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Tell your stories to the world - PR in the fabled "new normal "

It feels like the world has flipped on its axis, so what's changed and what stayed the same in the new normal for public relations? 

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Why the clock is TikTok-ing for your own business to get rocking 

The controversial video platform, Tik Tok, has rocketed into the spotlight during lockdown. Is it time your business danced to its own tune? Read on »

Scottish crisps at the crunch of national lockdown debate

Why the patriotic Lorne Sausage and Brown Sauce crisps had Scotland in a frenzy - bringing the perfect lockdown treat to a nation hungry for distraction
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When tech goes wrong and customers are left in the dark

Our resident "lockdown runner" caught a crisis from the other side of the fence when Garmin was held to ransom. What's the lesson for your business? 

Brewing up a storm with a very Scottish 'cuppa tea with me'

Bringing eTeaket together with Scottish Water, we launched the first blend of tea to be paired with Scotland's world-class tap water. We'll drink (tea) to that
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CASH IS KING: Why some things never change in PR fees

Pandemic or not, we're proud to be one of just two agencies in Scotland publishing our rates prominently online. But why do we do it you ask? 
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