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I missed Sunday! I thought I'd hit send right before running to a call with my cousin last night, but clearly missed a step. Thanks to my dad to bringing it to my attention. Happy Monday, y'all! I'm still alive. ✌️ 
Last weekend I noticed a new genre of street art around my neighborhood. It felt very Amélie-esque with reminders to "open your eyes" and appreciate the beauty of your life and the city. 
If 2020 were to have a theme besides the obvious, I think I'd call it "window adventures." (Remember the cookie toss!?) As I went to finalize this week's intro tonight, I heard music from my window. It turned out to be a Drag Queen and her male dance partner, with a Mexican number that even involved lifts and flips. It was good fun, and unexpected.

Last weekend on the way to dinner, the sound of music—starting with Queen—once again captured my attention in the street. This time looking up there were Drag Queens in the windows, that were lined with silver foil. It was such a hoot, and I love seeing the way people have been forced to be creative while performance venues are closed.
Check out the videos of Mixity performing on my Instagram.
It's all an excellent reminder to look up, look down (as I did tonight), cross the street to see what's happening, and sometimes see what's right in front of you. Even in uncharted times, we can find moments of joy. 

Here's this week's inspiration. 


I've long been a fan of the work of designer/illustrator Timothy Goodman, but what I'm an even bigger fan of his the way he normalizes mental health and going to therapy, sharing his experiences, both through his art and through Instagram Stories. It's interesting to hear him talk about what he shares on Empty Inside with Jeannette McCurdy. Crazy to think I was hanging out with Tim in Paris last summer...


Austin Kleon never went to art school but went on to be a prolific artist. One of the ways he stays most inspired is through creative is through making art with his two kids. His new piece for the NYTimes "Diary Project" series, "The Unschooled Artists: Taking lessons in creativity from my kids" reflects on the importance of art during these times, and is told with the help of drawings by his sons. 


In the times where every song is at our fingertips I never think to watch music videos. In fact, I didn't even know people made music videos anymore. But when a friend sent me Dua Lipa's "Physical" I was drawn in as the scenes move through the colors of the rainbow, while integrating animation, all in a way that feels fresh and fun. It's catchy if you need a summer song. 
A quick note to let you know I've taken on a temporary role as co-host for London Writer's Salon's Writer's Hour for the next month or so. I'm filling in for Matt while he's in a different time zone. You can write with me every morning at 8am BST (that's 9am Paris time). And if that timing doesn't work Matt and Parul are running two more sessions throughout the month of August at 8am EST, and a brand new session at 8am PST as well. 

You can sign up here. It's free and such an amazing community to write with. ✍️ 

Keep those eyes open! 👀 Have a wonderful week!
P.S. Please wear a mask, wash your hands frequently (20 seconds with soap and water), carry around gel, and practice social distancing. Our numbers here in France are spiking and we all have to play a role in being vigilant. Nowhere is immune. In case you need the reminder, it's also totally OK to not hang out with friends who you don't feel like are taking proper precautions. 
Anne S. Ditmeyer is a creative coach + consultant who helps people think creatively in their work and life to push past those pesky standards society has put on us. Sign up for a curiosity call to learn more.
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