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Dear Friends of Sue,

What an incredible week on the campaign trail! The State Primary took place, and even though I did not have a primary opponent, we had lots of good visibility at the polls. Thank you so much to everyone who helped hold a sign. The weather was not hospitable, but we persevered!

It was great to spend time over the weekend with the Sullivan County Democrats at their picnic on the common in downtown Newport. After redistricting, Senate District 5 now includes four Sullivan County communities: Cornish, Grantham, Plainfield, and Springfield. The weather on Saturday was beautiful, and it was also a treat to get to visit with US Senator Maggie Hassan and Congresswoman Annie Kuster. Our Democratic ticket includes strong women, and I am proud to be on the ballot with them!
I was able to share some of the outcomes of Veto Day with the Sullivan County Democrats. In good news, the legislature was able to come together to pass legislation to bring financial relief for heating and energy costs for 50,000 eligible Granite Staters. Unfortunately, we were not successful in passing an amendment to that legislation that would have addressed the broader energy issues that have left us on the hook with fossil fuels here in New Hampshire. We will be at the mercy of the natural gas market until we make the change to clean energy. The Democrats know this and tried to do something about this on Thursday of last week, but again, this vote went down on party lines.

And this is why who we send to Concord matters more than ever before. Once again, the Democrats tried to protect the medical decision-making rights of women by taking SB 436 "Access to Abortion Care Act" off the "table" for a vote. This bill would have codified safe and legal access to abortion care in New Hampshire. Once again, the Republicans defeated our effort. Taking back the majority in the NH Senate and NH House this November is the only way to keep this from happening again.
So you'll find me knocking doors, putting out yard signs, and talking to voters throughout Senate District 5 - like I did this past weekend with Kira, my new Progressive Turnout Project Fellow. Together, we can do this!

In solidarity,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
Contribute Now!
I'll Take a Yard Sign!
Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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