Carpentry Clippings, 3 September 2020

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule.  You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.

  • 4 September, 10:00AM UTC - The Carpentries Community Discussion with Serah Rono
  • 7 September, 10:00AM UTC - The Carpentries Community Discussion with Angelique van Rensburg

  • 8 September, 6:00PM UTC - The Carpentries Community Discussion with Scott C Peterson

  • 9 September, 2:00PM UTC -  The Carpentries Community Discussion with Sarah Stevens

  • 15 September, 6:00PM UTC - The Carpentries Community Discussion with Scott C Peterson

  • 16 September, 2:00AM UTC - The Carpentries Community Discussion with Matthias Liffers

For Instructors: Have you taught a workshop recently? Please consider attending one of the above community discussions to share your experience and help prepare future Carpentries instructors

Community News

Call for Feedback: The Carpentries Online Workshops Pilot
If you have recently taught a Carpentries workshop online, we would like to hear from you! Please take some time to fill out this survey and help The Carpentries continue to iterate on our online workshops:

CarpentryCon @ Home
The 2020 CarpentryCon @ Home ended 28 August. Thank you to everyone who attended, supported, or led any of the sessions over the seven weeks. You can find a list of the sessions with their Etherpads and notes linked here

Additionally, a number of sessions are available to stream at The Carpentries YouTube under the CarpentryCon @ Home playlist.  

Finally, we would love to hear from you about your experiences with CarpentryCon @ Home. Please take the time to complete the CarpentryCon @ Home Experience Survey.

Committee and Task Force News    

Update from the Curriculum Community
Six new lessons have been added to The Carpentries Incubator. These lessons are being developed by the Curriculum Community and are at varying stages of the lesson life cycle. Fore more information about the Carpentries Incubator, read about The Carpentries community developed lessons here.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Geospatial Data Carpentry Videos
Carpentries Community Members Clare Michaud and Sarah Stevens wrote this blog post to discuss their efforts to run a Geospatial Data Carpentry workshop asynchronously through the use of recorded videos. Read the full blog here.

Introducing our new Curriculum Community Developer
Dr. Toby Hodges recently joined the Carpentries Core Team as our new Curriculum Community Developer. Welcome him and read his introduction post here

Report from the Mega-Coderefinery workshop
Originally posted on the CodeRefinery website, this post details Carpentries Community Members Richard Darst and Naoe Tatara’s experiences running a large online workshop with 100 learners. Read about their experiences here

Discussion on use of code in teaching Undergraduates.
In The Carpentries discuss Topicbox, community member Ignasi Lucas started a discussion about the use of code in teaching undergraduates. To read the responses and to contribute, visit the post here

Tweet of the Week

Community Job Postings

The Carpentries & CyVerse are hiring for a Science Engagement Postdoctoral Position
This is a joint postdoc position between The Carpentries and CyVerse across a range of activities to develop, enhance, and expand the capacity of The Carpentries and CyVerse to develop curriculum, and build communities and opportunities for training in digital and computational science skills. Learn more and apply here

The UCLA Digital Library is looking for a Digital Curriculum Program Coordinator
The UCLA Library seeks a collaborative, enthusiastic, and creative individual who is experienced in digital pedagogy and has experience working in a large public higher education institution. To learn more about the position and to apply, please visit here.

Papers and Articles For and From the Community

How Two Biologists are making Data Science Resources Accessible to Anyone. 
Following the CarpentryCon @ Home OpenCIDER sprint session, one of the attendees wrote this article highlighting the work of Community Members and sprint leaders Dr. Sara El-Gebali and Nazeefa Fatima. Read the article here


A Virtual Symposium on Meeting the Challenge of COVID-19 in Africa
The Center for Pandemic Research, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University, New York City, and the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg are hosting a virtual symposium on the challenge of COVID-19 in Africa from 1-4 September. For more information and to register, please visit here.

Save the date: Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Science Symposium - 20 October 2020
Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, USA is hosting a virtual symposium featuring talks from researchers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. For more information, visit or email  

Applications are open for the 2021 Better Scientific Software Fellowship program
The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship program fosters and promotes practices, processes and tools to improve developer productivity and software sustainability of scientific codes. Each 2021 BSSw Fellow will receive up to $25,000 for an activity that promotes better scientific software.  For more information see Carpentries Community Member David Bernholdt’s post on discuss here.

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)

To commemorate the end of CarpentryCon @ Home, we are resharing our wrap-up post from CarpentryCon 2018 in Dublin. Thank you again to everyone who made CarpentryCon @ Home (and CarpentryCon 2018) a big success. Read the post here.

Other places to connect

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