
Daring Faith - Preschool Lesson 1

Guess what! CA Kids is hosting a short pre-show for our kids and families  
10 minutes before each of our online weekend services. We'll sing songs, go through our memory verse, and watch our video lessons together. So grab those bibles and we can't wait to see you there!
Memory Verse: " With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
Bible Story: Noah ( Hebrews 11:7, Genesis 6:9-22)
Daring Faith - Lesson 1 EC
Watch our Full Length Lesson video here!
Preschool  Lesson:

We are so glad you came to church today! Whether in person or online.  We are starting a new series called Daring Faith! In this series, we are learning about how we can have daring faith. Faith is believing in God even when we cannot see Him. Sometimes we may not understand everything that is going on around us, but we can always have faith! We can always believe in God!

• To help us learn more about how we can believe in God, we are going to hear a Bible story about a man named Noah. Noah loved God with all his heart. He chose to believe in God no matter what he was feeling

• Yes! Gold told Noah to build an ark. The ark would keep Noah, his family and the animals safe from the flood. Noah believed God and chose to follow His instructions. The Bible tells us that we should believe in God too. We can have faith in God when we choose to believe in Him!


  • Just like Pastor Steve said, the people from our Bible story had never seen a flood before. So Noah had to believe that what God was saying was true even though he did not know exactly how everything would happen.
  •  What colorful thing was in the sky after God made His special promise to Noah?
  • You are right, a rainbow! When we see rainbows, we can remember God's promise to Noah. 
  • Just like Noah, we can have faith in God by believing in Him even though we cannot see him. We may not be able to see God with our eyes, but we know he is real and that what he says is true.

Memory Verse:  " With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20



Object Lesson

It can be hard for kids to build trust in our amazing (but invisible) God. Let’s be honest – it’s often hard for adults to trust God too!

Here is a great object lesson you can use to help your kids understand what trusting God is like, and a book to show you WHY God is worthy of our faith and trust. 


  • a plastic ziploc sandwich bag filled with water
  • several sharp pencils
  • someone who’s willing to trust you!
1. Fill up Ziploc bag with water. Close ziploc and make sure that it is sealed. Take a sharp pencil - poke through bag fast.

2. Take a couple of more pencils and poke through

Sometimes in life, we can feel like we’re getting poked with holes. Friends move away, family members get sick, or our pet dies. It hurts, but trusting God is a bit like trusting that you wouldn’t get wet when I held that bag of water over you. We CAN trust God, even when it seems like everything is going horribly wrong. He loves and cares for us. 


Preschool Craft
Colouring Sheet
Preschool Craft - Printable
Mission Moment
Hey CA Kids I know it has been a long time since we were all together in the classrooms and at church, but do you guys remember that we support a girl named Luisa. Luisa lives in Mexico. CA Kids helps Luisa purchase clothing, food, and helps her attend school. We must continue to help her.  The area where Luisa lives has been greatly impacted by Covid 19, and they are in need. If you could like to give, I will include a button for online giving below. In the drop down select CA Kids - Sponsor Child.
CA Kids Sponsor Kid - Luisa
Give to Luisa
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