CARIM Newsletter October 2020
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This newsletter contains information on the following subjects:
  • Verhuizing CARIM bureau
  • CARIM Symposium 2020
  • Herstart (klinisch) onderzoek
  • CONTRAST grant Magdolna Nagy
  • Coen Stehouwer Board member EASD
  • Paramount Papers
  • Grants Grace
  • NUTRIM Symposium 2020
  • Lectures, symposia & events
  • Academic events
  • Media Moments

CARIM newsletter

Contributions for the newsletter (e.g. news of events and grants, important publications, societial impact related topics and research results related to CARIM's research) can be sent to Please submit the text in English and include a short title. The text should be max. 200 words. If applicable, include high resolution pictures and other documents.

If you have a top publication or a translational development worth mentioning, please contact CARIM Office.
Het bedrijfsbureau van CARIM gaat in de week van maandag 12 oktober t/m vrijdag 16 oktober intern binnen de UNS 50 verhuizen van niveau 1 Zuid naar niveau 5 Noord. 

CARIM Symposium 2020

This year’s CARIM Symposium will take place in a different format than usual. Unfortunately, due to the corona measures, it will not be possible to have the entire CARIM community together. But in spite of all measures, we will, in a reduced setting, offer you an interesting programme and give our researchers the opportunity to present their research. We will therefore compile a shorter programme (in the afternoon) that can be followed online via livestream for everyone. Our recent Hartstichting laureates will present their research and a session on diversity will be organised. In addition, Professor Harry Büller (AMC Amsterdam) will give the Robert Reneman Lecture. Finally, the poster session will be held in a different format. Nominated PhD students and/or researchers will be asked to record a short video in which they present their research. The recordings will be judged by a committee and the winners will be invited to give a short presentation on 25 November. The full programme will be distributed as soon as possible and more information about the "poster videos" will follow.

Herstart (klinisch) onderzoek

Naar aanleiding van de aangescherpte voorwaarden van de IGJ en CCMO en adviezen van NFU over herstarten van klinisch WMO-plichtig onderzoek, heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het MUMC+ de huidige regeling ‘Herstart klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek Maastricht UMC+.’ onlangs aangepast. De randvoorwaarden om het onderzoek terug op te starten zijn beschreven op intranet ( De brief van de Raad van Bestuur gericht aan de Centrumdirectie is hier ook te vinden. Daarnaast heeft de Raad van Bestuur de regeling uitgebreid voor niet-klinisch onderzoek dat plaatsvindt in de gebouwen van de FHML. Omdat er nog veel vragen worden gesteld, wordt onderstaand nog eens toegelicht wat dit concreet aan acties inhoudt voor hoofdonderzoekers.  
In geval van WMO-plichtige studies:
1.   Acties hoofdonderzoeker in geval van KLINISCH onderzoek in azM
  1. Verkrijgen van schriftelijke toestemming (inclusief onderbouwing) voor starten, dóórlopen of heropstarten door Centrumdirectie, ongeacht welke partij opdrachtgever is van de studie. De Centrumdirectie bekijkt hierbij of het onderzoek plaatsvindt met borging van de continuïteit van de reguliere zorg en zonder ingrijpen op de noodzakelijke zorg voor COVID-19 patiënten. Hiervoor kunt u contact opnemen met de medisch directeur. (ëntenzorg);
  2. Alléén in geval van heropstart studie én azM/UM is opdrachtgever: datum heropstart vermelden in de destijds ingevulde Excel Risico Inventarisatie CTCM (opslaan als nieuwe versie), met verwijzing naar schriftelijke toestemming Centrumdirectie;
  3. Versturen van 1A, en 1B indien van toepassing, naar CTCM ( . Tevens opslaan in de Trial Master File (TMF) van de studie, inclusief de e-mail correspondentie of eventuele andere communicatie.
2.   Acties hoofdonderzoeker in geval van NIET-KLINISCH onderzoek in gebouwen van FHML
A.    Verkrijgen van schriftelijke toestemming (met verklaring dat protocollen aangaande omgaan met corona maatregelen worden gevolgd) voor starten, dóórlopen of heropstarten door Faculteitsbureau, ongeacht welke partij opdrachtgever is van de studie.
  1. Alléén in geval van heropstart studie én azM/UM is opdrachtgever: datum heropstart vermelden in de destijds ingevulde Excel Risico Inventarisatie CTCM (opslaan als nieuwe versie), met verwijzing naar schriftelijke toestemming Faculteitsbureau;
  2. Versturen van 2A, en 2B indien van toepassing, naar CTCM ( Tevens opslaan in de Trial Master File (TMF) van de studie, inclusief de e-mail correspondentie of eventuele andere communicatie.
In geval van niet WMO-plichtige studies:
Alleen voor onderzoek in gebouwen van FHML geldt dat ook hiervoor schriftelijke toestemming van het Faculteitsbureau noodzakelijk is (zoals onder 2A beschreven).
Er zijn geen verdere acties vereist richting CTCM of Centrumdirectie.
Voor al het onderzoek dat elders plaatsvindt dient u de regels te volgen die ter plekke gelden.
LET OP: Mogelijk dient u richting de METC azM/UM nog additionele acties te ondernemen. Hiervoor verwijzen wij u naar de website van de METC azM/UM.
Het herstart beleid wordt continu gemonitord. Indien er aanpassingen noodzakelijk zijn n.a.v. de COVID-19 situatie, wordt dit t.z.t. gecommuniceerd.
Bij vragen kunt u contact opnemen met CTCM via of per telefoon 72040.

Vote for Michiel Henkens

Michiel Henkens is nominated for the Pelerin Prize. you can now watch his youtube video where he explains his research to you in 3 minutes. You can vote for him by clicking on the like button. Please do so before October 6th. 

Thank you all very much! 

CONTRAST Young Investigator Voucher Grant Magdolna Nagy

Magdolna Nagy (Dept. of Biochemistry) was awarded with a CONTRAST YTP Young Investigator Voucher (50.000 euros) for her proposed study entitled “Effect of the contact activation on ischemia-reperfusion injury in stroke patients”. Her study will focus on dissecting the impact of the intrinsic activation in relation to risk factors for stroke and clinical outcomes and on determining the bridge between contact activation and NETs. This will be carried out in collaboration between Maastricht UMC+ and Erasmus MC

About the grant
The CONTRAST YTP aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality scientific ideas in stroke research, from fundamental and preclinical research, to clinical research.

Coen Stehouwer member Board of EASD

Prof. Coen Stehouwer (Dept. Internal Medicine) was elected as full member (clinician) of the Board of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes e.V. (EASD) with a term of office from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2024. The aims of the Association are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, the rapid diffusion of acquired knowledge and to facilitate its application.

Paramount Papers

Pharmacological depletion of microglia and perivascular macrophages prevents vascular cognitive impairment in Ang II-induced hypertension

The study from Kerkhofs et al. shows that brain resident immune cells play a critical role in the pathogenesis of hypertension-induced vascular cognitive impairment. The authors demonstrated that depletion of microglia and perivascular macrophages, by CSF1R inhibition, prevents short-term memory impairment in Ang II induced hypertensive mice. This beneficial effect is mediated by the major decrease of pro-inflammatory microglia normally present at the sites of blood-brain barrier leakages. This finding supports the critical role of the vascular-immune interplay for brain homeostasis and cerebrovascular pathologies.  This study results from a collaboration between CARIM and MHeNs schools to gain further mechanistic insights into cerebral small vessel disease.

Danielle Kerkhofs, Britt T. van Hagen, Irina V. Milanova, Kimberly J. Schell, Helma van Essen, Erwin Wijnands, Pieter Goossens, W. Matthijs Blankesteijn, Thomas Unger, Jos Prickaerts, Erik A. Biessen, Robert J. van Oostenbrugge, Sebastien Foulquier 
Theranostics 2020; doi:10.7150/thno.44394; accepted 

Click here for the full publication.


Neutrophils and Contact Activation of Coagulation as Potential Drivers of Covid-19

Covid-19 associated coagulopathy, responsible for high rates of pulmonary thrombosis, is poorly characterized. Clinical studies identified several biomarkers, such as D-dimer. Different mechanisms have been proposed, including neutrophil and complement activation, vascular damage, and tissue factor expression. The intrinsic pathway of coagulation, which not only amplifies fibrin generation, but also links to inflammation, including plasma kallikrein and bradykinin, both proposed to contribute to Covid-19, have not been studied. We performed a comprehensive analysis on the intrinsic pathway to characterize its role in Covid-19. By simultaneously studying potential triggers of the intrinsic pathway, we were able to identify neutrophils, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), and complement activation as potential drivers of this complex immuno-thrombotic disease.

Matthias H Busch, Sjoerd A M E G Timmermans, Magdolna Nagy, Mayken Visser, Joram Huckriede, Joop P Aendekerk, Femke de Vries, Judith Potjewijd, Borefore Jallah, Renee Ysermans, Astrid M L Oude Lashof, Paul H Breedveld, Marcel C G van de Poll, Iwan C C van der Horst, Bas C T van Bussel, Ruud O M F I H Theunissen, Henri M H Spronk, Jan G M C Damoiseaux, Hugo Ten Cate, Gerry A F Nicolaes, Chris P Reutelingsperger, Pieter van Paassen
Circulation 2020; doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.050656. Epub ahead of print

Click here for the full publication.

Grants Grace

We present you a selection of important upcoming open calls and deadlines. For additional information related to calls or to discuss (other) funding possibilities in the future (e.g. funding roadmap), please contact Willem Wolters for support. If you decide to prepare a proposal, please inform Wouter Hankel well in time for the budget, especially when matching is required. 

Please note that UM has a license with the searchable funding database: This is available for all UM and MUMC+. You can set alerts to receive the latest information on opportunities in your area of research. If you cannot access the database, please contact Willem Wolters.

The online tool Impacter addresses all items for a good impact chapter of your draft proposal. Moreover it gives you feedback on the societal impact section of your research proposal, such as the knowledge utilization paragraph in all NWO proposals. In short, Impacter helps to write a better application.

On the CARIM website and in our monthly funding alert you'll find an overview of the current and upcoming funding opportunities.

NUTRIM Symposium 2020

We would like to invite your for our Online NUTRIM Symposium 2020, on November 18th.
The theme of this day is: Is science just an opinion?
The debate over facts and so-called ‘alternative truths’ is ongoing in society, but also in science. Scientists tend to be much more skeptical about ‘truths’, because in evidenced-based reasoning even undisputed facts are constantly put forwards for open debate. The free expression of opinion, a free and accessible press and the freedom of research, guarantees the debate needed to argue the evidence for scientific knowledge. Still, many people do not merely invent facts, but also feel the need to spread them. Deliberate disinformation has become a means of controlling politics and public opinion. As a result, scientific knowledge is often put aside by the public as ‘just an opinion’. Should scientist care and act now?

Due to COVID19 regulations, it is no longer possible to organize this meeting on site and therefore we will go fully online! We will offer pre-recorded lectures between 8.00 and 15.30 hours, followed by a live stream between 15.30 and 17.00 hours. The whole programme will be available at:  (under construction).

Organizing committee,
Prof. Dr. Daisy Jonkers, Scientific Director
Dr. Roger Godschalk, PhD-Students coordinator
Ryan Seyben, Office Manager
NUTRIM PhD Students Council

Lectures, symposia & events

Pélerin arts-assistenten symposium - 7 October 2020
MaCSBio Lecture Series Zhaleh Ghaemi  - 16 October 2020

Online NUTRIM Symposium 2020 - 18 November 2020
CARIM Symposium 2020 - 25 November 2020
6th World Congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS 2021) - 31 May to 4 June 2021

KNAW agenda

Upcoming CARIM School Council meeting 2020 (location Flendrigzaal MUMC+):

  • 8 October: 13.30-15.30

Academic Events

PhD Conferral Michael Wolf, 2 October, 10.00 hours (MBB 4-6)
Supervisor: Prof. H.J.G.M. Crijns
Co-supervisors: Prof. M. Duytschaever (AZ Sint-Jan, Brugge)
Title: Evolution and technological advances in ablation of complex atrial and ventricular arrhythmias metabolic diseases

PhD Conferral Armand Jaminon, 2 October, 12.00 hours (MBB 4-6)
Supervisors: Prof. L.J. Schurgers, Prof. C.P. Reutelingsperger
Title: Key role for VSMCs in vascular remodeling and calcification

PhD Conferral Selena Prisco, 8 October, 12.00 hours (MBB 4-6)
Supervisors: Prof. L.J. Schurgers, Prof. G.P. Rossi, Prof. T. Hackeng
Title: The role of Aldosterone and PTH in Human Primary Aldosteronism and Vascular Calcification

PhD Conferral Ilona Cuijpers, 28 October, 13.00 hours (MBB 4-6)
Supervisors: Prof. S. Heymans, Prof. E.A.Jones (KU Leuven, double doctorate)
Title: A novel paradigm for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Working towards understanding the pathology of HFpEF

PhD Conferral Sytze Rensma, 29 October, 16.00 hours (MBB 4-6)
Supervisor: Prof. C.D.A. Stehouwer
Co-supervisor: Dr T.T. van Sloten
Title: Causes en consequences of microvascular dysfunction Focus on the brain

Who's New?!

Hi everyone! My name is Judith Gulikers and since last month, I am one of the PhD students at CARIM. I am 23 years old and graduated this summer from the master Biomedical sciences at Maastricht University. As a PhD student, I am part of the Department of Epidemiology, but I will mainly do my research at the department of clinical pharmacy at Maastricht UMC+. There I will work on a project to improve survival rates in patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma. I am really looking forward to start this project and to meet everyone! Regards, Judith

My name is Sebastiaan Asselberghs and I just moved to Maastricht from London where I completed an internship at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology and a Master of Science in Cardiovascular Research from King’s College London. For the completion of my MSc, I joined the Academic Department of Vascular Surgery, St Thomas’ Hospital to work on cell products for the treatment of critical limb ischaemia. Under supervision of Mr. AS Patel and Prof. A Smith, I recently conducted a study to compare the ability of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) to yield angiogenic TIE2-expressing Monocytes/Macrophage (Mo/MΦ) populations from whole blood Mo/MΦ fractions to their adipose tissue-derived counterparts. Given my interest in vascular biology and regenerative medicine, I am excited to join Dr JC Sluimer’s team for the PhD position to explore vascular resident mesenchymal cell phenotypes in atherosclerosis!

Media Moments

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