September  2020 Rosebud UDDATE

AAUW Houston-Peach Branch

September 2020


September 2020 Presidents' Message

Does it seem possible that we are entering our sixth month of the COVID-19 pandemic?  Some days fly by, and others drag, as we try to get used to the new normal.  Despite all that is going on around us, I hope you are all well and making the most of the time you have to do new and exciting things. I have cooked a lot, learned to bake bread, and have read more books in the last six months than I did in the last year!

It is now September, a time we usually attribute to back-to-school.  Even that is not business as usual.  My prayers are with the school staff, teachers, administrators and students as they try to navigate the return to school.  Whether it is in-person, virtual or hybrid, I hope everyone has a great year.

We had a great Board meeting last Saturday at my house.  We wore masks (at least initially!) and social distanced.  There were six there in person and another six attended by Zoom.  I cannot thank Margaret enough for hosting that Zoom event.  It went well enough that we have determined we can do hybrid meetings for our regularly scheduled monthly meetings.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend the meetings in person, you will be able to join us by Zoom, again, thanks to Marvelous Margaret!

The meeting will be on Tuesday September 8 at 6:30 at the Byron Welcome Center on Chapman Road in Byron, parallel to I-75, next to Sutton Chevrolet.  We will wear masks and social distance, and no refreshments will be served.

Program Vice President Wilhemina has lined up a diverse and interesting calendar of speakers for us.  Our speakers may join us in person or by Zoom, but they will all bring us important information.

I look forward to seeing you in person or virtually on September 8. Stay safe and healthy.  I love and miss you all.



Reading Is Fundamental Update
by Carrie Smith

Due to the Covid virus, we will be unable to do Reading Is Fundamental in one of the local elementary schools this year.  We will still purchase books to give to Cherished Children Daycare Centers for the 3 and 4 year olds.  

We are still welcoming donations to support this project.  Hope we all can encourage donations. 

Be on the lookout for distribution dates for Cherished Children!



Houston-Peach in State Leadership

If you look on the AAUW Georgia website, the first thing you will notice is that five of the nine members on the 2020-2021 Executive Board are from the Houston-Peach Branch! Carrie Smith and Laurie Shaw are Co-Presidents, Sharon Dawson is Treasurer, Marlene Humphry is AAUW Funds Chair and Evelyn Merk is Bylaws Chair.  Is that a record? Don't know, but it certainly speaks to the quality of leadership in our branch. These folks all deserve our congratulations and support.






Upcoming Branch Events

Our September meeting will be held, both in person and virtually, on Tuesday, September 8 at 6:30 P.M..


The in-person meeting will be held at the Byron Welcome Center, 209 Chapman Road, Byron GA 31008.  Those attending will social distance and wear masks. There will be no refreshments.

The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom. Please log in using the following link:

Meeting ID: 833 5567 3073
Passcode: 417918

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, you may find the following tutorial video helpful:



How Are You Navigating the
New Normal?

Pandemic Musings from
Houston-Peach Members


 I have been a bit lazy during the Covid virus, but did succeed in getting a knee replacement in March.  Have been watching lots of old movies and reading lots of books.  Thank goodness for video chats with my sisters, too.                                                                           -Carrie Smith

I began 'lock down' two days after spending two days and a night at the Peaches to Beaches sale for Family Promise and had my first "outdoor" experience [other than picking strawberries] this past Saturday at my first ever Shooting Clays Fundraiser, also for Family Promise...never been to a hunting club before, but it was for a good cause.  In between, been working with various organizations, writing a grant, helping Trinity UMC plan to celebrate its' 60th Anniversary, saw our granddaughter head back to college and have her roommate test positive for COVID the second week, found 23 new surnames in my genealogy quest, and have tried to remain sane with all the political and social unrest.....otherwise, coping very well!                                -Carolyn Schomer

With my favorite volunteer job (being an AARP tax preparer) cut off mid-season, I found myself busy with those long put off household chores, cards and calls to shut-ins.  However, about six weeks into my incarceration, I fell into acceptance of my fate, and now am more content with quiet pleasures like reading, taking a walk, and daily reminders of my blessings. It is not necessary for me to fill every second of the day with activity.  My beautiful purple 2020 planner was definitely an unneeded purchase!                -Sharon Dawson

Like Sharon, I plunged into several projects in the Spring, but have arrived at a routine that centers around LOTS of walking, reading, painting, and Zooming. Thank goodness for friends in my "bubble" who will walk with me! And I sure do miss travel!
                                           -Margaret Mathews

I told my suitcases we would not be traveling this year, so I have been dealing with emotional baggage!
                                            -Sharon Waugh


For those of us who are itching to hit the road, but can't for the foreseeable future, here is an article that should provide some vicarious travel:


AAUW Links

GA STEM Google Group


Branch Officers


Marlene Humphry

Program Vice President

Wilhemenia Sibley

Membership Vice President
Susan Blair


Sharon Waugh


Recording Secretary
Sharon Dawson

Corresponding Secretary/

Margaret Mathews


Copyright © 2020 Corresponding  Secretary
Margaret Mathews 
104 Fall Harvest, Centerville, Ga 31028
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