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Day 2: the Steering – the lanes they are in already and the direction their lives are headed

These young adults* see the value of education, as they look back to where their parents are in their work-life. Many may be in the City and in this stage of life for four years with their goal of wanting to move to the next stage of life with greater stability: a good job and good salary for the future.

These goals are empty and unfulfilling as they enter job-markets. What they need is to see the life that God offers them and not to be blinded by the things of the world. They need to change lanes.

Almost all the young adults have been raised in homes where ancestor worship is a consistent and required spiritual focus.  As young adults seeking to be more independent, they may indicate that they “don’t really believe that” while still maintaining those practices whenever they are with family.

Loyalty to family is strong and is often one of the greatest single barriers to the Gospel.  Without even asking their family, they may reject the Gospel because they know their family would not approve.  This loyalty to family and the expectations from family often permeates all their life.  Depression and anxiety often comes as they are weighed down with the expectation they will eventually get a good job for the purpose of supporting their family or even the realization that they must choose a job or life direction not based on what they want but on what the family wants.

At least half or more of the young adults have also been raised in homes that regularly went to the Buddhist temple.  For some, this may have been only a couple times a year, but others are accustomed to doing so monthly or even weekly.  Even as they live in the City separated from family, they will often visit a temple themselves when faced with difficult decisions, tasks or at specific crisis points.

Some of the young adults we meet will say that they are Atheists – or that they “believe in themselves”.  Even though the culture overall is very spiritual, many are expressing this decision that there is no God and that everything depends on themselves.
Is it possible for them to change lanes from the path they are on and find Jesus? Our desire is for veils to be removed and for disruption to come into their lives to make them open to look for a change and hope. Pray with us for lives to be changed among these young adults – pray that they change lanes.

"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." 1 Corinthians 4:4
  • Ask God to remove whatever the enemy is using to blind them and keep them from trusting Christ.
 *For security, we are just referring to this group as young adults and avoiding identifying them more specifically.
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