less IS more
from Ken Kuhlken, author of:

and lots of other books
Happy Me

In October I will begin to re-publish all ten of my Hickey Family crime novels in ebook, and I want to be able to spread the word about the release dates and special prices.  

Every day, I get emails from businesses that claim, for a price, they can deliver a bunch of readers. For the sake of writers who don't have a large and active sales force backing them, I will pass along my conclusion that of all these dozens of reader-providers, to me, BookBub looks the most legit. 

BookBub is all about helping readers find the best deals on superior ebooks. They offer bargain prices on all sorts of ebooks, and what's more, they allow readers to find recommendations from their favorite writers. Let's say you are following Tess Gerritson, then you can go to her page and get her recommendations. You decide a book looks intriguing, you can find it on BookBub or go somewhere else to get a paper copy.  It's a good service, something like Goodreads only easier to navigate.

Now, a pitch for ebooks. If you are not at least an occasional ebook reader, consider that ebooks: 1. are cheap;  2. are changeable, if you don't like the print size or style; 3. are so compact you can store a room full of books on a small ereader and; 4. if your eyes get tired or you are trying to multi-task, many ebooks will read to you. The reader may not be DeNiro or Streep, but he, she or it does pretty well for a robot. 

Back to BookBub. To my understanding, the best BookBub benefit for an author is to get one's book featured, which is quite a competitive process, and I suspect that my follower numbers will factor into my chances of getting featured. 

So I will truly appreciate if you click this link and then click Follow in the upper right corner. 

A W.B. Yeats Poem,
Brayden Harrington, the boy who spoke at the Democrat's Convention about his stuttering, told of a poem Joe Biden gave him.  Here it is. Written in the midst of WW I. Whether or not you appreciate any politician, I hope you appreciate Mr. Yeats.
And . . . 
Please listen to this week's podcast, of Writing and the Spirit, for some thoughts to live by, about becoming who you are.

If you subscribe, I will send you the ebook of Writing and the Sprit, 
absolutely free. How generous is that?
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