Welcome to the Alinker 

We send out this INSIDER newsletter every week with all the news about what is going on in the world of the Alinker. You'll read about new products, our Alinker Family, the Alinker Family Farm, the Alinker Academy, user stories, the weekly BE hive and other info. We are building access to health and wellness. 

Alinker is a SheEO venture and a certified BCorp. We are founded on the traditional and unceded territories of Indigenous people, we hire Alinker users, pay Living Wages to all team members, measure our impact with the UN SDGs, and we speak our truths unapologetically when it comes to equality, diversity, justice and BlackLivesMatter.

When design matches your determination

Often we hear from people who receive the Alinker that getting going is harder than they thought. 'It looks so easy on the videos," they say. Because we live in a 'sickcare' system that does not support wellness, people lose more mobility than necessary. The Alinker is designed for how we want to live - active and engaged - though it takes determination and effort to regain some or all of strength and independence. 

Take Sergio Robelto, a young man who was in a motor accident and broke his back a couple of years ago. Doctors had told him he would never walk again. Sergio did not want to settle for that, so he found NeuroFit 360 in Florida. A rehabilitation gym for people with spinal cord injuries, a place where they use the Alinker and believe in people and in possibilities.

Jerris Madison, Chief Editor of Obvious Magazine. Cancer took his leg, but not his spirit. He appeared as the opening model with a disability on the runway of the LA Fashion Show 2017. Since he found the Alinker his friends have trouble keeping up with him. At 6’4” Jerris moves at his own speed again as we send him love.

Victory (not her real name) has Parkinson's, and she retains a vision to move. She found the Alinker at the Liquid Gym in Ottawa and the design matched her determination! Victory! 
Mum and daughter Alinking together

The launch of the XS (access) pre-sales campaign is getting closer. We are anticipating to launch in October. The campaigns will have some special deals for the Early Birds (people who decide fast!). Early Birds deals will be limited, so...

If you are pretty sure that you will purchase an XS in the pre-sales campaigns, please email us so we can put you on the special Early Bird mailing list. We'll send out an email soon to everybody who signed up. 

The XS (access) - the Alinker for taller kids and smaller adults.
The XS will be suitable for people with inseam between 22" and 27" (roughly 9 years old and up), Maximum weight capacity unknown yet. 

What is possible after a stroke? 

Latina was active, and she is still active

We are often asked if you can use the Alinker after having a stroke where one arm and/or leg does not cooperate anymore. Latina has always been an active woman. She is an activist in her community and is engaged and outgoing. A couple of years ago she had a massive stroke and everything stopped, but Latina did not. It took a lot of determination and hard work, but it paid off. Last year she canvassed on her Alinker around the neighbourhoods as she ran for City Council.

The BE Hive 

To Chadwick Boseman: Rest in Power Dear Soul.

Actor who brought the movie "Black Panther" to life with his charismatic intensity and regal performance

You represented so much for all people who look like you, but far beyond what you look like, you modelled that who you are is more powerful than what you have. You have made such a mark in the hearts and souls of so many. Cancer took you, but it will never take away what you have made eternal through your acting, your characters and your person: the power, the kindness, the heart and your love.

Representation is everything. Something happens when we can see ourselves in brilliant characters, in kind and powerful characters, in characters who resemble us. When we see our truths modelled, something shifts. When we see a hero that looks like us, we relate to ourselves differently. And this is especially powerful for people who are stigmatized, discriminated against and marginalized by a society that assumes one mainstream, a mainstream that dominates all other people.

Representation is everything. Being a role model that people can look up to, aspire to and in which they recognize their own inner truths helps us connect to the universal truths inside ourselves. It silences the external voices and the judging that comes from a society that bullies those who look and move different than the assumed mainstream. 

Representation is everything. The assumed mainstream loses power every time we speak and live our truths, our deep inner knowing. Who we are is who we are. We, who look and move differently, are the vast majority of diverse people who want to live in peace and with respect for humanity and earth. By what you modelled you mobilized and empowered a whole generation of people who look and move differently. 

You living and modelling who you are with such integrity has forever changed the path of millions.


Thank you and safe travels #BlackPanther #ChadwickBoseman


The Alinker Academy is LIVE

The Alinker Academy gives you access to more than 20 hours and 60 different Alinker-specific classes with exercises, yoga, sports, stretching, strengthening, dancing and rides through nature.
A spectacular online community to engage with for all Alinker users around the world!

Offer for August only

When you buy your Alinker in August 2020, we give you a 6-month FREE membership to this amazing online community. 
Campaigns LIVE. Support them HERE

Useful links

Visit active campaigns and donate
Get support for setting up your campaign
Order your Alinker
Rent-to-own your Alinker
Get help with orders and sizing

Who to contact in your country


Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs

  • Italy: EMAIL 
  • South Africa: EMAIL 
  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here

"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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