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St. Ignatius Loyola
Introducing Canticum Sacrum, 2020-21
Dear Parishioners

It has been a daunting, and somewhat trying, couple of months for singers, conductors, and music ministers. With the spread of Covid-19 and the publication of numerous articles and research papers outlining the danger of in-person ensemble singing, there is still no vaccine, nor a clear timeline for when one might be approved and become widely available. Many choral directors are left asking: how in the world can our arts organizations proceed and effectively engage our singers within the context of a global pandemic?
We’ve seen superb virtual choir videos posted online, many of them created by our excellent Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola, and shared via various social media platforms. I’ve been impressed by the outstanding resourcefulness of our singers and editor extraordinaire, Associate Director of Music Robert Reuter. But, if you are like me and suffer from a certain amount of “technophobia,” I would offer that there can be a way forward for avocational singers during Covid-19. This involves a challenge that presents formidable limitations alongside abundant positive opportunities and outcomes.
Read the full essay
Daily & Weekend Mass

Daily Mass (Monday to Saturday)
8:30 AM


Weekend Mass
Saturday: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:15 AM, 12:30 PM, and 5:30 PM
Livestream Mass

Daily Mass (Monday to Friday)
5:30 PM

Sunday Mass
11 AM 

Join us on YouTube (click here to subscribe) and Facebook (stignatiusnyc) for our Daily and Sunday livestream Masses.

Weekend Mass Schedule | August 16th

5:30 PM: Fr. Bergen

8:00 AM: Fr. Yesalonia
10:15 AM: Fr. Hilbert
11:00 AM (Livestream only): Fr. Bergen
12:30 PM: Fr. Hallinan
5:30 PM: Fr. Hallinan

Reservations are required for our weekend liturgies. 

Visit or call (212) 288-3588 to reserve your space. Registration closes every Saturday at Noon. 
Weekly Wisdom
In his Thursday, August 6th homily, Fr. Hallinan counsels us that while "suffering is a part of our human reality", the one thing that should not be is fear. "How then do we live without fear as Jesus calls us to do? Well, if we are following his way of compassion and seeking actively to be the instruments of compassion in this world that we are called to be, then we have the confidence that we dwell in Christ and Christ dwells in us. ... So, we should have nothing to fear in this world so long as we join ourselves to Christ."
Upcoming Events
Financially Preparing for College: A Virtual Seminar 

Wednesday, August 19th at 5 PM
Please join the Family Ministry for a free Zoom workshop focused on a topic of importance to families: preparing for college, finding the right fit for your child, and strategies for paying for it, including information about 529 college savings plans. This seminar is open to parents of children of all ages. It's never too early or too late to start this process!

The session will consist of a 30-minute presentation and a 15-minute Q&A session, led by fellow parishioners and Morgan Stanley financial advisors Simone Vinocour and Anne Izzillo, together with Abby Siegel, an independent college counselor.

To RSVP, email the Family Ministry by clicking here.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Wednesday, August 19th at 7 PM

SVdP meets biweekly (year-round) on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Meeting attendees can choose to participate online via smartphone/computer or via telephone.
Meetings begin with a prayer and spiritual reflection, followed by an agenda of items geared toward service toward the Poor. We also build and grow in friendship by sharing updates and happenings in our lives. Please consider joining us as we serve our neighbors in need.

September 2nd & 16th

To receive log-in information, email SVdP by clicking here.
Sunday Morning Sing-In

Sundays at 9:45 AM 
Join us on Zoom as we sing our hearts out during this sing-in of hymns and psalms (Mics off, please!). Singers of all ages are welcome.

August 23rd and 30th

To participate, email Michael Sheetz by clicking here.
Social Distancing Socials

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
at 6 PM

Join us for an hour of lighthearted conversation on Zoom.

Grab your beverage of choice and gather virtually with friends both old and new.

To participate, click here to sign-up.

Parishioner Chatline

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 
from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Call (914) 418-4004 to connect one-on-one with a fellow parishioner for lighthearted conversation and fellowship.
Mass Telephone Line

To hear a recording of each day's Mass, call (646) 849-7277.

If you can't join us for our livestream Mass, listen to Mass on a dedicated telephone line. The 5:30 PM Mass is available beginning at 6:30 PM each day (Monday to Friday); the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass is available at Noon.
Religious Education
Registration is open for the 2020-2021 session of our Interparish Religious Education Program (IREP). IREP is an on-going formation process for Kindergarten to 8th-grade students.

To register, click here
Registration is open for the 2020-2021 session of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CotGS). CotGS is a program of religious formation for children ages 3, 4, and 5-years-old. 

To register, click here.
Children's Choirs

The St. Ignatius Loyola Children’s Choir program is auditioning 1st through 8th graders for next season. We begin in September with online training.

Choristers participate in our liturgies and concerts, serve their parish and community, and enjoy the company of children from nearby schools. No previous experience is necessary.

Please contact Maureen Haley, Director of Children’s Choirs, at to inquire about audition procedures and rehearsal times. Auditions for next season
which begins in an online format in Septemberare ongoing throughout the summer.

To learn more about the Children's Choirs, click here.

Do you have a friend, family member, or a loved one who is considering becoming Catholic? We want you to know about a program at the parish beginning in the Fall. 

During this program, interested individuals have the opportunity to inquire into the Catholic faith, to come to know Jesus through the Gospels, to pray, and to prepare for the Easter Sacraments. This process is also open to Catholic adults who have not received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation.
For more information about this process, which is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), call M. Fullam at 212-288-3588 or email
If you are a small business owner or professional who is trying to navigate through the economic turmoil of the loss of business due to the pandemic, you may wish to consider joining a group of parishioners confronting the same circumstances. A member of the parish has offered to take on the responsibility of coordinating such a group and hosting Zoom meetings. If interested, please email me at
— Fr. Yesalonia

St. Ignatius Loyola supports our parishioners' small businesses!

We know that many small businesses are hurting and we want to help. We will be publishing an online directory of parishioner-owned small businesses.

If you would like to be included in this directory, please send the following information to Erin at

  1. Your name and contact information (your contact information will not be published)
  2. Type of business (e.g. hair salon or Italian restaurant)
  3. Name of your business
  4. Address of your business
  5. Website, if applicable
FORMED: The Catholic Faith On Demand

Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks, and a great selection of popular ebooks.

To sign-up, click here to visit the Formed site. Then, select “I belong to a Parish or Organization” and enter St. Ignatius Loyola Church. On the dropdown menu that appears, click our parish name to be taken to the next screen to register.
LGBT Catholics & Friends Ministry End-of-Year Party | Summer 2018
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At-Home Prayer Resources
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