
Special Edition School Notes

In this special edition of School Notes, we hope to expand our communication concerning reopening on September 1st. While we are in Tier Two of our re-entry plan, our guidelines will be fairly tight. It is unknown how long we will be in Tier Two. Should health authorities allow, we will move to Tier One as soon as possible. Please refer to our SAS COVID Re-Entry Plan if you are unfamiliar with the guidelines for tiers. We ask for your patience and positive attitude in regards to our plans and guidelines.

It is the parent’s responsibility to check for any symptoms that present as COVID-19 virus. Access a list of potential symptoms HERE.

Drop off/First day…we will celebrate our first day with our annual red-carpet walk a the east gate (as opposed to the front door). We want to greet our Archangel celebrities with a little style. All persons entering campus must have a face covering.

Drop off/2nd day…preschoolers come in through the east doors. A staff member will check your temperature and sign you in. Students in K-8 will enter through the front door where temperatures will be taken. Anyone with a temp of 99.6 or above will not be allowed to stay. If a first reading is higher, we will have the student wait a few minutes to retake the temp. We realize that if the day is exceptionally warm, a false reading may occur. All students entering the build must wear a face covering.

Pick up (until further notice): There is a change in pick up. We will dismiss the students through the regular exits and you may pick your child up by driving through the one-way loop. If you choose to exit your car, please park in any available space. Again, face coverings are required until everyone gets into their cars. We will have cross-walk coverage. Students need to be picked up by 3:45 pm. During this time, students will not be allowed to re-enter the building once they have exited.

Students in Aftercare will meet in the Commons. Face coverings must be worn when picking up children from Aftercare.

Students in sports or clubs will go to the place of agreed meeting as directed by their coaches or sponsors. Face coverings are required in all common areas.

Student Cell Phone Use: All students are discouraged from bringing phones to school. They will not be allowed to use them while on campus. In the event of an emergency, the school will contact you and we have landline phones in every classroom. In addition, we are including in our FACTS Student Information System the capability to send rapid responses to parent/guardians in the event of a school wide emergency. In the event of a school evacuation, we have made arrangements to gather at Christ United Methodist Church at 1868 Poplar Street.

Lunch: Regrettably, parents may not come in to eat lunch with their children while in Tier 2. We will have four lunch periods until further notice.

*Each lunch period will be followed by a 10 minute window for sanitation. 
Period One: 11:00 am - 11:20 am; Recess 11:20 am - 11:40 am
Period Two: 11:30 am -  11:50 am; Recess 11:50 am - 12:10 pm
Period Three: 12:00 pm - 12:20 pm; Recess 12:20 pm - 12:40 pm
(Middle School) Period Four: 12:30 pm - 12:50 pm; Recess 12:50 pm - 1:00 pm 

The first lunch (All Day Preschool  through 1st grade) will begin at 11:00. Students will be walked to the Commons and follow procedures set forth. Face coverings required wile coming to the Commons. Students will be given 20 minutes to eat and will then be dismissed all together for outdoor recess. Our staff will clean and sanitize tables and chairs when the students go outside.

Lunch 2 (2nd and 3rd grades) will begin at 11:30. The same procedures as delineated above. At 11:50, students will go outside for recess and cleaning and sanitizing will take place.

Lunch 3 (4th and 5th grades) will begin at 12:00. Students will go to recess at 12:20. Cleaning and sanitizing at this time.

Lunch 4 (Middle School) will begin at 12:30. Students will go to recess at 12:50. Cleaning and sanitizing at this time.

Parent Stewardship Hours: At this time we are unable to invite parents into the building to help. When this changes we will let you know and be delighted to welcome you back. Our parents are critical to the success of our school and you will be missed during this time. There may be opportunities to help in other ways and as this occurs, you will be notified. If we are unable to offer you the opportunity for fulfill your stewardship hours, we will prorate the hours against the months in the school year.

Recess:We will be holding recesses as usual. Students will not have to wear face coverings unless parents require their own child to do so.

Library: We will be offering library. Mrs. Gallinger will be going class-to-class to read and check out books. Makerspace will also be offered in classrooms.

Specials: Our Art, Music, PE and Spanish teachers will travel to the classes to teach their curriculum during Tier 2. When we are able to go to Tier 1, the students will go to the specials’ classrooms. (Subject to change.) P.E. will take place outside as much as possible, weather permitting (masks not required while outdoors where social distancing can be maintained). 

Growth Assessments: Our Bi-Annual NWEA Growth Assessments will be administered to all students K-8 on September 8 and 9. Arrangements will be made for those students doing remote learning.

Tech Information: Teachers and our tech team will be working with students on using their devices during the first few weeks of school. A device fee is required. Tech Agreements can be found in family folders, which will go home with students on Tuesday, September 1st. You can also access the agreement HERE. Should you have a problem with a device while your child is at home, please contact Nick Dresang, Tech Director or Tim Galles Tech Integration Specialist.

Procedure for coming into the Office: If your child needs to be picked up for an appointment, please call the office. Mrs. Havens will have your child sent down to the office. Your call will serve as a point of permission for release. You may wait in your car and your child will come out to your car. Please pick up at the front entrance. 

Masses: The good news is that we will be celebrating Mass in the Commons and at OLF. We are working on a plan for students to attend in the Commons as numbers permit for proper social distancing. Unfortunately, family members will not be able to participate in-person. If we are able to live stream, you may watch from your personal device.

Face Coverings: To be worn while in Common areas, entering and exiting by all people in the building.

Middle School: Middle school families, please be on the lookout for an email from Mr. Halvorsen with details, including expectations with regards to changes to the middle school schedule and new guidelines. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are grateful to have the opportunity to open for in-person instruction. It will likely be a bumpy process for all of us, but we are committed to doing our best to keep all parties safe and learning! We ask for your continued prayers during this new venture, and we will continue to pray for all of our SAS families, as well. God bless!

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