
You helped change my life!

Have you ever heard someone make that statement? At Living Hope Ministries we hear that statement often from people transformed by the gospel - people YOU have invested in through your generosity.  

The sound of the voice on the phone was not recognizable, but all too familiar.  It was the mother who just discovered that her son believes he is gay.  Through sobs and tears, she pours out her heart and her confusion trying to understand how this could happen to her son. "We raised him in the church.  He's such a good boy. He has never given us a minute's trouble. I think he's confused, but I don't know what to say.  I don't want to say or do the wrong thing. Can you help me?"

As I reassure her that I understand how she feels and promise her that God has not abandoned her or her son, she calms a bit. We talk for over an hour about what has transpired and how important it is to truly listen to her son, seek to understand what he is expressing, empathize with his situation, and assure her son of her unfailing love for him.  We talk about some ways to talk with her son that doesn't condemn him for feelings he didn't ask for, but also points him to the truth of God's Word and God's love for him. 

By the end of our conversation, she knows she is not alone. She has a list of resources and ideas on how to move forward in their relationship, and she knows that neither she nor her son, is abandoned by God. 

"You are a life-safer. I just didn't know where to turn and I couldn't tell my church. Thank you for listening, understanding, and giving me hope!" she tells me, fighting back the tears. 

At Living Hope Ministries we get dozens of calls like this each week and we respond to each one with kindness, care, and empathy, pointing each person to the One who can truly bring life-transforming change and hope in our lives - Jesus!  Because of YOU, we are able to do all of it for free!

You can schedule your gift for NTGD today, right now, just click the picture above which will take you to the site.  14.5% of our budget is raised on NTGD.  Help us help those who are searching for answers and looking for hope for themselves or their loved ones.
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