August highlights from Synergies, your source for what's new in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences.
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August 2020
Dear <<First name>>,

At Oregon State, we are committed to a safe, brave and inclusive community where we all can learn, grow and thrive. We acknowledge that racism is a public health issue. We fight for health equity and health as a human right.

In that spirit, we are sharing a new video of faculty, staff and students verbalizing our commitment in creating a more just world and welcoming others in joining us.

Food as medicine

Professor Emily Ho, former director of the Moore Family Center for Whole Grain Foods, Nutrition and Preventive Health and the new director of the Linus Pauling Institute, talks about the role of food in boosting the immune system. Hear what this nutrition expert has to say.

Health for all? An inside look at the social determinants of health

What influences your health? Why do health disparities exist among people in the same community? What does a place have to do with health? Assistant Professor Kari-Lyn Sakuma presents "A public health crisis: Factors that influence your health outcomes," in the third of a three-part web series offered by the CPHHS, the OSU Alumni Association, the OSU Foundation, and the Oregon State University Center for Health Innovation.

Global health professor steps into media spotlight

Prior to 2020, Professor Chunhuei Chi had only been interviewed in the media twice. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has logged 123 interviews with journalists from around the world, sometimes fielding five requests per day. Read more in Synergies online.

Research with impact

TRACE COVID-19 study expands testing to Hermiston

Learn about the work in Umatilla County and what researchers found.
Global study finds air pollution major risk for cardiovascular disease, regardless of country income

Read what CPHHS Assistant Professor Perry Hystad says about his study.
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