News from Protect South Portland, Maine
Protect South Portland


Action You Can Take!
Smell it? Report it!


Do you smell petroleum fumes at your home? At your workplace? At the playground? In the morning? In the middle of the night? 

The free SmellMyCity app lets you report the smell, location, and any associated symptoms with a few simple steps. If you smell it, you can report it! Doing so can help build public awareness of the problem of petroleum fumes in our community. 

It is important that you log-in to SmellMyCity each time you are smelling/experiencing the oil tank emissions.
The reports help make it clearer to the city and state:
1. how many people in South Portland and Portland are
being affected
2. how they're being affected
3. where they're being affected
4. how often 

The reports will provide the data to have in hand when we need to testify in Augusta on Rebecca Millett's bill, LD1915. It will be used to advocate for strong regulations to be created to monitor and control the toxic emissions which are poisoning the air we breathe and to protect the health of our community. 
 Please share this information with your friends & family!

  Thank you,
  On behalf of Protect South Portland



Here’s how:

1. FIND the “SmellMyCity” app in the Apple App Store or Google Play and download it to your smartphone. It's a free app, developed by a lab at Carnegie Mellon University as a national air quality tool. 

2. LAUNCH the app on your phone. When prompted, select the option to allow the app to use location services while the program is running. Doing so will allow the Smell MyCity to pin your entry to a map. 

3. CHOOSE to enter your contact information (this is optional), or simply close that box with the x at the top right corner. Another box will pop up with some simple instructions on how to submit a report. Read them and hit ok. This will bring you to the main screen.

4. YOU’LL SEE two tabs on the bottom. One reads “Report” and one reads “Map.” Click “Map”, read the simple instruction, and hit ok. You should see a map of South Portland. You can see the latest smell reports, each represented by a colored triangle. Tap through the dates at the bottom to see what was reported each day. Tap any triangle to see the full entry. 

5. GO TO “Report” to submit your own report. Rate the smell 1-5, with 5 being “about as bad as it gets.” Describe the smell. List any symptoms or leave blank, and add a comment if you’d like. Scroll to the bottom and click the green “Submit Smell Report” button to send it. That’s it. Well done! Now tell your
neighbors how easy that was!
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