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Welcome to the August edition of UNAA News!

UNAA joins Global Compact Network Australia
in call for focus on SDGs

The UNAA is pleased to join Global Compact Network Australia in signing a letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, calling for an increased focus on sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are our roadmap to a safer, fairer, more sustainable future in the road to recovery from COVID19.

UN Alumni Profile

Meet this month's UN Alumni, Jane Aslanidis. Jane is the Senior Manager at the Centre for Public Impact at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) with over 10 years of international relations experience. Jane has worked with the UN World Food Programme and prior to that was involved with the UNAA Young Professionals Network in Sydney. Jane currently works with Governments, the United Nations and international Institutions. You can read our interview with Jane here!

UN Pacific Unite Concert
Join the United Nations on UN Web TV on Saturday 15 August for the Pacific Unite: Saving Lives Together Concert. 

This concert will be televised and digitally streamed and will call on leaders and people across the region to work together and with the rest of the world, in the fight against COVID-19. This concert will bring Pacific communities together in solidarity and pay tribute to essential workers across the Pacific for the work they have done in combatting COVID-19. 

Let’s stand together in the fight against COVID-19, because solidarity is the only way forward! More details here.

Lebanon Port Explosion

Tuesday 4 August saw a devastating blast rip through Beirut, wounding thousands and leaving many more homeless. The UNAA extends its sympathies to all affected and who have suffered loss.

The blast comes amid economic and political concerns and rising cases of COVID19. With the urgent need for emergency assistance, many specialised UN agencies are working to support the people of Beirut including with temporary housing shelters and basic supplies. Find out how you can support the UN in aiding Lebanon's recovery.

International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples Webinar


Register for your free ticket today!

Join us Friday 21 August at 11.00 am AEST for a free webinar celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. With the support of the ACT Government, we'll hear from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders on the conversations that matter, recognising the past and looking to the future. Our panel includes:

  • Tanya Hosch - General Manager of Inclusion and Social Policy at the AFL, and UNAA Goodwill Ambassador
  • Joe Morrison - Managing Director of Six Seasons Consulting and former CEO of the Northern Land Council
  • Malachi Murljacic (Moderator) - Former UNAA intern, New Colombo Plan Scholar and intern at the UN Development Program

Register for your free ticket today!

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