
Now an IRS 501c3! + ®

This has been on our roadmap for what feels like forever! With all the extra time off due to COVID-19 we got busy. We hired a lawyer, got trademarks issued (note that fancy new "®" in "Galactic Camp®" and formed a non-profit entity. We created one parent org to run the multiple furry events we plan to do. So Galactic Camp® (man that ® feels soooo good) is now officially a production of Partnership for Artists and Creative Individuals, a California Non-Profit Organization, and IRS recognized 501c3.
Our Mission Statement is:
To organize and provide support for individuals and groups that provide a safe space for people from all walks of life in an attempt to strengthen the LGBT community and its subcultures through wellness, creativity, and education.
Our IRS approval came in roughly three weeks ago. If you would like to see a copy of the letter feel free to reply to this email. It will take a few months before we are visible on the IRS website as it is only bulk updated a few times per year. Once we are in the database we should be eligible for many employer donor match programs. View the IRS database search and processing times here:

Our Con is 100% non-profit for the benefit of our community. There are no salaries or other compensation for con staff or board members.
Our organization is solely volunteer-based. 

2019 Galactic Camp® Photos

In case are feeling nostalgic, check out the photos from the Con:
Snap Fiesta 3D GIF
Cody Booper's Video
Sparky Photography

We Miss You!

COVID-19 has been an incredible hardship. We miss Furry Cons so much. Please stay safe out there. Wear a mask, wash your paws, and take time for self-care. Hang in there. We will get through this together. Things will get better and soon; vaccines are being developed and it will be worth the wait. 


An Online or Outdoor Con?

We want to come up with a way to support our venue the USS Hornet Museum which is also a 501c3 non-profit. Our board is discussing the possibility of an online convention in the spring or an outdoor physically distanced event should it be safe to do one. Many variables and safety considerations to work out. 

If you have some thoughts feel free to reach out. We would especially be interested to talk to those interested in leading a panel, artists, and dealers.

Misc Inquires?

Contact the Con Chair: Nacho Husky or @NachoHusky on Telegram/Twitter.

Org questions:
Copyright © 2020 Galactic Camp®, All rights reserved.

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