Critical Media Practice invites you to a virtual CMP Welcome Event on September 8, 5:30-6:30pm. Students who have not yet presented at a CMP event – including students admitted in 2019-20 and those returning from fieldwork (or still out in the field!) – are asked to briefly introduce their work and share a few still or moving images of their capstone project, or related projects. We look forward to hearing about the projects and discussing the year ahead for CMP, which will include workshops, visiting artists, remote critiques, and a new funding opportunity. Faculty and students are welcome.
Films distributed by Sentient.Art.Film, founded by Keisha Knight
September 24, 3-4:30pm: Accessing Unique Film and Video Resources at Harvard Libraries and Harvard Film Archive Harvard has incredible audiovisual resources in multiple media spread across several entities on campus. In this Zoom workshop, you will learn how to locate, request, and view items from Harvard’s various film collections for your research, teaching, and filmmaking or art practice. Amy Sloper, Collections Archivist at the Harvard Film Archive, will describe the collections and access instructions for Harvard Film Archive and other special collections on campus. Please RSVP.
October 22, 3-4:30pm: Distribution as Praxis: Conversation and Brainstorming with Sentient.Art.Film's Keisha Knight. Through personal anecdotes, case studies, and group discussion this workshop will explore film distribution as a means through which to renegotiate fossilized systems of extractive exchange. We will discuss the nuts-and-bolts realities of the distribution landscape as it currently exists and think together about what transformative interventions are possible. Please RSVP.
AFVS352: CMP Projects: production and publication
CMP Core Credit Courses
CMP Elective Credit Courses (a media-based final project must be approved by the professor for CMP credit):
* An application for this course must be submitted by August 19th at 11:59pm to the Creative Writing Program – see website for more details
Responding to students' desire to foster collaboration across the multiplicity of media and materially-based practices, and between different artist-researchers CMP houses, we are making funding available for non-medium-specific, interdisciplinary, and collaborative projects, for example: exhibitions and/or publications that bring together artists and writers around a theme or question; interdisciplinary and inter-media projects that bring together film, music, sculpture, writing, printing, painting, etc.; or web-based projects that bring together different fields and materials around one particular topic. Projects must involve a collaboration between at least two CMP students from different fields, who will facilitate the project, and can involve artists, filmmakers, and scholars from departments and schools across Harvard as well as from outside the University.
Applications will be available here starting September 1 and are due September 30.