
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH, V9 Issue 4
Friday, August 14, 2020
2020-21 Academic Calendar
REQUIRED: 2020-2021 Policy Agreements

Due by Sunday, August 16th at Midnight

Please click on the red button below to complete required online form that summarizes your acceptance of all policies and agreements located in the 2020-2021 Lutz Preparatory Student/Parent Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for the nurse.

Accepting these policies and completing this form is a requirement for continued enrollment at Lutz Preparatory School, a Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice serving grades K-8.  This form does not apply to students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, the private tuition-based preschool located on our campus. 

ONE form must be filled out for EACH student who is enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8. The deadline to complete this online paperwork is Sunday, August 16th at midnight. 

All parents who complete this required online form by the deadline will receive their student's homeroom teacher assignment & links to a prerecorded virtual meet the teacher event via email by end of day on Thursday, August 20th.  

If you do not complete the policy agreement form by the deadline, you will not be emailed your teacher assignment on Thursday, August 20th.

*Due to the large number of typos we have received in past years, we recommend this form is completed on a computer/laptop, not a cell phone.  We kindly request that you verify your typing in all areas for accuracy before submitting.

You will receive a confirmation screen at the end of the online form stating "THIS PAGE CONFIRMS RECEIPT OF YOUR Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for Nurse Agreements" with additional details.  Please do not contact the school asking for a second confirmation of receipt.  Our staff will contact you if your student is missing any enrollment requirements.  
Please have your child's HCPS student ID ready to complete the online form
Click Here to Complete the Required Policy Agreements

2020-21 K-8 Instructional Materials Fee
Due by Monday, August 17th at noon

Lutz Preparatory School uses a variety of resources as quality instructional materials to help drive student achievement. The Lutz Prep curriculum requires students to use hard textbooks as well as consumable materials. Some of these consumable materials include the school-wide planner, literacy resources, and workbooks.

Please review the instructional materials required for each grade level and the ordering process below. Thank you for partnering with us to cover some of these costs! 

If you need financial assistance with this request please contact

If you have a specific grade level question about materials please contact us.

Step 1:  Order & Payment Accepted Via:

  • Online Payment:
    • Click HERE to visit the school store tab of our website using a credit card or PayPal account. 

Step 2:  Receiving Materials 

  • Model A student materials will be delivered to teacher's classroom for the first day of school
  • Model B student materials will be available at the drive thru pick up on August 18th
For ordering or online payment questions, please contact the Business Manager:  

Lutz Preparatory policy in compliance with Hillsborough County School Board Policy 6152

Extra 2019-20 Yearbooks for Sale
PTA has a small amount of extra yearbooks to sell, must purchase online only - $35 each. 

Click HERE to order and pick up at the drive thru pick up next Tuesday.
Before and After-School Care Registration
NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR BEFORE/AFTER CARE REGISTRATION:  You MUST fill out an extended care registration form in order to be enrolled in Morning care or Aftercare Program.  Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and registration form.

There is limited space available in these programs, sign up now to secure your spot.

Face Masks Required on Campus
Copyright © 2020 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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