
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH, Friday, September 4, 2020, V9 Issue 6

  • Monday, September 7:
    • Labor Day - School and District Closed
  • Tuesday, September 8:
    • Brick & Mortar Students Picture Day
    • FYI:  eLearners Will Have Picture Day on February 9th
  • Friday, September 11:
    • Health Screenings Vision Only (KG, 1st, 3rd, 6th Grades)

PTA Membership Drive Going On Now!
Important Dates

9/16:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/24:  Board of Director Meeting

10/7:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/7:  Fall Conference Date

10/19:  No School (Teacher Work Day)

10/23:  End of 1 Quarter Grading Period

10/28:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/29:  Board of Director Meeting

11/11:  Veteran's Day - No School

11/18:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

11/23-27:  Fall Break - No School
2020-21 Academic Calendar

Fall Picture Day for Brick & Mortar Students
Online preorders will continue to be available for 48 hours after picture day.  Once Gigante Productions processes all student photographs a new link will be sent out to families where a proof of the image can be viewed using your student ID as the online code.  At that time, any additional or new orders can be placed.
Please visit to preorder for September 8th, click HERE for details on preorder and package options.  
Uniforms required as these photos are for our 2020-21 yearbook.

PTA Corner
Hello Parents and Welcome Back!

Thank you for your patience and flexibility so far this school year. We are so excited to be back! For the safety of our students, teachers, and staff members – there have been several changes to the normal procedures at Lutz Prep. One of those changes includes limitations of on-campus volunteers. With this change and our new normal, PTA will not be organizing Homeroom Parent efforts for the 2020-2021 school year. This also means that PTA will not be facilitating money collection for teacher gifts including birthdays, holidays and Teacher Appreciation Week. We know that the Lutz Prep parents all love to shower our teachers with gifts and support and we encourage you all to find creative ways to do this throughout this year. There are lists of teacher birthdays and updated “favorites” sheets on the PTA page of the school website, that you can use if you would like to send a gift personally. PTA will continue our efforts to recognize our teachers and staff each month with some sort of hospitality, such as lunches, mailbox gifts, coffee bars, etc. to make sure they know how much we appreciate them and all they do! We will also plan on recognizing our specials, ESE, reading resource, and other teachers who may not have assigned homeroom students for their birthday and holidays.

We realize this is not ideal, however, we do encourage you all to work directly with your child’s teacher to offer virtual support, do at home projects or figure out other creative ways you can help them this year. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to PTA at

Thank you for your understanding and Go Bolts!

Lutz Prep PTA Executive Board
President:  Stefanie Alt       
Treasurer:  Amanda Alvarez          
Recording Secretary:  Amber Loper
Corresponding Secretary:  Jay Ford
Ways and Means:  Jackie Dreksler
Pre-Prep:  Jill Whelton
Elementary:  Jennifer Kouffman
Middle School:  Debbie Annicchiarico
School Support:  Pilar Topping
Yearbook:  Trish Schaefer

PTA Membership Drive Through September 4th - Stay Connected - Join Now!
Click HERE to visit our Member Hub.

2019-20 Yearbooks Still Available
Approximately ten yearbooks are still available from the 2019-20 school year.  Don't miss out!  Click on our PTA Hub to pay and it will be sent home with your student.  

If you you are an eLearner and you have not picked up your yearbook yet please stop by the main office between the hours of 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM to pick up your yearbook.  

Attendance & Being On Time Matters!
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 school hours are 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on early release days)

On campus students must be in their seat and eLearners must be logged into Canvas and ready to start the day at 8:00 AM when the bell rings and morning announcements begin. 

Entry locations for all buildings will open promptly at 7:30 AM for on campus student arrival.

Please review the academic calendar on our school website and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.  Good attendance leads to academic success!

New Procedure to Report Student Absence
Due to new health protocols that we have in place for the 20-21 school year we have created a new method for notifying the office if your student will be absent.  We kindly request that you fill out the linked form instead of calling or emailing the school.  

Please click HERE and complete the online form to report your child's absence.  

Please send any doctor's notes or other attendance correspondence to
Carpool Questions
If your family needs additional tags for carpooling purposes, families are responsible for making a photo copy of YOUR LP Car Tags of the CURRENT School Year.
Originals or photo copies of the official car tag will be required for driving through the car line pick up field. (no photos on phones will be accepted in car line)
Before and After-School Care Registration


  • Aftercare is has a few openings due to students dropping out, please complete the updated form on our website as soon as possible. 
  • Half day aftercare is still available and morning care is still available. 
Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and the updated registration form that includes a wait list option.

There is limited space available in these programs, sign up now to secure your spot.

Log on to Lutz Preparatory Canvas:
  • Student id is:
  • Password is:  Studentid!   (HCPC Student ID with exclamation mark on the end - example:  1234567!)  
    • If you do not know your student ID or need help resetting your password please email 
Please note, the Lutz Prep link to log into Canvas is different that that of the HCPS District so some of links in the district tutorials below will not work for LP.  Our Lutz Preparatory parent accounts will be rolling into place over the next few weeks and we will send out detailed instructions with log in information soon.

The tutorials are good overviews for learning about Canvas.  But, students should always use the link above to log into our Lutz Prep Canvas server. 
Reminder:  Zoom Meeting Guidelines
Please refer to the full eLearning Contract located on the last page of our 20-21 Parent Student Handbook for full details

Excerpt from the eLearning contract related to Zoom:
  • The eLearning student will be fully dressed including a collared shirt
  • People present in the background of the eLearning students’ virtual screen will be dressed appropriately.
  • During class the eLearning student will have eLearning etiquette: Keep computer on mute, no eating, no speaking to others in home environment, student present in front of camera only, preferred to be seated at desk or table.
  • The eLearning student is the only one allowed to participate via live lessons, parents may not use this platform to communicate with the teacher.
  • If communicating on behalf of the eLearning student, parents may do so once the live learning lesson is complete and/or when the teacher advises.
  • Parents may communicate with teachers via email. The expected response time is 24-48 hours per the handbook.
Uniform Reminders
As we are on our way into the third week of school we want to remind our parents and students of some important highlights about our uniform policy.  

Parents, please complete a quick check of your child to ensure they are in the proper LP uniform prior to leaving for school each day. 

Please click HERE for an excerpt of the uniform section of our handbook.  
Monday through Thursday
Friday Spirit Day
Board of Directors
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise.  Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.

The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website.  Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website.  Next Meeting:  Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM via zoom.

New Directors:  Please welcome two new members to our board:
  • Dominic Kouffman began his term at the August 27, 2020 meeting
  • Yulander Wells, will begin his term at the September 24th, 2020 meeting
We are honored to have them join our team.
Important Message from the Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran Regarding the Census

September 3, 2020
TO:                  Florida Parents
FROM:            Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran
SUBJECT:      United States Census
The United States Census occurs every ten years and has a powerful impact on the future of Florida communities and their voice in Congress. The United States Census Bureau has announced that they will complete counting throughout the United States on September 30th. It is critical that the Florida education community take this brief survey as it directly benefits Florida students and families and informs the amount of federal funding distributed to states for programs that impact schools, students, and families.
Data from the 2020 Census will impact federal funding for programs that supports students in low-income areas of the state, services for students with disabilities, career and technical education programs, adult education, and many other programs important to the education of students in Florida. Census data informs federal funding for sanitization and personal protection equipment (PPE), cleaning supplies and other materials needed to help combat COVID-19 in schools.

We hope you encourage your education families, neighbors, and communities to participate in the census by sharing this message.

To complete the census online, visit

To complete the census via phone:
English: 1-844-330-2020
Spanish (7 - days a week, 7am - 2am): 844-468-2020
Haitian-Creole (Monday – Friday, 8am -10pm): 844-477-2020
Thank you!

Commissioner Richard Corcoran
For more information about the Florida Department of Education, visit
We are located at:  325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Leader in Me

Click HERE to visit the LIM page on our website.
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol
Copyright © 2020 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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