
Lockdown Part II

We know this lockdown has not been much fun for lots of people, so we thought this month we'd share some fun stuff we've come across ala "Diving the Web" if you ever read Dive New Zealand magazine.

Stay safe everyone.

Practise makes perfect

Jo's Ocean Media shared some of their lockdown photography over on Facebook. Check out some more Lego masterpieces as well as more traditional underwater fare by clicking through.

Use what you've got

Underwater photographer Steven Benjamin is under one of the world’s most strict COVID lockdowns in Cape Town, South Africa, and decided to utilise his underwater photography gear in a pretty unique way.

“South Africa has implemented the strictest lockdowns in the world—no dogs walking, no exercise, no cigarettes or alcohol, full stay home,” he tells PetaPixel. “I wanted to use this project as a way to be creative and escape the confines of the lockdown by enjoying the freedom of the birds.”'

The interview includes a 13-minute behind-the-scenes video about how he set everything up. Check it out here.

On the 'gram

Check out Neil Vincent's instagram for some amazing wildlife photography.

Adventure360 3D cave mapping

Nicole Miller and Anna of Adventure360 are setting off to map parts of the Megamania cave system in 3D using a mobile lidar device. Along the way they make exciting discoveries and return with new perspectives of the underground world. You can check out their progress, see a Megamania 3D Model Fly-Through and a bunch of other cool things on their site.

Underwater archaeology on the Titanic

Underwater archaeologist Emily Jateff has dived the wreck of the Titanic and explains what is was like in this interview with ABC Radio Hobart. Listen here.

Happy to help.

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