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(Above) The explosion that rocked Beirtut.
The orange color reveals the presence of nitrates. 

An Opportune Time For Beirut?

Hump Day - Day Of Prayer For The Muslim World Vol. 151

"Make the most of every opportunity for the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16

It's been all over the news since August 4 when a huge explosion demolished a huge portion of Beirut, Lebanon. Was it an attack or was it simply governmental neglect in the storage of 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate over the last 6 years? Officials are still trying to sort it out.  

An Opportune Time For Beirut?
In the midst of this horrible tragedy, this can be a time of great opportunity - an opportunity for the followers of Jesus to bring light into the darkness. It is a time for prayer and Holy Spirit led action!

Beirut Fast Facts:

  • One of world's oldest cities (founded 5,000 years ago) and capital of Lebanon
  • Population - estimated to be 2.5 - 2.7 million
  • Home to 200,000 refugees (mostly Syrians & Palestinians)
  • 52% Muslim (4 sects - Sunni, Shia, Alawite and Druze)
Explosion Crisis Figures
  • Approximately 300,000 homeless - including 80,000 children
  • 200 dead - including 34 refugees
  • 10,000 households in need
Massive Problems For Lebanon
How would a country survive mounting issues without a government? We are about to find out! 

From Prime Minister Hassan Diab on August 10, 2020:

"I declare today the resignation of this government. May God protect Lebanon."

Why did Diab and Lebanon's Cabinet resign? 
  • COVID 19 - was already bad and now accelerating since the blast
  • Economy - the first Mideast nation to enter hyperinflation last month
  • Surge in protests
  • Government corruption - deeply embedded in the system
  • Refugee situation - highest number of refugees per capital in world (1 refugee for every 4 nationals)
  • Hezbollah, Iran and Russian influence

Prayer Needs

  1. The biggest need is hope, and Christ's followers have that message. But there is a sense of being overwhelmed - where to begin. May ministries find ways to make the most of this opportunity - especially with the children!
  2. The explosion revived traumatic memories of Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees who have experienced civil war. Pray for the LORD Jesus to heal them.
  3. Pray the LORD would raise up able and wise leaders for Lebanon, and pray for the removal of Hezbollah's corrupt influence.
  4. Pray for the Alawite and Druze Muslims - there is 0.00% followers among them
Yemen Campaign
We will have metrics from the first 30 days soon, and we cannot wait to share the exciting news. The next 30 days is for discipling new believers. Please pray for their spiritual growth!

We are thrilled to have you join us in prayer. Thank you for doing so. May the LORD be glorified through your prayers!

Dream so big only Jesus can make it happen!

Jay & Marsha Crenshaw
e3 Partners
Directors Muslim Outreach USA/MECANA

Crenshaw Support
Fearless Love
(Above) Before and after images of port of Beirut.
(Above) Man pulled out from the rubble in Beirut after the explosion. 
(Above) Protestor facing off with police in aftermath of explosion.
(Above) Syrian refugee walks over the debris left from the collapse of his home where his wife and 2 daughters were killed from the blast.
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