
CRCC Corner

“Keep Calm, less than 2 weeks to go Melbourne!"


Spring is here, and Stage 4 restrictions are almost over! What are you most looking forward to once restrictions are eased? What might you miss about these restrictions? 

We invite you to partake in a quick survey to help us better help you. Click here to complete survey.
COVID and Community Survey

Best Wishes from all of us at CRCC.

Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful dads out there!

This is a time to say thank you, to reflect and appreciate all the hard work, care, compassion and love you give to your children and families! 
Glen Park Community Centre have a great competition running for Fathers Day - draw your dad doing what he loves! Send it in for a chance to win one of two prizes! Click here for more information 

This week's "Frugal Friday" Tip

Stop throwing out stale bread or wraps!
There are some great things you can do with stale bread! Blend them into breadcrumbs for your next schnitzel. Make bread and butter pudding, add some saltanas or frozen berries for an extra touch! Or cut the bread into cubes, toast it in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil, season with salt and you have some yummy crutons to add to soup or salad! 
If you have wraps that are no longer fresh, I recommend putting them on a tray, drizzle with olive oil, salt and whatever herbs you have in the garden. Cook in the oven on a medium heat for about 10 minutes, cut up and you have some easy crisps for dip or cheese!

-What's on This Weekend-

Watch the Penguin Parade - every evening!

The team at Phillip Island Nature Parks have brought the Penguin Parade to your lounge room! Watch the smallest penguins in the world, come out of the water and find their way to their homes each night. There can be thousands of penguins spotted every night! Click here for more information. 

Grow your very own EDIBLE mushrooms at home!

Watching mushrooms emerge and bloom is quite a thrill, only made more exciting when you harvest and eat your home grown gourmet mushrooms. Join our workshop and learn to grow mushrooms at home, on a pizza box! Visit our website (click here) for more information and to put your name down. 

Blossoms are bursting, birds are singing and you can smell and hear spring in the air wherever you go. There's loads to be done in the garden from improving your soil with organic matter or compost, to dealing with galls on your citrus from the gall wasps and of course now is the time to mulch your garden. Try taking to those galls with a peeler, expose the eggs and stop the cycle. Also, September-October is the time to be planting my all time favorite, the sun flower! Pop them straight in the ground where you want to see their big happy faces. Join our Bedford Park Community Garden Facebook page and show off those beautiful blossoms when they open. 

COVID Cookbook

We are creating a 'COVID Cookbook' of recipes the community are loving at the moment. Send through submissions of loved recipes or the strangest thing you created during lock down, the "What's left in the pantry special" is always a go to! Get creative if you like, add an image of the finished product, or type it up into a funky design! Send any recipes to
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🐝Bee Connected Challenge - Ends Sunday!🐝 

If you would like to go into the draw to win our fabulous prize, be sure to take a photo of a bee and upload it to our facebook page, or send it to us in an email! The competition ends 9pm Sunday 6th September. The lucky winner will be announced the following day! Facebook Post


The prize available for the winner who takes the best bee image, includes 3 jars of local honey generously donated by Ben's Bees and a beautiful t-shirt reading "Bee Kind", which is just way too fitting! This will be bundled up and delivered to the lucky recipient. Find out more on our Facebook Event by clicking here 

Central Ringwood Community Centre Facebook
Bedford Park Community Garden Facebook
Bedford Park Community Garden Instagram

Contact Us:
ph: 98702602
A small number of our staff are working from the office in the mornings, taking calls and replying to messages and emails. If you would like to speak with someone directly, please call between 9am and 12 noon Monday to Thursday. The remaining office staff members are continuing to work from home.

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Central Ringwood Community Centre · 2 Rosewarne Lane · Bedford Park · Ringwood, Vic 3134 · Australia

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