Now Performing Vasectomies and Minor Surgery at Hilltop Medical Clinic
Steven Namihas, M.D.
Dr. Namihas is a family medicine board certified physician with over 25 years of experience performing and teaching vasectomies and minor surgery at Shasta Community Health Center and Mercy Redding Family Medicine Residency Programs. He attended medical school at the University of California, Irvine and residency training at Mercy Redding. He has provided numerous workshops in vasectomy and minor surgery at medical conferences sponsored by UC Davis and the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians.
Call 530-221-1565 to schedule an appointment at Hilltop Medical Clinic, Hilltop Drive office only.
Available only on Sunday mornings
• No scalpel vasectomy
• Excision of skin lesions including skin cancer, skin tags, skin cysts, and moles