
Newsletter #29



A Roadmap for Angular

Looking back at the past three years, React Native has proven to be extremely successful at Discord and The Angular project now has an official roadmap outlining what they’re looking to bring to future versions of the popular framework.

Let's Debug a Node.js Application

A brief, high level look at some ways to step beyond the console.log approach, by using Node Inspect, ndb, llnode, or other modules.

Rome is finally in Beta version

This is the beginning of an entire suite of tools. Rome is not only linter, but also a compiler, bundler, test runner, and more, for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, and CSS.

Different versions of your site can be running at the same time

You might think that the version of your site or app that’s ‘live’ and in production is the version everyone’s using.. but it’s not necessarily the case and you need to be prepared.

React v17.0 Release Candidate

The Release Candidate for React v17.0 was just released. Instead of releasing new features, this release sets the groundwork for making it easier to upgrade React itself.

Using node modules in Deno

Ada calls this ‘a bad practice’ but notes that ‘sometimes there is no alternative’ especially considering how huge the npm ecosystem is compared to Deno’s nascent one.

"How getting into Open Source has been awesome for me"

In this post, Kent C. Dodds explains how he started contributing to open source.

What the fork is memoization

don’t confuse memoization and memorization. Memorization is when you put something in your head. Read more

Introducing React Spectrum

Jaemi Bremner introduce's Adobe React Spectrum

Cool projects

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