Dear <<First Name>>,

In a season full of unexpectedness and new challenges for basically everyone on the planet, God has lead me to an incredibly exciting and daunting new challenge for the next few months.

Right now, the main youth leader in my local church is preparing for the birth of her third child in mid-late October. I've been working with her since June to try and identify a student (or a handful) that could take over leadership while she's out for a while with her newborn. For various reasons, this has been a challenge - older students moving to new towns for college, most of our group being quite young, etc. 

While I had hoped a student would be ready to step up and lead, unfortunately our youth group isn't quite at that point. On the other hand, with EXIT Tour in flux for the next few months while schools are (likely) mostly online, I have space in my life to fill in as leader and be around for our students. Because of this, I agreed to fill in and lead our youth group right up until my wedding/the Christmas season.

I see so many potential ways God could use me to invest in our teenagers, motivate them to buy in and take ownership of our youth group, and equip them to do outreach and evangelism in our city. At the same time, this will be a true test of my Polish language and cultural adjustment. 

As we roll into September, I'll begin transitioning in and meeting with some of our more involved students. I'm simply not capable of leading this entire ministry on my own (with Polish, my JV responsibilities, etc) - nor should I. My goal for the fall is to form a "group of leaders," where some of these students can take over leadership for things like worship, social media, games, etc. My desire is to take this group through the foundations of our ministry (what we do) and the mission of our youth group (why we do it), so we can create a shared vision together. I am incredibly excited to see where God will take our students this fall - please pray for us!

What Happened
    • With my church being open again after quarantine, I've been able to get back to small group meetings with my guys! Many of them were still off on vacations or on mission weeks this month, but we were still able to meet a few times for dinner, FIFA, prayer, and investment into each other's lives. I'm counting on each of them as I step into leadership for this semester!
    • After a solid 15-month wait, I was able to pick up my residency card and claim legal status here in Poland. There are lots of fun bureaucratic details with stuff like taxes around the corner for me, but it's refreshing to finally have that adventure finished for the time being.
    • Turns out in a global pandemic, all that extra time and flexible scheduling can be helpful! Gabi and I have been flying at a terrific pace with our wedding planning, premarital counseling, and we've officially kicked off the processes of seeing where God has her in Josiah Venture. We're excited to explore what city and church God might be taking us to next as we serve together here in Poland.
What's Next

What's coming around the corner:

- Back to school! The Polish school year kicks off at the start of September. With it (theoretically) come answers and clearer vision from both the federal and local governments for how EXIT Tour might be able to function in this time. Even if we don't have physical access to run our normal programming in schools, our team has a handful of exciting strategic ideas for how we can best carry out our mission - to equip Polish churches to make disciples in their cities! 

- Youth group kickoff! I'm excited to step into this new role in my local church for the next few months. I can't wait to see how God works both in me, our students, and our church to equip Polish teenagers to make disciples here in Bielsko-Biała.

Thank you as always for your continued prayer and support. Stay safe and healthy, and know that I'm praying for you and yours.

In Christ,


PS! Fun Mail Info
A handful of you have asked about sending care packages, which have been HUGE blessings to me. Even if it ruins the surprise, please email me when you send something. My ministry and work schedule means I'm often out of my apartment for long stretches of time and I need to keep an eye out for incoming packages 😉
My home address in Poland:

Timothy Elliott Phillips
ul. Szkolna 25/2
43-300 Bielsko-Biała

If you write it just like that, I should get your letter or package probably within 4-6 weeks of you sending it. Reminders of home like Wisconsin/Dallas/Texas-themed things, Mexican or BBQ spices, handwritten letters, and fun Stance-brand socks are always appreciated 😀
Prayer Requests
Here are some current prayer requests for the ministry and for me personally:
  1. Please pray for a smooth handoff of leadership as I step into leading our youth group for the next few months. I am praying that the students will buy in and contribute ideas and vision for our group.
  2. Please be praying for my EXIT Tour team as we pray and pursue how God would have us function in the upcoming school year where quite literally nothing is certain. He is in control and we are trusting Him to lead. May God's kingdom  come and will be done in Poland!
  3. Please pray for Gabi and I as we walk through this season of engagement together. We specifically want to be good witnesses of the Gospel to her parents and family as we show the love and hope we have in Christ through our words and actions.
Don't forget to sign up for a one-hour time slot on Josiah Venture's prayer room website. This is a great way to play an even greater role in this movement of God in Poland.
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What I'm Hooked On

The Night Game - I Feel Like Dancing

If this doesn't get you vibing, I'm not sure what could 🔥🕺🏻

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Elliott and Gabi in Poland · ul. Katowicka 59/21 · Mysłowice 41-400 · Poland

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