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Are you doing the right things to create resilient kids?

(The first science-based step to creating resilient kids)
It’s hard getting it right as a parent or an educator.

There are just too many things that you ‘should’ be doing, and every child is remarkably different and growing at a rapid pace. When the rest of life is already busy and complicated how can you be sure your actions are helping them to be as resilient as possible?

In Reboot we use a simple neuroscience-based lens: the key is to meet each child’s whole-brain needs to widen their Window of Tolerance.
The very foundation of resilience is having a wide Window of Tolerance.

Dan Siegel (Siegel, 1999) describes our Windows of Tolerance as the brain state in which we are calm and best able to respond. When we are inside our Window of Tolerance we can still experience stress but we can handle it with relative EASE and RESILIENCE. We can still focus and use all of our brain to complete a task, like completing a math problem, interacting socially or going for a run etc. and then quickly and smoothly return to a state of ease and equilibrium.

When we exceed our Window and move into
Hyper or Hypo-arousal (the top and bottom bands) we easily become overwhelmed, make poor decisions and freeze up. Neuroscience shows clearly that when in Hyper and Hypo-arousal we have reduced activity in our prefrontal cortex (the area that directs logical reasoning and problem solving.)

In order to be resilient,our children
need the widest Window of Tolerance as possible. This helps them stay calm and focused and able to access the thinking parts of their brains when facing challenges.

A wide Window of Tolerance is how we bring our best selves (and behaviour) to any situation.

How do you widen the Window of Tolerance in Kids? Feed the Brains!
While everybody’s Window width naturally differs due to genes, history and circumstances, we can intentionally support kids to have the widest and most stable Window of Tolerance possible.

If kids are hungry, uncertain, feel unsafe or incapable or confused their Window narrows and they become more sensitive to stressors and less resilient overall.

Alternatively, if we meet their core physical, emotional and mental needs the Window widens.
Reboot makes this easy using a neuroscience-based lens that dissects our vast and complex brain into 3 key areas: the Wild, Emotional and Smart Brains. Wild = brain stem, cerebellum and diencephalon, Emotional = limbic system, Smart = cerebral cortex (for more check out our FREE Whole-Brain Educating/Parenting resource here.)

Reboot uses the metaphor of “feeding these 3 Brains” to intentionally address the core needs of all 3 brain areas and thus widen the Window.

Any unmet need results in additional stress, narrows the Window and reduces a child’s resilience (it also usually leads to behavioural problems AND makes new learning and overall wellbeing very tricky.)
Click here for your Whole-brain Parenting Audit
Click here for your Whole-brain Educating Audit
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There are so many things that other people feel you ‘should’ be doing as an educator and/or parent. Reboot’s 3 Brains feeding concept is designed to give you a simple tool to support your decision making and ensure you are doing what you can to widen your students'/child’s Window of Tolerance.

You can create a menu of feeding strategies that suit your child/students and you. For example some of us love kicking the ball around down at the park, while others enjoy taking our kids camping best.  As a mum, a manager and an educator I know that when I feed people’s 3 Brains well, I get the very best from them all (regardless of age.)

Helping to widen the Window of Tolerance is perhaps the greatest gift that we can give our kids and the very best foundation for them to become resilient.
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