
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis
Headwaters Foundation

AMA Announcements

Upcoming Events

St. Paul National Night Out 

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Overcomers’ Victory Church,
663 Como Avenue, St Paul, MN 55103

Come greet your neighborhood with mask and social distance to enjoy a peaceful night with youth performances and games, and support a bicultural healthy living lifestyle ☺

Let's Get IT - New Cohort Starting Sept., 2020

DATE/TIME: Every Monday/Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm for 10 weeks with edX Industry recognized certificate
PLACE: Online Instruction, Contact to register

The “Let’s Get IT!” program is a 10-week bridge-training program designed to teach the fundamentals for Web Development using HTML5 and CSS3. With this FREE program, students get the chance to explore the field and learn the languages required to build a basic Website, and receive edX Industry recognized certificate.

Web Developers are the ones who create websites that allow information to be passed forward by writing codes, designing the look, etc. The functionality and design of each website requires knowledge in different languages with coding. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the fundamental languages among dozens to be used to create the websites. Each language contributes a different part of a website and the results are the websites we use every day.  Interested?  Please consider join our next “Let’s Get IT” cohort.  Please send an e-mail to our coordinator Xianping He at

Census 2020 Filing will close on Oct. 5th, 2020


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The Secretary of Commerce has announced a new target date of October 5, 2020 to conclude 2020 Census self-response and field data collection operations.  If you have not done so - please file here -
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Everyone should fill out the census regardless you are citizens or not. You can complete the online questionnaire in the following languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese.

Vote Safely from Home in 2020

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a. Apply online for an absentee ballot at

b. You will receive your absentee ballot in the mail. Vote your ballot!

c. After you have voted, seal your ballot in the tan ballot envelope. Then put the tan envelope into the white signature envelope. This ensures that your vote stays secret.

d. Fill out the white signature envelope with all of the required information.

e. Send the ballot through MAIL or vote in PERSON earlier.

Simple and safe.

Program Updates

A Successful Asian Food Distribution Event!

Asian Media Access has led the pandemic relief effort with special cultural appropriate food pantries for Asian American families at Sept 26 at Thai Temple (Wat Promwachirayan),  giving away rice, noodles, oil, Asian canned food, fresh fruits, personal protective equipments, and toys. There were also Voting Registration, Census, COVID-19 booths, along with Hmong, Mandarin and Vietnamese interpreters, in order to better engage with hard-to-reach Asian American sub-groups. 

More than 100 volunteers worked since August to plan the drive-through food pick-up route and coordinate different stations, and all donations supported by St. Paul & MN Foundation, Tzu Chi Foundation, the Food Group and Loaves and Fishes.  More than 400+ families drove through the pick-up line for many goodies, the big hit was the surprised gifts for children, many happy screaming from the cars after pick-ups.  Some seniors car-pooled together in order to sign up for services, few families dragged the luggages, taking the buses to pick up food. Many shared their COVID-19 experience with Tzu Chi Foundation, and received mental health support from the NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center.

Asian Media Access has added a PINEAPPLE to each bag, and wished all families GOOD LUCK during the pandemic.  In Taiwan, Pineapple is called "Enriching Fortune"  If people going to change their fate or luck, they will bring a pineapple back home to improve their fortune 🙂 A great blessing for all families in needs to bring the pineapple back home from our Food Distribution event.  One family wrote back to share their appreciation: "Thank you so much for the food and money I received today. It was beyond my expectation and loved everything I received. Thank you for all that you and your organization do." 

Thanks to all our partners to make this event so successful, they are: CAPI USA; Center For Hmong Arts & Talent; Chinese American Friendship and Culture; Chinese Language Teachers' Association; Common Cause; Encouraging Leaders; Hennepin County Census and Voting Teams; NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center; Overcomer's Victory Church; Pan Asian Arts Alliance; Tzu Chi Foundation, MN Chapter; Tzu Chi Foundation in MN; University of MN, Hennepin County 4-H; Vietnamese Traditional Music of Minnesota; Wat Promwachirayan (Thai Temple); Youth In Charge; YouthBuild Minneapolis, and Zintkala Luta.  

As the Thai Temple put it - "Together - we will get through this!" 

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Asian Americans are the Fastest Growing Racial or Ethnic Group in the U.S. Electorate

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Asian Media Access has joined 20+ agencies in Hennepin County to ensure the BIPOC communities with better access and greater safety to successfully vote at Nov. 3rd.   Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the country, and our communities exhibited record levels of turnout in 2018 for midterm elections.  Enthusiasm levels are even higerh as we approach the November 2020 Presidential elections as well.  

Asian Americans constitute a critical mass in several competitive states, including Minnesota.  As attention turns to the immigrant vote, it is worth noting that “immigrant voters” include about as many Asian Americans as Latinx people and that Asian Americans are the only racial group that is majority immigrant. This means that bilingual voting materials and outreach remain acute needs for our Asian American communities. 

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APIA Vote, AAPI Data, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC, have jointly sponsored the 2020 Asian American Voter Survey, which includes a national sample of 1,569 Asian American registered voters. It was conducted from July 4 to September 10th, 2020.  The survey breaks out Chinese, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Filipino voters and was offered in English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. 

Results from the survey show strong enthusiasm about the upcoming Presidential election among Asian American registered voters. A majority (54%) of registered Asian Americans said that compared to previous elections, they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting.  About 14% of Asian American registered voters remained undecided about their presidential vote choice, with Chinese Americans (22%) exhibiting the highest proportion of voters who said they were “undecided.”    Asian American voters exhibit tremendous diversity in terms of characteristics like national origin, geographic region, religion, and English-language proficiency.  At the same time, the communities demonstrate remarkable cohesion when it comes to the interest in health care and opinions related to immigration, the environment, guns and education. On many of these issues, Asian Americans lean progressive, favoring a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, stronger environmental protections, gun control, and affirmative action.  

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Although enthusiastic about voting, Asian American registered voters also expressed some concerns about the upcoming election.  Almost half (48%) said they often worry about the possibility of election interference in November. In addition, almost half worry about the health and safety of voting in-person at the polls due to COVID-19.  Perhaps as a consequence, most Asian American registered voters (54%) said they prefer to vote by mail or vote by absentee ballot, rather than to vote in-person (26%) on Election Day.  
Therefore, Asian Media Access has taken the lead to expand our reach to better share the Voter Registration and "Vote By Mail" information widely among our Asian American communities.  Please follow Asian Media Access facebook for most updated info, as well as we inviting all cultural influencers to contact to join our already 2,000+ leads in order to expand the civic engagement among our communities.

Target Team Provided Career Guidance to AMA Youth

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7 successful leaders from the Target Asian Business Council joined AMA’s youth online discussion as guest speakers. The Asian Business Council focuses on the growth and belonging of Asian team members, promoting diversity and equity. During the Zoom meeting, each team member shared their professional development, educational routes, and diverse background that led them where they are today in their specialized roles. These great roles include advertising, marketing, operation, product, and technology. 

The team members led their individual break out rooms, offering a chance for youth to share their education and career goals while learning about each leader’s role more in depth. Each Target member came from a different background, but most of them came from hard-working immigrant families. It is important for youth to see the representation, opportunity, and successes from leaders that look just like them and share similar upbringings. 
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A part of the learning session included Target's pandemic response for their team members. Youth learned the importance measures that are taken to ensure safety of staff and guests. Staff changes include proper PPE (Gloves and face masks), free virtual healthcare visits, and free backup day care for. Changes for customers include increased cleanliness, required masks, and social distance reminders. Target is sending the message that they are dedicated to protecting public health.
We are thankful that youth and leaders had the opportunity to make meaningful connections and learn more in depth about Target's pandemic response, career opportunities, and the importance of education.

In the last few weeks, Asian Media access has hosted several sessions including anger management, commercial tobacco prevention, and depression and anxiety. Upcoming sessions include bicultural healthy living and youth choice. 

AMA will continue to host Friday Youth Online Forum every week until 10/09/2020, if you are interested, please fill out the short form  

Community News

A mural painted by the PiM Arts High School depicting 5 African Americans that have died while interacting with the police. Names under each portrait - Garner, Taylor, Rice, Castile, and Floyd. Also shows an African American lady with a raised fist in a t-shirt that says "Melanin." And on the very left side, words "I am not a threat" covering the upper half of an African American face.

The Future of Business

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 1, 2020, 2:00pm EDT/3:00pm CDT
PLACE:  Online, Register:
TOPIC: Government Procurement Tools, Resources and Opportunities for AAPI-owned Businesses 

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 2, 2020, 2:00pm EDT/3:00pm CDT
PLACE:  Online, Register:
TOPIC: AAPI Women Entrepreneurs

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 8, 2020, 2:00pm EDT/3:00pm CDT
PLACE:  Online, Register:
TOPIC: The Export-Import Bank of the United StatesAAPI Future Business Final

Join us as we launch our October virtual events series on The Future of Business, connecting AAPI business owners and entrepreneurs to federal resources and opportunities. Leading experts from multiple federal agencies will present tools, strategies, and best practices for businesses as they look towards the future. They will also share updated information on recovery resources as it relates to the health pandemic. 

Stay tuned as we continue to roll out  more dates and important topics from our Federal partners.

Announcing the Launch of the 2020 Legislative Priorities Survey for the Asian Pacific Minnesotan Community

Every two years the Council on Asian and Pacific Minnesotans deploys the Legislative Priorities Survey to Asian and Pacific Islanders living across the state of Minnesota. This survey is one of the tools that the Council utilizes to better serve our Asian Pacific Minnesotan communities over the coming years. The survey is designed to capture both recurring and new community concerns that can be addressed through our legislative work.
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legislative surveyIn order for the survey to be a powerful statement, reflective of the concerns of our Asian Pacific Minnesotan community, they encourage participation from across the metro, Greater Minnesota, and our diverse ethnic groups. The survey will be open from July 20 until October 2.

What does the Legislative Priority Survey ask? The first part of the survey will ask about basic demographic information: your city and ethnicity. This information is collected anonymously solely to ensure that the Council is collecting an accurate sample of the community. You will not be able to edit your responses once they have been submitted.

The second part of the survey is critical information that helps guide the Council's work. From a list of topics, identified through past community surveys, you are asked to select the 3 most important issues to you. If you do not see a topic of your interest, you may write-in your own issue. The written responses will also be analyzed to understand why an issue is important to you.

Click here to take the Legislative Priorities Survey. The survey will take less then 5 minutes for you to complete.

Reserve Tickets to a FREE Drive-in Movie! All Tickets Must be Reserved by 5:30 p.m. the Day-of

Drive In
DATE/TIME: Friday, October 2, 2020, 7:30pm-9:30pm
PLACE:  5600 85th Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55443. Drive-in Movies will be at the Community Activity Center West Parking Lot, visit Get tickets. The event is FREE but a ticket must be reserved by 5:30 p.m. the day of the event!
Movie: Secret Life of Pets 2

Bring your friends and family to a fun drive-in movie experience in Brooklyn Park! It’s part of our “Celebrate Brooklyn Park’s Drive-in Movies” series.

Fuel the Vote - St. Paul

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 3, 2020, 10 AM - 2 PM
PLACE:  Mount Olivet Baptist Church, 451 Central Ave W, Saint Paul, MN 55103

On October 3rd, When We All Vote will host "Fuel the Vote," a drive-thru food and voter registration drive to support Minnesotan families impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. This community event will feature a live DJ and local volunteers will serve free contactless, pre-packaged meals while also helping community members get registered and ready to vote!

Everyone is welcome! Come enjoy live music and free meals for the whole family. Please pre-register to let us know when you will arrive!

Hmong Fashion Outfit Contest

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 3, 2020, 12:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE: 5XEN Marketplace, 6300 N. 76th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53218

Dress in your traditional/modern Hmong outfit to enter in contest.

- Kids (17 & under)
- Women (18+)
- Men (18+)
- Partner/Family (2 or more people)
*Only 1 entry per person per category may be submitted. Participant(s) can enter in more than 1 category they qualify, but they must wear different Hmong outfits per category.


Prize for Kids (under 17) | Prize for Women (18+) | Prize for Men (18+) | Prize for Partner/Family/Group (2 or more people)

TO PARTICIPATE: Submit your name, age, and category/categories to “” with “Fashion Contest” on the subject line by September 30, 2020. Include all participant(s) name in the Partner/Family category. Participants will receive a $10 5XEN Marketplace Gift Certificate if registered for contest. Signup early to reserve your spot or come early the day of the event to signup.
Official Contest Rules for the NIAM Hmong Fashion Outfit Contest:

This is a FREE, FAMILY-FRIENDLY event and we will be following COVID-19 guidelines. If you are feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms, please rest at home.  

AAMN Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 3, 2020, 7:00pm-8:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, TAAMN won't be able to host an in-person gathering as previous years. But we can always get together online! Get a drink, find your favorite spot, and meet old and new friends online! Come join us for this chat party! Families, kids, and pets, all are welcome!! We will provide 30 "Write in Taiwanese" T-shirts for a raffle draw! 

Spiritual Wellness Summit 2020: Harnessing Spirituality After Sexual Trauma

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, October 5, 2020, 8:00am-1:00pm
PLACE: Online, Register

Join Minnesota Building Healthy Military Communities along with the Minnesota National Guard Chaplain's Unit as they host the second annual Spiritual Wellness Summit. This event will help train attendees within the community who help find a higher sense of purpose. With each geographically dispersed Service Member across the State of Minnesota, it is crucial to rely on community partners to help increase mental and spiritual health. 

Spirituality is expressed in many forms, whether tied to a religion, a moral philosophy, or an inherent sense of connectedness with something greater than oneself. In any form, spirituality is always personal. The need for spiritual wellness is often downplayed as less important than emotional, physical, or social wellness, but vital to the overall wellness of every Service Member is a sense of hope and belonging – of purpose.

The following event serves as a proposed measure that, if executed, would increase the access and awareness of mental and spiritual health resources for our service members, veterans and their families within their communities across the State of Minnesota.

Free COVD-19 Testing in Metro Area

All events need to pre-register. See the flyers for registration links.
·        Minnesota National Guard Armory, Inver Grove Heights - Oct. 6, 7, 8
·        New Salem Baptist Church, Minneapolis – Oct. 8, 9
·        New Hope Baptist Church, St. Paul – Oct. 15, 16
·        St. Peter AME, Minneapolis – Oct. 22, 23
·        United Church of God in Christ, St. Paul – Oct. 29, 30


Hennepin County Office of Multi-Cultural Services-Powderhorn

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, October 6th 12:30pm – 4:00pm
PLACE: 1201 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN  55407

In-person support to apply for: emergency rental assistance, health care, community resources and other services.

The Office of Multi-Cultural Services and the Engagement Team are “teaming up” to host an event on Tuesday, October 6th in the PH parking lot to provide information, resources and application assistance to residents.  Shelly Belgarde, American Indian Navigator, Cinthya Molina Martinez, Spanish speaking Case Management Assistant-OMS and Sadam Noor, Somali speaking Case Management Assistant-OMS and members of the Engagement Team (to be announced) will be on site.  This is a COVID safe event-outside, socially distanced, sanitizer and masks provided. 

Event Link:

Overcomer's Victory: National Night Out

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 5:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Overcomer's Victory Church 663 Como Ave, St Paul, MN 55103

Fun get to know your neighbor event to celebrate with food, drinks, games, and live music.

Event website:

SAVE THE DATE: From 2020 Hindsight to 20/20 Foresight What Have We Learned? Where Do We Go From Here?

DATE: October 6-8, 2020
PLACE:  Online conference, visit

The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are pleased to announce a multi-day, online health communication, marketing, and media forum. Join us for a free, two-hour exploration each day (October 6-8, 2020) to learn from leading experts including a showcase of top-notch panel discussions and innovative ideas to advance evidence-based strategies in the field of health communication, marketing, and media.

In addition, selected abstracts submitted for the 2020 in-person conference will be featured in an asynchronous presentation platform. Authors of these abstracts will be contacted directly and given instructions on how to prepare and format their presentations for this online teaching and learning opportunity.

Coping with the Impact of COVID-19 for Professionals

DATE: Wednesday, October 7 and Tuesday, October, 27, 2020, 1:00pm-2:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Register on Train link

Limitations and disruptions caused by COVID-19 have made everyday tasks even more complicated. The added stress of dealing with new challenges in addition to everyday life can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming. This is true for everyone, including older adults and people who use disability supports and services.

We invite you to join Dr. Karyn Harvey and DHS staff to discuss the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ways to cope with stress and uncertainty during the pandemic and how we can help support others.

Systematic Racism, Health Disparities, and COVID-19: Leading Through Complex Trauma with Resilience and Hope Webinar 

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 8, 2020, 2:00-3:00pm
PLACE: Online, Register for Systematic Racism Webinar

How do seemingly unrelated but overwhelming global events connect to create complex trauma? How do we reckon with systemic racism, health disparities, COVID-19, and the unprecedented social and economic stress impacting individuals, families, and communities across cultures, generations, genders, and racial groups? Join us to learn about the tools for supporting individuals as they develop healing and resiliency around complex trauma.

Linda Henderson-Smith, PH.D. LPC: Director, Children and Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health
Elizabeth Guroff, MA, LCMFT: Director, Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health
Amelia Roeschlein, DSW, MA, LMFT: Consultant, Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health

Identities and Creative Process

Featuring LaTasha Barnes and Gaby Cook, members of "Swing Out"
DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 8, 2020, 3:30 - 5 PM
PLACE: Online. FREE and open to the public. Registration required.

Swing Out is a captivating stage presentation with artists in residence at Northrop in Fall 2020 in anticipation of a Fall 2021 performance. The production celebrates the passion and power of the African-American born dance form—the Lindy Hop, which started in the community of Harlem, but swept the globe. The re-popularization of Swing Dance in the 1990s significantly altered the representation of African-Americans in the art form, while the cultural values held within the dance moved beyond to create a global community. Swing Out brings together a cast of performers who inhabit many roles within the art form; as such it is a model for how people with potentially polarized identities can communicate and collaborate. Swing Out members LaTasha Barnes and Gaby Cook will discuss the artistic process of creating the performance.

CLICK HERE or more information and to register.

Drive-In Screening of 1985 (A Kang Vang Film)

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 9, 2020. Gates open 6:30 PM, Film starts 7 PM
PLACE: 666 N Rivoli St, St Paul, MN 55130, United States

FREE/Pay What You Can
In Hmoob w/ English Subtitles

When an adventurous Hmong teen discovers a secret map to a mythical dragon, he and his three best friends go on a quest filled with danger and excitement.

Come in your vehicle and bring plenty of snacks! Those without vehicles are welcome to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit on and watch the show. However, it's likely to be cold, so bundle up! The film is 114 minutes followed by a director Q&A.

Join Junior Stitch Masters 4-H Club!

DATE/TIME: Saturdays, October 10, 2020-December 19, 2020, 2:30pm-4:00pm
PLACE:  Elision Playhouse, 6105 N 42nd Ave, Crystal, MN 55422, Register

Get your stitch on with our newest 4-H club. Junior Stitch Masters! Here, youth, ages 13-19, have an opportunity to enhance their basic sewing and tailoring skills to be in the "driver's seat" of decision-making when it comes to making, using, and caring for your textiles. Participants will have an opportunity to make their own complex item, such as a clothing item, pillowcase, or curtain!

For: Teens, ages 13-19

**Basic sewing experience required**

Dates: Every other Saturday (October-December 2020)

  • Oct 10
  • Oct 24
  • Nov 7
  • Nov 21
  • Dec 5
  • Dec 19

Plans are in the works to continue through 2021. Dates TBD. Stay tuned

Cost: Requested $15 to participate, no one will be turned away.

Register online: Due to our in-person safety protocols, space is limited to 12 participants for the time being. Please register ASAP!

Contact: 4-H Staff, Amy Collura, 612-656-9557,

A New Way Forward: Reimagining Safety as Asian Americans

DATE/TIME: Monday, October 12 and 19, 2020, 11:00am-12:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register

As Asian Americans we have been in deep conversations with ourselves, our friends, our families, and our neighbors about the role of policing in our communities. We know that many of us have a wide range of beliefs as it relates to safety and policing and want to offer a space to reexamine these beliefs.

In this workshop, we will provide an opportunity to discuss our current understandings of how policing currently exists in our communities. We will examine our histories as Asian Americans regarding our complex relationships with the police. Lastly, we will develop and envision alternatives to policing as a new way forward for community safety.

This is a two-part workshop series on October 12 and 19 from 11am-12:30pm, led by members of the Community Education Team of the Asian MN Alliance for Justice (AMAJ). The intended audience of this workshop is staff, leaders, and board members of AMAJ member organizations with the hope that these member organizations will be able to use this workshop in their own communities.

AMAJ member organizations who wish to host this training in their communities should also send their staff to attend this workshop first and will be asked to attend a train-the-trainer session afterwards.

World Food Day 

DATE: Friday, October 16, 2020 
PLACE: Online, Visit

Mark your calendar for World Food Day as we recognize the critical work of the World Food Program and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the FAO. With the twin threats of climate change and Covid-19 raising the specter of famine around the world and hunger here at home, we will focus on the organizations and individuals that are working together to address this urgent need.
Minnesota’s unique position as a global leader in both food and health creates an important opportunity for our companies, universities, and civic institutions to bring our problem-solving expertise to the forefront of international action.
A full day of programming will include presentations by David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Program; Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University; and other world-renowned leaders and international food security experts.
Presented in partnership with the World Food Program and the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA).

The 2020 Virtual Twin Cities Jewish Film Festival

DATE: October 15- November 1, 2020 
PLACE: Online, Visit

A virtual festival featuring 8 outstanding film events, including feature length & short films, post-film conversations and more – all from the comfort of your home.

Simply register for an ALL FESTIVAL PASS and you can enjoy one or all films from October 15 through November 1. Plus, check out links to engaging post-film conversations with filmmakers and aficionados on the TCJFF website.

The 2020 Virtual Twin Cities Jewish Film Festival is FREE to the community, thanks to the generosity of the Mary and Julius Pertzik Jewish Cultural Arts Fund.

CSFA Tagalog Class

DATE/TIME: October 16, 23, 30, 2020 - November 6, 13, 20, 2020, 6:30pm-8:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register

This upcoming October and November, CSFA will be hosting a Tagalog language course on Friday nights. 

Lessons will incorporate discussions of common daily language within families, friends, and social gatherings, with an emphasis on norms and values like respect to the elders.

The language course is available to all ages, genders, etc. We encourage you to join no matter what skill level you are. The class is free, but we do suggest a donation to CSFA.

Event page:

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Profit Mastery Virtual Program - FREE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES

DATE: September-October 18, 2020
PLACE: Online, Register, contact: Barry Kirchoff, 320-308-4059;
Central Region Small Business Development Center

This program will be delivered using both the online video curriculum and six virtual sessions to accompany each of the Profit Mastery modules.

FREE to Minnesota Small Business Owners impacted by COVID-19 (Retail price $895). You must be a client of your regional Minnesota SBDC to attend, so register to work with an SBDC consultant (at no charge) prior to registering for this event, in order to understand the financial concepts and develop a plan to utilize the financial literacy you will learn in this seminar. 

What's Included:
Unlimited three-month access to the online video curriculum.
Unlimited access to six supplemental virtual 45-60 minute sessions (live or archived) 
Downloadable course materials for each module.

Profit Mastery University Online Will Cover: 
Profit Mastery Module #1 - Introduction: Creating a Foundation for Success: Learn the primary causes of business failures/under-performance and how to avoid them. Understand the importance of monitoring financial position, along with an action plan for achieving and maintaining "fiscal fitness."

Profit Mastery Module #2 - Financial Ratio Analysis: the "Foundation" of Profit Mastery: Takes attendees beyond the basics of financial statement analysis. Explore the specific techniques of strategic financial analysis, learn about financial rations and how to use them. And, identify symptoms of financial distress and how to solve them. 

Profit Mastery Module #3 - Price-Volume-Costs: Break-Even Analysis is the tool that owners and managers use to gauge results of changes in costs, volumes, or pricing. Break-Even provides a method to analyze the present to help drive future profits higher. 

Profit Mastery Module #4 - Cash Flow: A discussion of why you need to perform cash flow analysis, how to do it, and the impact it can have on the way you run your company. Build a profit plan and cash budget.

Profit Mastery Module #5 - Financial Gap Analysis: Assess your current survival position, identify the potential costs of future growth, as well as get acquainted with the “Sponge Technique,” an innovative, realistic strategy to wring much needed cash out of a balance sheet.

Profit Mastery Module #6 - Dealing with Banks: Learn how to properly
package and communicate information to increase chances with funding sources. The topic of transition planning is addressed and resources that support this process are provided.

Wells Fargo's Beyond College: 2020 Webinar Series

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 3:00pm CDT 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC: Building responsible credit: Why your credit matters. Gain tools and resources to help you take control of your finances and reach your financial goals.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 3:00pm CDT 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC: Digital natives: Social media smarts (90 minutes). Join a discussion about how social media and digital footprint can promote or destroy your personal brand.

a student walks with a backpack.Preparing today for your tomorrow with the Beyond College: 2020 Webinar Series. Covering a wide variety of topics from personal finance to professional development, the Beyond College: 2020 Webinar Series will help better prepare you for what’s next after college. If prompted, registrants should enter passcode wellsfargo2020 (all lowercase) to register for or listen to the playback of each webinar.

Event Website:
For additional information, please contact Dewey Norwood at

Systematic Racism, Health Disparities, and COVID-19: Leading through Complex Trauma with Resilience and Hope Webinar 

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 22, 2020 2:00-3:00pm
PLACE: Online, Register for  Mental Health First Aid Webinar here 

Speaker: Elizabeth Guroff, MA, LCMFT
Director, Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues. More importantly, however, it’s a tool that public health leaders across the United States have begun to employ to engage in early detection and intervention around the signs and symptoms of specific illnesses. The primer provides concrete tools and engagement with local mental health resources, national organizations, support groups, and online tools for mental health and addiction treatment and support.

University of MN - FREE - Advance Youth Equity Series

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 23, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC:Dismantling white supremacy culture in our organizations.
Learn about white supremacy cultural norms, the five key elements of using a racial equity lens, and actions that can dismantle white supremacy.

DATE/TIME: Friday, November 6, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC:Addressing hurtful ways that adultism shows up
Explore how adultism is harmful to young people, examine how these behaviors show up in nonprofits, and identify actions to create change

DATE/TIME: Friday, November 20, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC:Sharing power with youth
 Examine different youth engagement frameworks, define equity from a youth perspective, and learn how to share power with young people

To extend learnings from our 2019-20 Youth Equity Learning Cohort to the wider youth development community, this fall we are partnering with the Youth Leadership Initiative to host a series of free virtual Youth Equity workshops and technical assistance. These workshops will introduce what it means to use an equity lens in youth work. Each session will provide different frameworks and concepts to analyze our mindsets, behaviors and structures. Participants will reflect on their personal role in creating equitable systems for young people to thrive. Everyone will walk away feeling energized to change and will have practical ideas to improve their programs. Attending all three workshops is not required, but is highly recommended. 

HSMN Diwali Dhamaka 2020 - Last Registration Date: 10/24/2020

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 23, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Online, Register

Two (2) Options to perform for the HSMN’s Diwali Dhamaka event:
● Perform live from your home on Zoom during your time slot on Nov 7th 2020.
● Send a Pre-recorded video of your performance, which will be played during your time slot.

Format & Rules before registering:

Wat Promwachirayan Thai Sunday Market

DATE/TIME: Sundays, October 11 and 25, 2020, 11:00am-6:00pm
PLACE: Wat Thai of Minnesota, 2544 Highway 100 S, St. Louis Park, MN 55416

There will be authentic Thai street food that you can enjoy outside or to-go. Please use a valid cell phone number.
To help with social distancing, we will send you a text message when your order is being prepared and another when your order is ready for pickup. If we need to text or call you, we will use the cell number that you provided.Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and text

-Thai Street Food (GF & V available)
-Thai iced bubble tea + coffee +green tea 
-Mango sticky rice 
-Grilled taro stuffed sticky rice 
-Thai souvenirs 
- Family & pet friendly 
-Socially distanced Kan Tok-northern Thai style dining 
-Cash/contactless credit cards payment options
-Free disposable masks  
-Free event and Free parking 
Event Website:

AMAZEworks Workshop

DATE/TIME: November 5, 2020,  9:00am-11:00am 
PLACE: Online, Register
Behaviors that Trigger Negative Bias

We are most likely to act on our implicit biases when we are triggered by stressful situations. Participants in this workshop will unpack the behaviors from others that they personally struggle with in different environments, reflect on their responses to those behaviors, and examine how implicit bias influences these responses in ways that might unintentionally result in negative outcomes and experiences for others.

YMCA George Wellbeing Hosts Daily Community Response Group Acupuncture Pop-Ups

DATE: Monday through Fridays, September-December 2020
PLACE/TIME: 6-12 participants per session; ages 18 plus

Blaisdell YMCA on 3335 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Midway YMCA on 1761 University Ave W, St Paul, MN 55104

George Wellbeing, an initiative of the YMCA of the North which is a leading nonprofit dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, will be offering free community group acupuncture starting September 8 through December 2020 at the Blaisdell and Midway YMCAs for Y members and the public.

The sessions will follow health and wellbeing expert guidance including hosting the sessions in large studios with additional ventilation and limiting the number of participants being served at a time to create safe physical distancing.

"Health and wellbeing isn’t just about our individual goals of working out and eating right, our wellbeing also needs healing practices in community settings that allow for deep restoration, compassionate connection, and a holistic approach to feeling well,” said Sally St. John, senior director of wellbeing and integrative care at the Y.

St. John adds, “Sustaining our energy and wellbeing through the long complex journey towards health, equity and inclusion is difficult. Our bodies hold generational and current day stress, anxiety, depression and trauma that make it a windy road. Therefore, self-care practices need to intersect with community-care actions to create a successful social justice equation.”

“The YMCA is honored to be working in partnership with Bill and Penny George and The George Family Foundation to provide integrative healing practices to the community,” said Glen Gunderson, president and CEO of the Y.  “When individuals and communities are given the right to self-care practices, people start believing their lives matter, their choices matter and their journey can be something to embrace rather than fear.”

AMAZEworks Workshop

DATE/TIME: December 8th,  9:00am-11:00am 
PLACE: Online, Register
TOPIC: White Fragility: When Good People Behave Badly

Often, good intentions receive more attention than the negative impacts they may produce. In the same way that white superiority created the systems and structures we have in place, it also created the ability for the people who benefit to overlook the effects on those who are marginalized or injured. When confronted with these truths, the reactions of many if not most white Americans fall under the category of white fragility. This is an intense focus on the feelings of white people when their understanding of themselves and their world is challenged. White fragility feeds on the fact that white people generally do not see themselves in racial terms and therefore are not affected by racism. It also works through a simplistic understanding of racism and a belief that white people are generally objective and free of bias. This webinar highlights the ways white fragility appears in the workplace and how it can be addressed for individual and organizational growth. 

Y-U Study for Physical Activity & Wellbeing

If you are 50 years of age and older and would like to learn more about how to stay well and active, the Y-U Study (a partnership between the YMCA of the North and the University of Minnesota) may be right for you. There is no cost for taking part for the 8-week online group sessions, and YMCA member and non-members are welcome.

Program is slated to start in late January 2021 until March.

Participants will attend screening visits, and if eligible, be randomly assigned (like the flip of a coin) to one of two group programs, 9 weeks in length.

There is an initial week to help people get acquainted with Zoom (we staff it with 6-8 tech helpers so the help is very individualized and personal) before the program starts.
Mindful Movement: This group program focuses on teaching techniques to help adults manage their thoughts and emotions and overcome barriers associated with exercise. You will also learn how mindfulness can help your overall health and wellbeing.

Keys to Health & Wellbeing: This group program covers information about things you can do to enhance your own health and wellbeing. You will be introduced to different health-related topics important for people 50 years of age and older.  Eligible participants receive compensation for time and travel if enrolled into the study.

Event web site:
Event Registration:
Contact Email:
Contact phone: (612) 626-2224

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