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September 2020 Newsletter


 International Day of Living Together in Peace 
The International Day for Living Together in Peace (IDLTP) takes place every May 16th, making it a special moment on the calendar for the Peace Network and its allies. This year, a dozen grassroots partners from the Diversity and Inclusion field gathered at a pair of meetings coordinated by the Network. These served to help the organizations to get to know one other better, to discuss upcoming initiatives within the framework of the IDLTP, and to examine possibilities for collaboration. It also served as an opportunity to initiate discussions on a future forum on diversity and inclusion that is being planned by the Peace Network for 2021. Over the course of the two meetings, we were excited to see how easily and enthusiastically the various organizations connected. This set the stage for collective action and concrete initiatives that celebrate the IDLTP, as well as setting the stage for future partnerships in the field of Diversity and Inclusion. 
Unfortunately, due to the current global situation, several activities planned for May ended up being postponed or canceled. However, AISA Canada – in partnership with Inclusion Jeunesse, LOVE, Mouvement de paix, Montréal la plus heureuse, Femmes internationales murs brisés Canada and the Peace Network for Social Harmony – managed to organize a very successful online event, featuring a panel discussing the topic of “Living Together in Peace as Seen by Youth.”  The event also featured a presentation by Esteban Benavides, coordinator of the Central Secretariat for the International Observatory of Mayors on Living Together.
Annual General Meeting 2020
On June 17, members and friends of the Peace Network for Social Harmony assembled online for the Annual General Meeting. The event was used as an opportunity to present an overview of work undertaken in 2019 and the first part of 2020, to update participants on current projects such as the organization of Peace Days 2020 (see article below), and to unveil new projects that are under development. The whole presentation was followed by an interesting discussion among those in attendance. The Network team would like to thank all of its members and friends for their interest, commitment, trust and support.

Lunch Together Online: Racism in Quebec
When Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom synagogue wanted to present an activity reflecting its congregants' concerns about racism and discrimination, it knew that collaborating with the Peace Network would yield tremendous results.  This partnership resulted in an online "Lunch Together" program on June 23rd entitled, "Racism in Quebec: Historic Truths and Present-Day Realities."
Network ally Balarama Holness presented his insights on the topic to over a hundred participants, including a question-and-answer period.  Balarama is a social entrepreneur, teacher and former CFL football player.  He is currently completing a law degree at McGill University and is largely responsible for forcing the recent inquiry into systemic racism in Montreal. The Peace Network is proud of this partnership, as it continues to deepen its commitment and involvement in supporting diversity and inclusion, and to countering racism and discrimination.
New Network Website
Tireless work by the entire Network team has resulted in a brand-new website that provides visitors with a much more informative and user-friendly experience. The new site includes:

. a clearer explanation of our central themes
. a fuller presentation of current and future projects
. a greater overview of our past accomplishments
. a better description of who and what we are, including video and photographic content
. links and information on how to get involved with us, including membership, volunteering and donations
The new website is part of our goal of increasing awareness of the Peace Network, especially among the general public and among peace actors, in order to better mobilize our society and create dialogue and engagement around our central themes of Diversity & Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Peace Promotion. This is reflected by the new motto that appears on the website’s home page: "Peace at the heart of our actions, strengthened by the power of collaboration."  We invite you to visit the new site, and to share it within your networks.


Peace Days 2020: 6th Edition of a Key Network Initiative
For the sixth consecutive year, the Peace Network for Social Harmony has the honour of coordinating Montreal's joint programming for Peace Days, an initiative running from September 17th to October 17th, 2020, under the theme of "United and Committed to Peace."  Despite the challenging times we are currently facing, our team has gathered more than 50 peace-related activities presented by over 40 partners under the "Peace Days" banner, presented under the following five categories:  In Dialogue, Learning, Arts and Culture, Community, and Peace Days Winnipeg.
As a result of Covid restrictions, several Peace Days activities will be taking place online. And yet, the absence of geographical limits and logistical constraints is expected to lead to even greater citizen participation in this year's activities! In another exciting development, the team at the Peace Network for Social Harmony contacted "Peace Days Winnipeg" organizers in order to discuss our respective initiatives. Recognizing our common vision and shared objectives, the decision was made to offer some of each city's activities as joint Peace Days programming. We also have our first Peace Days activity offered to Montrealers from the city of Toronto.  And of course, we have dozens of activities organized and accessible to the public originating from across the greater Montreal area.
 Illustration Catherine D'Amours - CDA - @cdadessine
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that Peace Days 2020 is being graced with three additional ambassadors.  Author Kim Thuy and the comedy duo of Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman from YidLife Crisis, returning ambassadors from 2019, are joined this year by civil rights activist Will Prosper, illustrator Catherine D'Amours, and media personality Kevin Raphael. We feel tremendously fortunate to have the participation and support of these committed and inspiring individuals. Follow Peace Days and its ambassadors on social media through Facebook and Instagram.  Feel free to use the following Peace Days hashtags: # journeesdelapaix2020 # peacedays2020.  For Facebook, we also invite you to add a frame to your profile picture that was specially designed by ambassador Catherine D'Amours. To do so:

1- click to update your profile picture;
2- click "Add a Frame";
3- choose your design by searching for "Peace Days 2020" or "Journées de la paix 2020".
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Isabelle Benoit and Stéphanie Girouard, co-founders of
Annexe Communications, who went beyond the call to do an exceptional job in shining a spotlight on this year's edition of Peace Days. We are delighted to collaborate with this committed, dynamic, brilliant team with whom we share so many common values.

Finally, we invite you to consult the
Peace Days program, note the events that interest you in your agenda, and share the information with your friends, family, colleagues and extended networks.  We are counting on your participation to make this 6th edition of Peace Days a model for citizen commitment and active involvement in peace-in-action!
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Réseau pour la paix et l'harmonie sociale / Peace Network for Social Harmony
328 Victoria Avenue, Westmount, H3Z 2M8
Tel. (514) 484-3336

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