dry ground! (2 Kings 2: 1-15).

In the year 2012, the Spirit of God says He will make us to achieve feats that are astounding; gain talents and skills that are staggering; and enjoy attainments of social grace, style and poise that are startling.