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Expressway News

July 10, 2020

In this Issue: 
Flyover Opening | CTX Navigators


Flyover Bridge from Northbound SH 130
to Westbound 290 Toll

As drivers return to the roadways, the Mobility Authority is pleased to announce the opening of the second of three flyover bridges on the 290/130 Flyovers Project on July 11, 2020*. Drivers traveling from northbound SH 130 to westbound 290 Toll may use the new flyover bridge for a free-flowing direct connection between the two roadways and into downtown Austin.

Forward-thinking Solutions
As we see drivers returning to the roadway, the Mobility Authority continues to deliver forward-thinking mobility projects. The impacts of COVID-19 on our regional economy makes it more important than ever that our community has access to reliable transportation solutions.

Early June toll transactions on the 290 Toll Road indicate a 38.6 percent increase in average weekday traffic since the region’s stay-at-home orders went into effect. Completion of the project’s three flyovers will help eliminate queueing of vehicles off the southbound and northbound main lanes of SH 130, and are anticipated to shift approximately 67 percent of vehicles off the southbound SH 130 frontage road and onto the new flyover ramps to westbound 290 Toll.

Exit Details for the new North-to-West Flyover Connection
Northbound SH 130 drivers wishing to take advantage of the new flyover to the westbound 290 Toll will use the newly opened Exit 437B, located north of Blue Bluff Rd. 

Drivers should note that the northbound exit located just south of US 290, now Exit 437A, will continue to provide access to the non-tolled US 290 frontage roads.

See map below for more information:

Both open flyovers connecting SH 130 drivers to westbound 290 Toll are tolled. Tag holders save money on toll roads throughout Texas. Drivers with an active electronic tag save 33 percent over drivers billed through the Pay By Mail program.

For more information on electronic tag options, visit the Mobility Authority website:

For additional information on the 290/130 Flyovers Project, visit 

*Dates are subject to change based on weather and other circumstances. 

Questions or concerns about your Pay By Mail Bill? 

You can contact us at (833) 762-8655 or visit our website.  


The Mobility Authority relies on the experiences and voices of our community members. Your insights are critically important in all aspects of our operations – from conception through construction and maintenance of our roadways. With our new CTX Navigators program, we hope to make that feedback process even easier.

CTX Navigators is a two-part survey platform that allows you, as the driver, to share your input and opinions with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority.

  • Surveys: The Mobility Authority will randomly send out surveys about any number of things, including our facilities, marketing materials, signage, etc. These will typically be short surveys and may or may not be paid (via gift card). Participating in the surveys can help increase your chances of being selected as a Mystery Driver.
  • Mystery Driver: Navigators will be randomly selected to take notes about their normal driving activities for a month. Follow the instructions and log your notes into the platform. Help make commutes better and get a $20 gift card – win-win! 

You already have opinions, why keep them to yourself? Tell us what you think and earn the chance to win gift cards. Register to become a CTX Navigator today!

Need more information?
Visit our website
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