

“But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, “You are my God.”

Trusting in God is an experience.

It’s a moment-by-moment choice. As God’s children, it’s something we’ve struggled with for millennia. For many—trust is foreign.

Many seem to have a harder time trusting God and believing that His way is always best. They may be sincere believers—and yet they still have a hard time taking their hands off the steering wheel of life—and living by faith.

In the Old Testament, there are many stories where God’s people trusted and believed after witnessing one miracle after another. Their trust was temporary. It didn’t take long for their grumbling to rear it’s ugly head again. Testing God’s patience.

Isn’t it the same with you and me? We trust God with everything—that is—when we see God working on our behalf. It’s so easy to cruise along the freeway of life where no exertion is required. But, when things go wrong, our trust-flow slows down and solidifies. We reach a fork in the road where we are forced to choose between trusting in a high power—God or rebelling, resenting Him.

Outreach Magazine listed ten reasons why people don’t trust God:

1. Fear
2. We worry things will fall apart
3. We worry that we will fall apart
4. Our upbringing
5. Past betrayals
6. A distorted image of God
7. Lack of stillness and silence before Him
8. Perfectionism
9. A limited view of letting go
10. Denial

If you’re hurting, the Lord doesn’t expect you to cover it up with a plastic smile. Tell Him what you’re really thinking and feeling. He has promised never to leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He hears your prayers even in the dark times when He seems absent and silent.

The real question, however, is this: How can your faith grow stronger?

The answer first of all is to allow God’s truth to overcome your doubts.

Is the Bible part of your life every day?
Do you allow its truth to penetrate your soul?

Let your prayer be that of the David the Psalmist: “Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end.” (Psalm 119:33).

Then ask God to help you trust Him more and more each day—following Him, doing what is right, and leaving the results in His hands.

When you do, you’ll soon realise that God’s way is always best —without exception. And the more you see Him work, the easier it will be to trust Him in everything.

I invite you today to stay on the path of Life with God. Enjoy His presence.

Choose to trust Him in all circumstances.

Psalms 31:14 (The Message Bible)
“Desperate, I throw myself on you: you are my God!

Hour by hour I place my days in your hand,

    safe from the hands out to get me.

Warm me, your servant, with a smile;

    save me because you love me.”

Psalms 31:14 (NASB)
“But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord,
I say, “You are my God.”

Yours—because of Jesus.
Pastor Pablo Lillo 

Giving Is A Lifestyle 
Giving is not limited to simply our finances—it’s a lifestyle. When we live with the spirit of giving, when we give the Lord our tithes and our offerings, when we give to those in need, when we give of our time, our love, our resources, we are sowing seeds that God will make sure blossoms into a rich harvest! Not just of financial blessings, but rich in all aspects of life. He’ll make sure the right doors open, the right people come into your life, and His blessings are received.

Please go to eGiving—click on the link and give generously.: eGiving 

Richard Hurrell will be at church on Mondays from 2:00pm - 4:00pm to receive your tithes and offerings and help with Sabbath School lessons, Record, Adventist World, and Intrasyd.

Offering: Adventist Education - Hurstville
In the southern suburbs of Sydney, Hurstville Adventist School provides Adventist education to over 175 students from Pre-Kindy to Year 6.

The school has been blessed with a community that continues to share its experience and gratification for the school and its faculty. This is evident in the school operating at or near capacity for the past three years. One of the projects the school is currently working on is upgrading their outdoor playground facilities; particularly the astroturf on the school grounds. Support from the Greater Sydney Adventist churches allows Hurstville Adventist School to continue their mission of offering quality education in a caring, supportive Christ-centred environment.

APPEAL: Today we have the opportunity of supporting Hurstville Adventist School as they continue to provide a Christ-centred environment of care and support.

PRAYER: Lord, be with the students and teachers of Hurstville Adventist School as we faithful return our offering and they faithful give their time and energy to bring light into the Hurstville area.

Preaching Roster: August "Letting Go of..."
29. Zen Wijeyesinghe "Letting Go of Your Past"
      Offering: Adventist Education—Hurstville

Preaching Roster: September "Letting Go of..."
05. Pastor Nick Kross: Fathers Day Service
12. Tracey Wijeyesinghe
19. Clansi Rogers
26. Pastor Pablo Lillo: Communion

Our Church Vision:
The vision of Castle Hill Seventh-day Adventist church is to be the most loving church.
Our mission is for us to take the good of Jesus Christ to every place we can, in every way possible. Whatever the means, we want to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our School, friends, family, neighbours, and the wider community.
We exist:
1. To honour God through worship.
2. To share the Gospel message of Jesus with others.
3. To connect with others in meaningful relationships.
4. To prepare disciples to fulfill their purpose.
5. To encourage leaders in their God-given destiny.
Senior Pastor – Pablo Lillo
M: 0412 588 827
Associate Pastor – Nick Kross
M: 0423 107 766
Youth Pastor – Jessica Laws
M: 0424 370 294
Senior Elder - Marvin Malcolm
M: 0414 430 688

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