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This Mass was recorded at the current outdoor worship space.  

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass

XXII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ Misa
Outdoor Mass Schedule

Saturday/ Sabado
5:00PM  English
6:30PM Spanish


9:00 AM  English
11:00 AM Spanish

Thank you to all the volunteers that made our outdoor masses possible.  We also appreciate all the prayers and support of our entire catholic community.

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Jesus speaks of his Passion and rebukes Peter for his objection.
Matthew 16:21-27
Gospel Reading

Paul encourages the Romans to stay faithful to God.
Romans 12:1-2
Second Reading

Our souls yearn for God.
Psalm 63:2-6,8-9
Responsorial Psalm

Jeremiah laments but cannot fail to speak in God’s name.
Jeremiah 20:7-9
First Reading

 Peter rejects this prediction, and Jesus rebukes him severely, calling him “Satan.” In opposing this aspect of Jesus’ mission, Peter shows that he is no longer speaking based on the revelation from God but as a human being. Jesus then teaches all of the disciples about the difficult path of discipleship: to be Christ’s disciple is to follow in his way of the cross.

Peter could not yet understand what it meant to call Jesus the Messiah. It is unlikely that the other disciples understood any better. Messianic expectations were a common aspect of first-century Judaism. Under Roman occupation, many in Israel hoped and prayed that God would send a Messiah to free the Jews from Roman oppression. The common view was that the Messiah would be a political figure, a king that would free Israel from Roman rule. This is perhaps what Peter envisioned when he was led to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. In this passage, however, Jesus is beginning to teach his disciples that he would be the Messiah in a different way.

Jesus would be more like the suffering servant described by the prophet Isaiah than the political liberator. Those who would be Jesus' disciples would be called to a similar life of service. Perhaps this is what Peter feared most in Jesus’ prediction of his Passion. He whom Jesus had called “rock” would also be called upon to offer himself in sacrifice and service to others. Christian leaders today are still called to sacrifice and serve others as Jesus did.


En el evangelio de este domingo escuchamos a Jesús que dice: “Si alguien quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, coja su cruz y me siga. Porque quien quiera salvar su vida la perderá, pero quien pierda su vida por causa mía, la encontrará”.

¿Qué significa “negarse a sí mismo”? Es más, ¿por qué hay que negarse a sí mismo? Conocemos la indignación que suscitaba en el filósofo Nietzsche esta exigencia del Evangelio. Comienzo respondiendo con un ejemplo. Durante la persecución nazi, muchos trenes cargados de hebreos partían desde todas partes de Europa hacia los campos de exterminio. Se les convencía de subir a ellos con falsas promesas de llevarlos a lugares mejores por su bien, mientras que en cambio se les llevaba a la destrucción. A veces sucedía que en alguna parada del convoy, alguien que sabía la verdad gritaba a escondidas a los pasajeros: bajad, huid. Y alguno lo conseguía.

Pero debemos hacer inmediatamente una precisión: Jesús no nos pide renegar de “lo que somos”, sino de “aquello en lo que nos hemos convertido”. Nosotros somos imagen de Dios, somos por tanto algo “muy bueno”, como dijo Dios mismo en el momento de crear al hombre y la mujer. De lo que tenemos que renegar no es de lo que Dios ha hecho, sino de lo que hemos hecho nosotros, usando mal nuestra libertad. En otras palabras, las tendencias malas, el pecado, todas esas cosas que son como incrustaciones posteriores superpuestas al original.

“Negarse a sí mismo” no es por tanto una operación para la muerte sino para la vida, para la belleza y para la alegría. Consiste también en aprender el lenguaje del verdadero amor. Imagina, decía un gran filósofo del siglo pasado, Kierkegaard, una situación puramente humana. Dos jóvenes se aman. Pero pertenecen a dos pueblos diversos y hablan dos lenguas completamente diversas. Si su amor quiere sobrevivir y crecer, es necesario que uno de los dos aprenda el idioma del otro. En caso contrario, no podrán comunicarse y su amor no durará.

Homilía del P. Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap

We have created a space for our brothers and sisters that are in need of prayer.  Please send the names of your love ones so that we can all join in prayer for their needs, (
we pray for:
~Eric Luby
~ Mari Jauregui
~ David Nunez
~ David Ortuno

Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Hemos creado un espacio para orar por sus seres queridos que necesitan oracion.  Mande los nombres de las personas por quien usted, le gustaria que oraramos.
~ Andrea Hernandez 
~Dalmacio Hernandez ~ RIP
Dios mio, dame consuelo en mi sufrimiento, unge las manos de los medicos que me asisten, y bendice todo lo que sea necesario para mi sanacion.   Dame la confianza que necesito por el poder de tu gracia, que aunque tenga miedo, pueda planamente confiar en Ti; te lo pido por Jesucristo nuestro Senor. Amen
you are the Son of God. And so, you not only solve our problems and respond to our aspirations, you also do so with unexpected fullness.
As the Son sent to us by the Father, you are the God who comes to meet us and manifests for us the God whom we seek. You are the revelation of God for us— the full, perfect, divine revelation—
God in person. In you the God-who-is-far-off becomes the God-who-is-near, the God-with-us, and the God-who-is-one-of-us, our companion on life’s journey.
You alone, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Messiah, and the Son of the Living God. Amen. (Adapted from “Prayer to Jesus,
True God” in the New St. Joseph People’s Prayer Book [Catholic Book Publishing Company])
Resources for Families
Prepare your little ones for Sunday's Gospel message,

I realize that some of you are experiencing financial difficulties at this time. I humbly ask that you please keep in mind the needs of our parish during these uncertain times. Thank you for all who have subscribed!
  • Those of you who use weekly offertory envelopes, please enclose your donation in the designated envelope and mail it to the church.  You can also put your envelope through our mail slot located on the right side of the entrance of our parish office.  
  • Many of you pay your bills using online banking bill pay, you may choose St. Mary Star of the Sea Church to send your Sunday contribution.
  • This is also a time you might want to consider using Online Giving, you may do that by Clicking on the Online Giving icon or going to our website  We greatly appreciate your generous support to St. Mary's Church.
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  • Gracias a todos los que se han registrado!       
  • Se que algunos de ustedes estan pasando por  dificultades financieras.  Pido humildemente que recuerden las necesidades de nuestra parroquia en estos momentos.
  • Para los que contribuyen semanalmente con los sobres, pueden dejar su donacion con sus sobres en el buzon de la parroquia o enviarlo por correo.
  • Algunos de ustedes envian sus pagos por medio del internet, pueden hacer a St. Maria parte de ese processo por medio de su banco.
  • En estos momentos tal vez quisieran registrarse para donar su diezmo por el programa automatico de internet (Online giving)  Para registrarse presione en el enlace
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