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Futures Literacy

“Things no longer change over a generation or a decade, but from year to year, even month to month, creating new arenas for disruptive ideas and innovation to emerge… Inevitably, this leads us to reconsider the future and our place within it.”

This quote from Futurist Anne Lise Kjaer reflects the core of our Media Genius mission — to identify rapid disruption and consider lasting implications. Nothing demonstrates the increasing rate of change like the pandemic. Inconceivable scenarios became the norm before we had time to process them. But what if we had seen more of these effects coming six months ago? How can we better prepare for six months from now?

The World Economic Forum outlined four skills necessary for making a better world after COVID-19. Each supports the ability to imagine and make sense of the future — also known as futures literacy. The concept has been growing for a while (in fact, the r/futurology subreddit boasts 14.6 million members) but has recently taken off — increasingly becoming a corporate imperative, educational path, and even government mandate. 

Companies are attending foresight sessions hosted by future-focused organizations like the Institute for the Future, led by Futurist Marina Gorbis. They train guests to spot indicators of change, identify new possibilities, and discover patterns of innovation and disruption. And they're selling out. Extreme uncertainty has leaders realizing the ability to foresee future forces is key to survival through the pandemic and beyond. 

Students and universities see the need for this kind of thinking too. The academic disciplines of futures and foresight are 
growing globally. You can now get an undergraduate degree in Future Research in Hungary, a Masters in Foresight and Innovation in France, or a Ph.D. in Alternative Futures in the US. By mastering subjects like evolution, history, global culture, foresight, and innovation, these programs aim to tame current change, predict future change, and implement needed change.

Public spheres are also embracing Futurism. The
Dubai Future Foundation outlines an approach that places national future-readiness at its core. The initiative aims to activate future literacy across government entities, shaping Dubai and the events of the world before the future comes to them. They aren't alone — Brazil recently launched the #freethefuture movement to advocate for future literate societies. And in Paris, UNESCO held the first Global Futures Literacy Design Forum to help integrate futures literacy into government activities.

With so much uncertainty around COVID-19, the economy, elections, and beyond, it's tempting to avoid thinking beyond short-term plans. But foresight increases agility, which has already
shown to reduce the impact of crises on practicing companies. No wonder futures literacy has become the most desired skill across sectors.

Chris Perry


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What We're Reading
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